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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/06/2020 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    March 6th for me!!!
  2. 2 points
    I might. I’m approved and paid my show of good faith fee that I am not going to weenie out. I’m waiting for them to call and schedule the surgery which I hope will be in March after my boss returns from maternity leave.
  3. 2 points
    If you already have GERD the better surgery would be the RYN. I had terrible GERD and gastritis because of my first surgery and my surgeon suggested the RYN. I am now off my blood pressure meds, and my heart burn meds! A goof friend of mine had it and is now completely off her diabetic medication! By the way our stats are almost the same, only I am an inch taller.
  4. 1 point

    Anyone Have March Surgery Date?😊

    Hi All... Not sure if there is already a thread for March surgery yet, but if not, here’s one and ready to support one another! My Gastric Bypass is scheduled 3/11/2020...working to get my head right for 2 week pre-op😳!
  5. 1 point

    Anyone Have March Surgery Date?😊

    Ohhh, IamBinkyBink Sooo True!! I’ve been practicing pre-op diet past few days, tho my real pre-op start date is 2/26. I must really be carb addicted b/c I am so sluggish, dragging and blah since I started. And yes, if not for cooking for hubby and not being in a stressed low mood, it might be easier.😪. Please forgive my wha wha wha, that’s not who I am nor want to be! I need to back up and realize how hard I’ve worked to get to this point, how thrilled I was getting approval, then the surgery date, and not sabotage myself after all of that! This board and knowing others have walked this walk and felt much the same yet came out victorious and thrilled by triumphing over food for good health, enjoying clothes again, not having to ignore the mirror, is a Huge Blessing! Hugs and Thanks to Everyone! WE KNOW IT IS WORTH IT, WE ARE WORTH IT!
  6. 1 point
    VRox33, Hello, and I’m a newbie as well😅. When I saw surgeon last Oct. my mindset was same as yours—set on sleeve, and only sleeve. He asked re: acid reflux and yes, I do have it at times. His explanation and picture drawing of what happens to GERD/reflux after sleeve was a major let down, but I (secretly) still held hope for sleeve. As I researched more, and especially the very real experiences on these support boards, I realized he’s SO on target. The risks/dangers/incidents of increased reflux after sleeve seem far riskier to my situation than RYN. Yes, we’ll perhaps have a few more challenges with absorption and medication adjustment, but hopefully, ideally, our surgery will not only be a “one and done” requiring no revisions, but our acid reflux will be greatly alleviated, as well. I also feel great trust and confidence that RYN has been around the longest, and still considered the gold standard by many people. Just my experience...Best Wishes in your decision!
  7. 1 point
    I asked this question at my 6 month and much to my surprise he he said to start the research process now as it will take time to get an appointment then they will advise where they suggest being weight wise before they can do whatever procedure to get my desired results. I have my 9 month follow up today and next week I see the plastic surgeon for the initial consult (took 3 months to get an appointment) I am still 30lbs from my goal and my progress has slowed to a crawl. I could still get in a lot more activity and really need something to motivate me as I can feel complacency of my "new normal".
  8. 1 point

    March 3rd New date!!!!

    Congrats! My surgery is also March 3rd!
  9. 1 point
    Clear means clear, so sorry no chocolate anything 😢 Also scopalamine patches work wonders for post surgical nausea, ask your Surgeon for it. Good Luck 💚
  10. 1 point

    Are Plastics Pretty Much Inevitable?

    not inevitable, but with the amount of weight you're likely to lose (I'm looking at your starting weight), you're likely to have loose skin. HOWEVER, a lot of us are able to hide it really well, so you're likely the only person who'll know it's there. I've had plastics because it was driving ME nuts, but no one else knew about it. It was easy to hide. I was just careful to wear elbow-length (or longer) sleeves and a slightly oversized, long-ish top that covered up all the abdominal skin (I don't have much excess skin on my thighs and legs - it was mostly in my gut). Here's a picture of me BEFORE I had plastics. I lost over 200 lbs. See any loose skin?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
