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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/08/2020 in Posts

  1. 3 points

    Any WLS peeps from 2014 still around?

    I've been here the entire time. I took off a while post surgery but after I had my regain and got refocused, I came back. I do still post but SO many that were here are long gone. Sadly. In reading many threads over the last couple years I feel like so many pre op and fresh post op people are looking for shortcuts, secrets to manipulate their surgery and ways around the 'work' of being a patient. It is a LOT of work. And yes, six years later I still have to put in the work every day. There are SO MANY foods I haven't had since before my surgery. I was NEVER the person who could go back to eating everything in small amounts. I know some surgeons are ok with that, but not mine, and FOR SURE not my body! Overall, I'm doing great. I am maintaining weight loss. As many here know I had some regain and had a bit of a health crisis. My child goes to a huge national keto clinic for epileptics and under the supervision of a physician there I went hard core keto a few years back. I lost all my regain and more. I am at a bit of a plateau right now after working with a registered dietician and attempting to increase my carbs. I bumped upward a few pounds and put an end to that effort. Back in ketosis now, I'm back on track. I continue to move my weight downward and STILL there are numbers I strive for. It took me FIVE years to get the confidence to join a 'tribe' of exercise folks that I loved. After 2 years of bouncing around different places, attempting stuff at home etc., I finally found a CrossFit box that I love. I go a few days a week. I really enjoy it and will use some variation of this modality for as long as I can because it really works for me. I still do, and will ALWAYS identify as a WLS patient. I am proud of what I went through. I am focused and dedicated. I am positive that I wouldn't be seeing my upcoming 45th birthday had I not had the surgery. I had a massive health issue that was spiraling out of control and I didn't even know it was there until after surgery (after I had some regain and some testing that investigated symptoms I thought were related to regain)...Had I continued to gain weight and skipped surgery, I would be dead now. It's sobering and makes me that much MORE thankful for this option. I don't take it lightly.
  2. 1 point

    Body Hair

    So at the seven month mark and I have lost a fair bit of weight and while I never considered myself super hairy before as I shrink my back hair and body hair in general seems to be condensing. So not only do I have some gnarly excess skin but I look like Sasquatch. I am hesitant to wax given the excess skin has anyone got any advice? Anyone try laser hair removal?
  3. 1 point

    Anyone Have March Surgery Date?😊

    Yep - sleeve surgery on March 3.
  4. 1 point

    Pre Surgery jitters

    My ESG is scheduled for tomorrow and I’m a bit nervous. I’ve looked into WLS for years but could never get past the surgery and recovery considerations because I never wanted anyone to know. Plus, I couldn’t come to grips with losing parts of my stomach with some of the surgeries. Then I heard about ESG. I worked up the courage to tell my husband, fully prepared to get the criticism and push back. Surprisingly, he was supportive. There is a man that works for him that had WLS and has lost 84 lbs so far. I’m sure that influenced him. He is tall and never gains weight, so he has never understood before. Just stop eating has always been his advice. Anyway, since he was on board, I found an ESG dr and since that time, the process has moved lightning quick. I think that is the hardest part because I’m not sure I have my head wrapped around this. But I’m moving forward anyway. I just joined this forum and haven’t had time to read much. Since my surgery is tomorrow, I thought I’d just go ahead and ask all of you about your ESG procedure. How did it go, did you have much pain, how long was the recovery, any issues with the surgery or the recovery, what has been your progress so far, and the biggest question of all is are you happy with your decision and would you make the same choice again? Thanks in advance everyone.
  5. 1 point

