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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/10/2020 in all areas

  1. 2 points

    Anxiety through the roof! Help!

    Your anxiety is TOTALLY normal! I'm a mom, I get it. I was pretty terrified too. But I am now 10 months post op and have NO REGRETS! You will get through this! I want to piggy back on the person who said there is no safer place than an OR table. I agree. If your surgeon thought there was a reason why you might not make it, and that the risk was greater than having a successful outcome, they wouldn't let you have surgery. I know you are scared...but do it anyway. Conquer the fear! You're going to learn so much about yourself and your capabilities after this surgery. It's as much a self love adventure as it is a weight loss one!
  2. 1 point

    Help im lost. Stage 3

    100% stick to your surgeon's plan. Battle the head hunger. You will live - even if it's a bit miserable for the next few weeks. You're not just eating this way to help yourself heal - you also need to use this time to create healthy habits. You will be able to eat normal again - I'm 10 months out - and the habits I created in the beginning have immensely helped me stick to eating right. Deviating from your plan is a slippery slope - I stalled for over a month because I stopped being mindful. I found ways to "cheat". I am not saying that is what you're trying to do...I completely understand how hard the liquid phases are. My appetite was roaring! Hang in there and believe in yourself! And as others have stated...hit those protein and fluid goals. That will help you stay somewhat satisfied until you get to move on to the next stages
  3. 1 point
    Hello everyone this is probably going to be long but really could use the input. Nov 2019 I had the gastric sleeve done. Since this I have had nothing but troubles. 10 days after surgery I was admitted due to blood in my belly and a hematoma on my spleen. They fixed that and discharged 3 days later. I have not been able to eat much more then let's say a chicken nugget(less then an ounce of anything including liquids) I got dehydrated was admitted again 29 days post op. Stayed for 12 days got a picc line with tpn since I can not eat or drink much. During this stay had endoscopy and they stretched a stricture lower part of stomach to intestines from 15mm to 25ish mm. Went home no change still not able to eat. Had another endoscopy and stretch this time my stomach was twisted and she tried stretching to 30mm but was only able to get to about 28mm. Went home still no change to eating and drinking. On the 16th of January I had another endoscopy stretch. Stomach was twisted again and was barely able to stretch it at all. I aspirated during the procedure. I woke up to them telling me to keep coughing to get it up. They observed me for 3hrs was on 4liters of oxygen at first then 2. I got up to pee with help my oxygen corrected itself. They said there was no need to keep me I only aspirated a tiny amount. They let me go home (2 hr drive home) I was freezing hole way hubby cranked up heat. Took temp when I got home and found I had a fever of 102.6 went to local er where they did xray and ct found I had developed pneumonia and I also had a pulmonary embolism. They felt I should go back to hospital where this happened and I stayed there for 6 days. 5 days of iv antibiotics and heparin for embolism then discharged on lovonox to continue for 6 months to a yr. I still have no change so now its crunch time it has been 3 months since and cant eat or drink much at all. They want to do another stretch which I would need to come off the lovanox which is putting my life at risk. Not to mention I have had it done 3 times and it has not helped. Also if it doesnt work i would need to have the bypass revision which means 2 procedures putting me at risk 2 times) Surgeon says only other option is revision to bypass(unless he sees scar tissue and can fix. But i have to agree to bypass incase there is no scar tissue or it cant be fixed) My family is up in arms it's hard either way. I dont want anymore procedures but I need to get stomach fixed and I need to get back to work. 3 months no pay we cant take this financially anymore. So for me I feel like they need to do the bypass and I hope for the best and have minimal complications. However the rest of family is worried I will have more complications than I have currently. Plus my sister had bypass and has had to have 15 different repairs(this makes them more worried) I could really use some insight on this what would you do? What do you think I should do?
  4. 1 point
    Fiddlinjellybean, Congratulations! Thatโ€™s a very exciting milestone! Read, read, read, ask, ask, ask!๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ‘๐ŸŒŸ
  5. 1 point
    Twins!! Surgery and pre-OP diet are the same as yours!! Excited but a little nervous! Don't want to be one of the ones with complications.
  6. 1 point

    Immune system issues?

    No issues here
  7. 1 point

    Washing your garments

    I have 2 arm garments and 3 abdominal ones. I wash the set i have on before i shower and just put a fresh set on afterwards. Im the worst about remembering to move my wash to the dryer, so i need the extra sets. im almost 8 weeks and iโ€™ve been wearing all of mine at least 22 hours a day, every day (though there was a three day stint when i went compression-less due to experimentation AND laziness, but I went back to wearing them cuz TBH, i like them. Lately, iโ€™ve started wearing a โ€œbaseโ€ tanktop underneath all of it, as I start to smell ripe if I get too hot or sweaty in these non-breathable fabrics. The cotton tank is easily changed out of if its not shower time yet.
  8. 1 point

    Why I Eat When I'm Not Hungry

    I ate because I was hungry, bored, tired, stressed.... I was a gold star member of the clean plate club. Most meal I finished in about five minutes going for quantity versus taking my time and tasting things. I was living to eat. After surgery I had zero hunger. I drank/ate only because I needed to meet my daily protein goals. So now I am reprogramming my fat brain to eat to live. The only problem is filling the extra time I have now because I no longer think about food that much any more. I still catch myself thinking about eating things I shouldn't, but I can quickly put those thoughts to the side and remember why I had surgery. Which is to remake myself.
  9. 1 point
    since you have reflux, this decision should be a no-brainer. RNY. I would not even consider sleeve. P.S. I had gastric bypass for that very reason. I had GERD pre-surgery, and there's no way I wanted to risk it getting worse. I see a lot of people revising from sleeve to RNY for that very reasons - sometimes people who never even had GERD prior to surgery. I hav no regrets at all - I'm very happy with my RNY.
  10. 1 point
    What I wish I knew before I had surgery five years ago. When vets told me you will be able to eat more as you progress was so true. Working on the mental battles of weight loss was not easy. Overcoming my behaviors was one of the best gifts out of surgery. They are not 100% gone. I manage them much better. I'm older 45 day of surgery - 51 now. All the stress over vanity was a bit ridiculous for me. Honestly, I look better not obese. My loose skin is livable and I have gained muscle weight lifting. It has filled out the skin a bit. I looked into plastics twice. I backed out both times. I am happy with my body and rock my old fart self. Transitioning to maintenance was not what I had expected.

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