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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/13/2020 in Magazine Articles

  1. 1 point
    Louisa Latela

    Go With Your Gut!

    When we do not pay attention to our intuition there is a low level anxiety/energy that constantly runs in the background of our mind/body. And we consciously (or not so consciously) think things like “I know I should speak up for myself at work, but I don’t want to make waves.” “I really should have an omelet for breakfast but the donut looks good, I know I’ll feel sick afterwards, oh it doesn't matter, I'll eat better tomorrow.” “I never should have volunteered to do that project: I don't have the time, but I didn't want to disappoint my friend.” “I know my partner treats me disrespectfully, he doesn’t really mean it I know he wants to change. I’m gonna keep my mouth shut and hope he changes soon.” etc. Having all this background chatter is annoying. Guess What?? Overeating or eating foods that make you sleepy or foggy is a GREAT way to dull that noise. However if you want to lose weight and keep it off in a healthfully, you must learn to respond to your overeating triggers in positive, self nurturing way. If ignoring your intuition is one of your triggers here is a simple way to begin to notice your intuition. When you make a commitment to "playing around with this" you will undoubtedly begin to be more aware of your gut instincts in more important areas of your life: relationships, work, health. Once you start to trust your intuition you will continually be guided to people places and things that you support you in your quest to life a healthy joy-filled life! This comes from my Nurturing Nudge # 55 Go With Your Gut! Practice listening to and acting on your intuitive hunches. If this is a new concept for you, start out with small things like trusting your gut when it comes to getting in the fastest moving line at the bank, or finding a great parking spot. In these instances your intuitive hunch is the very first feeling/thought/inclination that comes up when you pose a question. For instance your intuitive hunch might be to get in a longer line at the bank, something your rational mind would argue. But I challenge you to go with your gut. More times than not I bet you find that your intuitive hunch was right. Another easy way to better trust your instincts is to call or email a friend when the thought of them pops up in you mind. Whenever I do this I usually find that my friend was just thinking about me or that he or she needed my support at the exact time I reached out to him/her. This is great practice for learning to live your life in connection with your Higher Power, your Intuitive Knowing, which will always guide you to act in ways that are loving and respectful to yourself and others; that support your Highest Good. Know this: You have all the wisdom and knowledge you will ever need inside you. Practice accessing, listening to, and acting on its promptings. When you do this you might be surprised to notice that you experience a feeling of lightness and increased energy, a greater sense of well being, and a sense of things flowing easily and effortlessly! It is soooo cool to follow your instincts and see that they were right on even when they made no logical sense! Kinda makes your heart giggle!! AFFIRMATIONS I trust my gut! My intuition guides my every action! The more I listen to my intuition the louder it speaks! My gut rocks! Live In Love 😘 Louisa If you've had weight loss surgery but found that you've regained some weight this group may be a valuable resource for getting back on track. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/lighten-up-tickets-53027486640?fbclid=IwAR3hCtIcVvH46SlVTyyOEN-vzTbBPc7OiMEoahTlWxokL1qHuOLAhOpIukg
  2. 1 point
    With restaurants, fast food, and other prepared foods being such a big part of our culture, you may not be able to, or even want to, stop eating out. That is okay, even after WLS. You will just need to be a savvy customer to be sure that wherever you are, you get a meal that fits into your meal plan. Take heart: it is almost always possible. The Trouble with Eating Out Research has been clear on the differences between eating out and preparing food at home. Restaurant meals tend to be bigger and higher in calories. Beyond that, they are higher in sodium and saturated fat, and lower in fiber. That does not bode well for weight loss, but you are not doomed. Most restaurants are willing and able to accommodate you. You may be pleasantly surprised at the choices. Do Your Homework (Or Procrastinate) Most restaurants have their menus posted online. Many have their nutritional facts online. Check before you go to the restaurant, and decide on your meal before you get there. When it comes time to order, you need not browse the menu for temptations. Or Procrastinate It is not always possible to check beforehand, and that is okay. Just keep your goal in mind: Some lean protein, such as eggs, chicken, or fish. A vegetable. A small amount of a healthy starch and/or healthy fat. Build that meal from the items you see on the menu. The Customer Is Always Right If you need another expression