    Anyone Have March Surgery Date?😊

    Yes, everything went perfectly. I am having a lot of pain in my lower abdomen though, on the left side abut 4 inches to the left of my belly button. Any thoughts on what that could be? BTW-It only hurts when I am up moving around, when I sit or lay down it completely goes away. Kristal
  6. 1 point
    Another March3rd-er (?) having an easy time of it. Since day 1 post op they given me vitamin water and a small yogurt drink to take in addition to water, and yesterday (day 3), I had some cottage cheese (considered a purée here - OMG in Estonia they must love it because the dairy case seems to have more cottage cheese options than yogurt ones), and baby food (the kind that come in the squeezable soft packs). It’s weird to me that both of these foods (in addition to other purées) were recommended to me, since that wasn’t the case when I had my first surgery in Mexico. In any event, since I’m living out of a hotel until next week I don’t have a lot of options food wise. Long story short, I’m doing well getting my liquids in, ok with the protein, and the purées didn’t cause any issues. If I hadn’t gone through this before, I’d be worried, but as it is I’m feeling great. The first time I did this (sleeve in 2017j, I was the only one in the hospital with little to no pain, was walking around at least 4 hours a day, and I actually accused my surgeon of not having done the surgery despite the scars and drainage tube coming out of my body. She told me that some people are just lucky, they go through surgery and the post op period without any problems and that I should be thankful for it. She even showed me a picture of my excised stomach to prove it. My current surgeon told me that he did check out my sleeve before he made it even smaller for the RNY and told me it was perfect, so whatever doubts I had in my mind for the past three years were put to rest. The one thing I do know is that transitioning to soft or mushy foods will be, not necessarily problematic, but that we’ll feel it more. That’s why I’m focusing on maintaining good habits (weigh or measure food, no drinking 30 min before and after any food), since I think that’s one of the main reasons my sleeve failed the first time.
  7. 1 point
    I'm so sorry that your family members have treated you with disrespect. My mom made a few comments when I was young about losing weight, although I was only maybe 15 pounds overweight, nonetheless it makes you feel less than. I have 2 adult children and to be honest I have worried about their weight. Neither is overweight, but I know the challenges I have faced and don't want them to ever go through that themselves. However, I would never comment negatively to either one. My so is a body builder, and that has worries, and my daughter has always been small. Maybe your family cares but has a shi*** way of showing. Anyway, do what is best for you and do not feel guilty not telling anyone. I have a lot to lose & really don't care who knows, but we all need to do what is best for our own self. Best of luck on your journey!😊
  8. 1 point
    I wouldn't have told a single person if my doctor hadn't insisted that I have someone stay with me up to 24hours after the procedure. One person knows, a friend who came with me, I stressed the importance to her of my privacy. I certainly don't feel bad or guilty about not telling anyone else. My body my business. I understand your concern with your partner, if he has disclosed past confidences you made to him, how can you trust him not to do it again.
  9. 1 point
    Well as for me, starting weight 355, at least that I admit to. That was October 2017. When I first started seeking back in August 2015 I was still yo- yo-ing so couldn't give you solid for then, Switched to OHIO STATE March 2018, due to having completed another program twice, drat their fiendish souls and Nasty McFilthy MD who refused me my surgery, some things speeded up. Psych April, Met Nurse Practioners, Exercise Therapist, Dietician Late May, Presurgery consult mid July with Dr Needleman , and date then scheduled for September 5th. I had been gently losing weight until this point. Dr,Needleman, while palpating my abdomen found liver margin in the right subcostal(under rib area. Not "happy" sign, this meant NASH, given a choice of 2,3, or 4 weeks to shrink my chubby. liver down, I chose the entire month of August , and dropped 15 pounds that month alone. SW 319, surgery itself was wonderful , no real pain, no gas to expell. At a week,i had a weird purple,haze travel across my belly, Doctors theory: when doing surgery,a baby blood vessel got nicked, when I got enough Lovenox in my system it started bleeding, nowhere for the blood to go but between the fat and skin. Odd looking like,I was carrying an aliens baby in there. And I had already started dropping weight. I had another sppiintment a week later, they asked how I was doing, Doctor,had said I could move up to,level,3 , I told them I can't do,it, I think,maybe there,is a stricture in there. Oh no no they said, this can't be, you're just swollen inside, and I kept trying and Precious Pouch kept on her mission,of puking up as much as if. not more than I took in. Finally,on October 12, an endoscopy,was done, yes I have a stricture of my,stoman yes I also have 5 additional ulcers, 2 inside my pouch,& 3 more 9n the the back wall of my jejunem, the portion of my small intestinal wall. my pouch connects to. I m telling you all this because,when you use phone instead of computer, you cannot,enter things on profile. Another one on 10/26 , not successful and another coming ZN
  10. 1 point
    I've embraced talking about the surgery AS PART of a lifestyle change. I've actually had a few coworkers pursue the surgery after seeing my success with it. I'm not sure why some are so ashamed to discuss surgery. I see it as an opportunity to better educate people and perhaps help a few with their own struggles along the way. No shame in my game.

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