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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/13/2020 in Posts

  1. 4 points

    so frustrated

    I am two days away from surgery - have not lost much on the pre op liquid diet - probably just flooded haha Our insurance just changed at the beginning of the year , and so that has thrown a wrench in everything - and we are still waiting on an pre auth - I feel like everything is hurry up and wait - and I may have tortured myself for no good reason if they deny surgery I have my post op diet box all set up - cook books ready - chopper on hand - I have an awesome support system - they truly are the only reason I have not imploded by now - This is me just trying to find light at the end of the tunnel and a pattern in the chaos
  2. 3 points

    My new way of living

    WEEKLY UPDATE another rough week, but I made it!!! Pretty proud of myself for not giving up despite stress and sickness. I stayed under 1200 cal 5/7 days of the week and made it to the gym 3 times!!! I was hoping to see better results on the scale, but I WONT GIVE UP. I will try harder this week. STATS 5'2" / 29 months PO sleeve / CW 173.2 So I lost 2 lbs. Not that bad another 38 lbs to go. Sent from my SM-G950U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. 1 point

    Intermittent Fasting

    hi @heycrystal2052 there is a long running thread about intermittent fasting found here:
  4. 1 point

    Life's Anxiety

    Hi everyone! I’m feeling SO much better now. I just needed a few days I guess to chill out & free my mind. Today I have an MRI to check out this cyst that was found wedged between my pancreas & kidney to make sure nothing crazy is happening.. from here, I’ll be able to schedule my EGD. Thennnn the 29th I’ll be picking up the machine for my at home sleep study. Hopefully time will continue to fly! Thank you all for your encouragement, It truly means the world to me!!!
  5. 1 point

    Aversion to smells

    My sense of smell was already like that before surgery, so I can relate. I had read that your sense of smell and taste can change post-surgery. I wear a scarf a lot so if I'm in a store or restaurant with strong food smells or somebody's strong perfume, I can cover my face to avoid the smell.
  6. 1 point
    1+ week post plastics update: My flight home made swelling skyrocket 😳😅. Luckily I was forewarned this would be an issue❤ My legs (thighs) were so puffy for the last 2 days that they rubbed again. So I slept with my legs extremely elevated and took a diuretic and it helped A LOT. I was 164 lbs yesterday and now 156 lbs this morning. Yeah. I cannot find a lymphatic massage therapist in my immediate area so I am going to do it myself with includes me buying the machine from Amazon 😍. I actually could tell the difference in my swelling, posture and stiffness before and after the massage so I need to do these. I'm super glad I had 3 sessions (really 2: 1 regular and 1 extended) and asked a ton of questions. Also the therapist showed me how everything worked and explained the process thoroughly. I'm still wearing the compression socks along withq abdominal binder all day & night. I am only taking a few breaks between to readjust but sadly I'm far too swollen to even attempt the Faja yet (and I did attempt it 😔) All of my pain is still in the abdominal area. Nothing, absolutely nothing from my breast. But can feel sensation on the left more than the right breast (but both nipples seem to be working still ❤) I can go with no pain meds or just Tylenol during the day and sometimes, something stronger at night. Doing pretty well 💚
  7. 1 point
    JAKE H

    Can we just be for real ???

    if im being honest its definitely true for me. I had the same girl since high school show interest in me, and i would never allow her in close to me because i didnt feel i was good enough for her. (thats my own ****). i got the surgery and i finally had the confidence to take her out because of the surgery. and now we are dating and im happier then ever. but i would have never before because i didnt feel enough, even tho she constantly tells me shes not with me because of the weight loss. so yeah i had this surgery to get healthy, but god damn it i wanted to look good too.
  8. 1 point
    Alex Brecher

    Making Exercise Easier

    An earlier article talked about the nuts and bolts of an exercise plan – how you can get started at any size, level of fitness, or weight loss surgery stage. But there are still hurdles to overcome. Here are some strategies for making each day easier so you can get the most benefits from your hard efforts to work out. Equipment The essentials are sturdy shoes and comfortable clothes. These may be easy for an exercise pro, but where do you start if you are a beginner? Comfortable clothes can be very simple; an old t-shirt and sweatpants will suffice. If you feel better when you feel stylish, try yoga pants or capris and a top with sweat-wicking fiber. For shoes, beginners are probably best off going to a specialty running and walking store for expert advice and help with fitting. You will pay more at a specialty store than you would online, but the extra money is worth it, at least the first time, to make sure the shoes are right for you. You can always save money later by ordering online or going to a discount sporting goods store once you are confident you know which shoes you want. A word of wisdom: when it comes to shoes focus on function, not fashion! Any other equipment you need depends on what activity you are planning to do. A gym usually has everything you need for its activities. If you need to get specialty equipment such as a yoga mat or boxing gloves, ask a friend or another seasoned activity buddy to help you find one that fits your needs and your budget. A Backup Plan Things go wrong quite often, so you had better have a backup plan if you want to have a chance of keeping up your exercise intentions. Here are a few examples. · Plan to walk in the mall if there is a rainstorm when you are supposed to meet a friend in the park. · Keep a pair of shoes in the trunk of the car so you can walk at lunch even if you forget to bring your workout shoes to work. · Keep a protein bar and a protein shake with you so you can work out without a grumbling stomach on a busy day. · Keep your phone charged so you can walk when your friend calls out of the blue and you chat for several minutes. Fun Times Dance if you love to dance. Stay off the treadmill if it is boring. Go swimming if you are a fish in the water. Skip the spinning classes if you hate loud music. Play basketball if you love shooting hoops. Get the picture? Do what you love, and skip what you hate. Exercise should be fun for you to be able to keep it up for years, and the great news is that it can be. Here are some tips for Plan your entertainment, whether it is an upbeat playlist while hiking or an episode of your favorite TV show to watch while on the bike at home. Get social, whether by phoning a friend while you are walking in the park, or meeting up with friends to walk or hold your own boot camp. Prevent boredom by including different activities regularly. You could walk Mondays and Fridays, life weights Wednesdays, and show off the results of your training during your Saturday tennis matches. Walk with a friend to a cafe for some low-calorie decaf coffee as a post-walk treat. Make your workout something you enjoy, and you are way more likely to keep doing it. Planning Just like with your food, you are more likely to stick to your exercise intentions when you plan. It can be as simple as setting aside the time, such as 30 minutes in the morning. You may be more likely to follow through when you are more specific in your planning, such as a 15-minute walk followed by 15 minutes on the stationary bike. Planning helps you set aside the time and set aside any doubts about what you will do during that time. Rewards Give yourself some well-planned rewards, and your mind and body will start to associate exercise with positive things. Your rewards can be tangible, such as a massage every time you work out five times in a week. They can also be emotional, such as taking five minutes to thank yourself after a workout and think about how good you feel. You can get or stay fit, no matter your experience with exercise. It starts with an intention and continues with some hard work and great rewards.
  9. 0 points

    Aversion to smells

    I"m that way when I walk by one of those "Bath & Body Works" stores at malls, too. UGH!! I could never go in one of those - I'd get a migraine for sure!
  10. 0 points

    I actually prefer not to die

    Bariatric surgery is safer then a hip replacement

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