to drive home the point, what about, “He who pays the piper calls the tune?” You are perfectly entitled to ask for no sauce, dressing on the side, or no bun. A surprising number of joints allow substitutions or modifications for no extra cost, although some may charge. The cost is usually minimal, and worth it. Examples include getting grilled instead of fried chicken or fish, or swapping a side salad or steamed vegetables for a side of rice, pasta, or potatoes. Best Bets for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner You can go to a restaurant with some ideas of what they might have for each meal, and search for those. Breakfast Eggs: in an omelet or scrambled. Look for egg whites if you can, and choose vegetable toppings. Cheese and turkey can also be good additions. Skip bacon and other fatty meats in your eggs. Oatmeal: plain, regular or steel-cut, without add-ons such as dried fruit or brown sugar. Nuts are okay. Steer clear of granola. Breakfast sandwich: English muffin (you can eat half) with egg and/or cheese and/or ham – no bacon, sausage, croissant, or biscuit. Create a meal from sides or add-ons, such as cottage cheese, an egg, fresh fruit, or turkey sausage. Lunch Green salad with any of grilled chicken, cheese, nuts, vegetables such as tomatoes and cucumbers, and light dressing. Skip regular dressing (or order it on the side), croutons and chow mein noodles, and dried fruit. Chicken, fish, turkey breast, a veggie burger patty, a hamburger patty, or taco beef. Skip the bread, tortilla, bun, or taco shell, and steer away from breaded and fried. Side salad, carrot sticks, yogurt, or sliced apples. Dinner Shrimp cocktail or broth-based soup for starters. Avoid dips, chips, bread and breadsticks, and fried starters. Grilled, baked, or roasted plain chicken or fish. Avoid fried choices, fatty meats, and creamy or buttery sauces. Steamed vegetables or a side salad. Avoid fries, pasta, rice, and mashed potatoes. The Final Filter: You No matter what lands on your plate or your to-go box, the ultimate decision about what goes into your mouth is made by…you. You can turn a potentially disastrous order into a not-so-bad or even good meal with some smart choices. Decide how much you will eat and pack away the rest before you take your first bite. Scoop out the filling from sandwiches and burritos, while leaving the bread and tortillas. Eat the proteins and vegetables from your plate, while leaving the fries and fatty sauces. Scrape off any breading and eat only the chicken or fish inside. Weight loss surgery is to help you lose weight, but it is also to help you live a better life. If the good life for you includes eating out, you can do it. Just be careful. Keep your weight loss surgery diet plan in mind as you order and eat, and you can lose weight as you live your normal life.
  3. 1 point
    Stalls Happen Your surgeon will probably tell you about your likely weight loss. You might hear numbers such as 70 to 100 lb. in the first year, or up to 10 to 20 lb. in the first couple of months. Those might be realistic and turn out to be accurate for you, but what might also be true, that your doctor did not tell you, is that weight loss may not be steady. You might lose 75 lb. in a year, which is an average 1.5 lb. per week, but you are not going to lose 1.5 lb. every week for a year straight. You may lose 5 lb. in one week, 3 lb. in another, 0 lb. in another, and, some weeks, even gain weight. You are almost sure to encounter stalls, or plateaus, or periods of weeks or even a month when you do not lose weight, even if you are eating right. Your doctor may not tell you about stalls ahead of time, but you can handle them better if you are prepared right out of the gate. Your Metabolism May Plummet As you lose weight, you need fewer calories to sustain your basic body functions. Furthermore, when you exercise at a lower body weight, you burn fewer calories doing the same workout at the same intensity than you did when you were heavier. On top of that, your body may go into starvation mode and use even fewer calories as it becomes more efficient at using what you give it. While there is little that you can do to prevent a slower metabolism, you can at least be aware of it. Also, you can take heart knowing that you are likely to be able to exercise longer and at a higher intensity to offset some of the reduced body weight. It’s Freezing! Brrr…! Remember the days when you were the hottest one in the room, and all you wanted was to stop sweating? Those may be in the past. Part of the slowed metabolism can be due to your body’s new mechanism to save energy, which means turning down the thermostat. Another possibly surprising side effect of weight loss is that having less cushioning (body fat), so sitting in chairs or lying in bed can be less comfortable. People Can Still Hurt You You probably know that Weight Loss Surgery does not change who you are, but your doctor may forget to tell you that it does not change other people, either. You may no longer get flack for being overweight, but people can still be hurtful. They can tell you… You took the easy way out with Weight Loss Surgery. You have not lost much weight. Clearly, Weight Loss Surgery did not work. You lost so much weight that you look sick. All you care about now is your diet and exercise plan. Your Social Life May Change Some friends will stick by you. Others may desert you. If some of your friends have just been “eating buddies,” or people you go out with to the bar or restaurants, you may need to exercise self-control at the bar or restaurant, find new activities to do with those friends or find new friends. You stand to gain wonderful new friends who share your new interests, such as walking, going to the gym, or cooking healthy fun foods. The Skin Stays Losing body fat will not give you a movie star’s appearance. It may not even be all that you need to lose. You may have loose skin that flaps, chafes, and interferes. There is a chance that you will want to get skin removal surgery for cosmetic, comfort, or medical reasons. Beware Replacement Addictions You may have been addicted to food. It may have provided comfort, entertainment, and companionship. Give it up, and you are likely to find something to replace it. Alcohol is a common replacement addiction, but you can do better! Stay aware of your emotional and physical needs, and you can be mindful of what replaces food in your life. Exercise, within reason, is a common choice; another healthy option is to make some great friends who are supportive and make you feel good. Your doctor will tell you a lot about what to expect after weight loss surgery, but she may leave out several important items. Go in with open eyes, and you can prepare better and come out farther ahead.
  4. 1 point
    You’re Starving, or Not For some WLS patients, hunger goes away. For others, hunger is reduced enough so that you can keep it in check, even if you were constantly hungry before WLS. Some patients, though, still need to fight hunger. It is still a struggle to pass up certain foods and to keep portions small. Your Head Gets Hungry “Head hunger” is when you think you are hungry, but you are really just bored, the food looks good, or you feel like eating for some other reason. It is important to learn to recognize head hunger so that you know when it is not time to eat, but it is also important to realize that it may not be time to eat every time you are physically hungry. That is because you are losing weight, which means you are eating less than you burn, which means…your body is hungry. Pizza and Ice Cream Taste Great Often, your sense of taste changes after weight loss surgery. You may be one of the lucky patients who stops loving junk food. Pizza and French fries may be too greasy and salty for your new taste buds, and ice cream and muffins may be too sweet. On the other hand, your taste buds may be just as enamored with the food groups of sweet, salty, starchy, and greasy. You may need to work just as hard as you did pre-op to keep pizza, ice cream, fried chicken, and bagels from overwhelming your diet. Salads May Not Work Your game plan for weight loss may include a huge salad once or twice a day. It is filling, healthy, and low-calorie – the perfect weight loss combo. The problem is that many weight loss surgery patients can no longer stomach salads for months or longer after surgery. Instead of lettuce, a protein, and some dressing, consider building your meals with cooked vegetables, a protein, and a small amount of healthy fat such as avocado or peanut butter. Creativity Is the Name of the Game Many other healthy foods may be off-limits because your tastes change or they are too stringy or they make you sick. You will have to be flexible to find healthy substitutes for them. Here are some common trouble foods and some alternatives. Popcorn: try Protein Cereal as a quick snack. Celery: opt for Bean Crisps Lean beef and poultry: try fish, veggie burgers and other soy and bean products, and lentils. Cheese: try peanut butter or hummus. The good news is that most WLS patients tend not to develop aversions to vegetables, so pile your plate high! What Happened to Water? Water is the one calorie-free and free from cost food that is actually a nutrient…and it may have tasted great before surgery. Afterwards, not so much. Some patients have trouble drinking plain water after surgery. It just does not taste good anymore. Now that diet soft drinks and carbonated flavored water are off limits, you have fewer choices for hydration – but they are there. Flavored water without bubbles. Decaffeinated low-acid coffee and tea. Ice water with lemon or lime. Malnutrition Happens Malnourishment may be far from your mind when your goal is weight loss, but it happens quite often. It can be a deficiency of protein, but also of vitamins and minerals. You will have to get enough protein every day and take your nutritional supplements every day, probably for life. Sit Near the Bathroom You just never know when you may need one when you sit down to eat a meal. Dumping syndrome strikes fast and without warning. By the way, you also cannot predict how full you will get and when you will be able to finish your entire plate. You can make your weight loss surgery journey a tad easier by aware of what to expect, and there may be a few things your doctor does not tell you about.
  5. 1 point
    McDonald’s, Burger King, and the Other Burger Joints Burger joints are the epitome of fast food, but they can be surprisingly diet-friendly if you are careful. Plain, kid-sized burger patties, grilled chicken, and salads without bacon, croutons, and other unhealthy additions are all easy to fit into your weight loss plan. Choose a side salad instead of fries or onion rings, and you can have a filling and healthy meal. Skip: buns, mayo, shakes, and crispy chicken. Panda Express The premise is great – choose a dish with protein and vegetables, skip the fried rice and chow mein noodles, and feel good about a high-protein, high-fiber meal. This is actually possible when you avoid breaded and sugary choices, such as Orange Chicken and Honey Walnut Shrimp, in favor of Mushroom Chicken, String Bean Chicken Breast, and Broccoli Beef. If you are still hungry, add a side of Mixed Vegetables for 80 calories. Skip the appetizers – all of them! To put things into perspective, an order of Broccoli Beef plus a side of Mixed Vegetables has 230 calories, while an order of Orange Chicken plus a side of Chow Mein plus an order of Cream Cheese Rangoons had 1,080 calories. Skip: rice, noodles, breaded chicken, beef, fish, or shrimp, and rangoons and egg and spring rolls. KFC and Other Chicken Places Choose “grilled” instead of “fried,” “crispy,” “original,” or “breaded,” and you will be well on your way to a high-protein, low-carb meal. Get pieces instead of a sandwich, and be wary of sugary or fatty dipping sauces. Green beans and corn – no butter – can round out your meal, but stay away from the other sides, such as Skip: fried and popcorn chicken, biscuits, baked beans, coleslaw, mashed potatoes and gravy, and mac and cheese, and creamy dipping sauces. Pizza Hut and Other Pizza Places As at any restaurant, moderation is your best bet at pizza places, too. You will not go too far wrong if you can stick to a slice of thin-crust pizza with light cheese, ham or chicken instead of pepperoni or sausage, and any vegetables that you want to pile on. Other promising choices are baked wings (5 grams protein, 60 calories each) and a salad with grilled chicken. Skip: thick-crust pizza, too many slices, pasta bowls, breadsticks, and dessert pizzas. Taco Bell and Chipotle So many of the components can be healthy for you, but somehow, they can come together to create an unhealthy disaster. Protect yourself by ordering from the bottom up. Choose chicken or grilled steak; as many vegetables as you can find, and some cheese or avocado. Add a few beans if you want, plus a generous scoop of salsa, and your Mexican-style meal can keep your waistline happy. Skip: tortilla chips and shells, tortillas, rice, nacho cheese sauce, fatty ground beef, sour cream, creamy sauces, and quesadillas. Panera and Other Cafes Many cafes promise fresh ingredients, but do not mistake “quality” for “waist-friendly.” Look for green salads with vegetables, grilled chicken or feta, and nuts or avocado. You can also get a good bet when you see broth-based soups, such as chicken noodle or vegetable, and lean turkey or ham. For breakfast, look for egg whites, plain oatmeal, and fresh fruit. Skip: pastries and sugary beverages, bread, large quantities of salad dressing, mayo-based spreads, fatty meats, and add-ons such as croutons and chow mein noodles. You can find a healthy meal at almost any place you end up at, and often, you can plan your order ahead of time. Just look for the menu online so you can see your options and the nutrition information. Then let someone else do the cooking and cleaning up, and enjoy your tasty meal.
  6. 1 point
    Chocolate A small square of dark chocolate may be good for your heart, but the 50 grams of sugar and 20 grams of fat in a 400-calorie slice of frosted chocolate cake far outweigh any heart-healthy benefits in dark chocolate. A serving of Double Chocolate Protein Cake with 120 calories and less than 6 grams of sugar and 5 grams of fat can satisfy the craving while also providing 12 grams of protein. Or, you could try a Chocolate Dream Bar with 10 grams protein and 160 calories. Imagine pulling that out after a workout and showing your friends how you lose weight! Mac and Cheese Ahh…nothing like plopping down in front of your TV with a bowl of mac and cheese after a tough day, and then feeling oh so bad about the carb coma you just put yourself in. Keep the mac and cheese, and skip the coma, with a smart swap. Opt for cooked cauliflower chunks, shirataki noodles, or Protein Fusilli instead of regular macaroni, and a sauce with non-fat cream cheese and low-fat cheddar instead of full-fat cheeses. Mashed Potatoes Mashed potatoes and gravy are the ultimate comfort food and the opposite of the weight loss surgery diet ideal. Put another way, they’re a load of carbs, fat, and calories, and devoid of protein. Instead, make pureed cauliflower with almond milk, parmesan cheese, nutmeg, and pepper, or try pureed turnip or carrot. Turn it into an entire meal by topping your potatoes with Protein Gravy, which adds 10 grams of protein and 3 grams of fiber for only 65 calories. Chips… A little crunch can be quite the welcome afternoon companion, but oftentimes, your crunch indulgence sticks on your hips instead of leaving at the end of the afternoon. A few handfuls of potato or tortilla chips can cost you 500 calories before even talking about the fat and calories from a creamy dip. If all you are looking for is some mindless munching, try celery (if you can handle the strings), cucumber sticks, bell pepper strips, or snow peas. An entire cup has less than 50 calories, and it can fill up your pouch or sleeve pretty fast. Or, if what you really want is the entire chip experience, go for Protein Chips in flavors such as ranch, salt and vinegar, BBQ, and more. …And Dip The ranch, French onion, or spinach and artichoke dip you love may be giving you more than a meals’ worth of calories, without the protein you need to keep full. Keep the calories down with salsa, or get yourself some nutrients by making a dip with a base of non-fat sour cream, cream cheese, or Greek yogurt. Chinese Takeout It was so easy and delicious to order fried rice, chow mein, or sweet and sour chicken, but was it really worth a thousand calories? Make your own Asian inspired dishes with ingredients such as Protein Fettuccine instead of chow mein noodles, low-carb Asian flavor sauce, and riced cauliflower, along with lean proteins such as shrimp and chicken, and plenty of veggies. When you are stuck for time or want a ready-made meal, the veggies, rice, and chicken in Spicy Chicken Oriental with 230 calories and13 grams of protein can be on your plate in less time than delivery. Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup It is classic but so far-fetched on a high-protein bariatric diet…until now. Get your grill on by toasting low-fat cheese on Protein Bread with 2 grams net carbs per slice. Pair your open-faced grilled cheese sandwich with Protein Tomato Soup, and you could easily get more than 20 grams of protein in a filling meal with under 200 calories. Dessert No explanation is necessary. Fruity, chocolatey, nutty, or caramel-y; crunchy, chewy, or spoon-y, dessert tastes good. Keep the good without the guilt or dumping syndrome with any number of high-protein choices. Stash Protein Bars, Protein Pudding, and Protein Cookies in your favorite hiding spots so you can grab a low-sugar treat whenever you need a lift. Whether you are craving lemon, cranberry, coconut, peanut, toffee, or s’mores, there is a choice for you. Cravings can hit hard, but that’s okay! With a little thought, you can make smart choices to satisfy your craving without missing a beat in your weight loss.
  7. 1 point
    Alex Brecher

    Making Exercise Easier

    Equipment The essentials are sturdy shoes and comfortable clothes. These may be easy for an exercise pro, but where do you start if you are a beginner? Comfortable clothes can be very simple; an old t-shirt and sweatpants will suffice. If you feel better when you feel stylish, try yoga pants or capris and a top with sweat-wicking fiber. For shoes, beginners are probably best off going to a specialty running and walking store for expert advice and help with fitting. You will pay more at a specialty store than you would online, but the extra money is worth it, at least the first time, to make sure the shoes are right for you. You can always save money later by ordering online or going to a discount sporting goods store once you are confident you know which shoes you want. A word of wisdom: when it comes to shoes focus on function, not fashion! Any other equipment you need depends on what activity you are planning to do. A gym usually has everything you need for its activities. If you need to get specialty equipment such as a yoga mat or boxing gloves, ask a friend or another seasoned activity buddy to help you find one that fits your needs and your budget. A Backup Plan Things go wrong quite often, so you had better have a backup plan if you want to have a chance of keeping up your exercise intentions. Here are a few examples. · Plan to walk in the mall if there is a rainstorm when you are supposed to meet a friend in the park. · Keep a pair of shoes in the trunk of the car so you can walk at lunch even if you forget to bring your workout shoes to work. · Keep a protein bar and a protein shake with you so you can work out without a grumbling stomach on a busy day. · Keep your phone charged so you can walk when your friend calls out of the blue and you chat for several minutes. Fun Times Dance if you love to dance. Stay off the treadmill if it is boring. Go swimming if you are a fish in the water. Skip the spinning classes if you hate loud music. Play basketball if you love shooting hoops. Get the picture? Do what you love, and skip what you hate. Exercise should be fun for you to be able to keep it up for years, and the great news is that it can be. Here are some tips for Plan your entertainment, whether it is an upbeat playlist while hiking or an episode of your favorite TV show to watch while on the bike at home. Get social, whether by phoning a friend while you are walking in the park, or meeting up with friends to walk or hold your own boot camp. Prevent boredom by including different activities regularly. You could walk Mondays and Fridays, life weights Wednesdays, and show off the results of your training during your Saturday tennis matches. Walk with a friend to a cafe for some low-calorie decaf coffee as a post-walk treat. Make your workout something you enjoy, and you are way more likely to keep doing it. Planning Just like with your food, you are more likely to stick to your exercise intentions when you plan. It can be as simple as setting aside the time, such as 30 minutes in the morning. You may be more likely to follow through when you are more specific in your planning, such as a 15-minute walk followed by 15 minutes on the stationary bike. Planning helps you set aside the time and set aside any doubts about what you will do during that time. Rewards Give yourself some well-planned rewards, and your mind and body will start to associate exercise with positive things. Your rewards can be tangible, such as a massage every time you work out five times in a week. They can also be emotional, such as taking five minutes to thank yourself after a workout and think about how good you feel. You can get or stay fit, no matter your experience with exercise. It starts with an intention and continues with some hard work and great rewards.
  8. 1 point
    1. Hummus. Despite being made from chickpeas, the average store bought hummus has only 1 gram of protein per tablespoon. Instead, opt for homemade hummus, homemade black bean dip or homemade Tzatziki (made with Greek yogurt) as dips for your veggies. All of these dips are significantly higher in protein when made at home compared to their store-bought counterparts. 2. Chicken broth. Surprisingly, the average store bought chicken broth has only 1-3 grams of protein per cup. For this reason, your bariatric team likely recommended you choose higher protein soups immediately after surgery (ex. milk based soups or pureed legume soups). Instead, opt for more filling thicker soups, such as a curried lentil soup, a roasted red pepper black bean soup or a hearty chili. 3. Cream cheese. Despite ‘cheese’ being in its name, the average store bought cream cheese has only 1 gram of protein per tablespoon. Instead, opt for ricotta cheese (with a sprinkle of sunflower seeds and a drizzle of honey!) or peanut butter on your morning toast. 4. Quinoa. Quinoa is a filling grain product not because of its protein content, but more because of its fibre content. While quinoa is the only grain listed as a ‘complete’ protein, it only has 2 grams of protein per ¼ cup of cooked quinoa. Always top your quinoa with a true protein source such as meat, fish, legumes, tofu or tempeh to make your meal truly balanced. Quinoa should not be the main event! 5. Almond/Cashew/Rice/Coconut milk. Despite these beverages having ‘milk’ in their name, these alternative milks contain on average a measly 1 gram of protein per cup. Instead, opt for cow milk or soy milk when you are looking to add an extra splash of protein to your cereals, oatmeal or smoothies. Moral of the story? Don’t let misleading product names or sneaky advertising fool you! Get the facts. Always double check the nutrition facts tables on the back of your foods to learn the full story. - Monica & Lisa

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
