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  1. 9 points


    Good evening everyone. This is my weekly check in. I've been on this weight loss journey now 16 weeks today and down 107lbs. HW 322 CW 215 GW 185-195 Feeling good still mostly on shakes everyday but starting to try little solid things here and there to work out what I can tolerate. I'm 7 weeks post op today but 16 weeks since starting my diet. Feeling positive about the future just got some loose skin mostly under my arms & armpits.. Will need to get into some kind of resistance or weights soon but here in Australia Its summer and heatwave of 100 all week 😭 so not in any mood to workout right now Thanks everyone again for your support MIKE.
  2. 1 point
    I had RNY surgery a year ago but I'm still lacking in making solid connections with others. It's hard to relate when I feel like I always have a secret to hide (loose skin, surgery, etc.) It would be nice to make some new friends and maybe even more! I'd prefer to talk through messages and not through the public forums, so feel free to message! [emoji4] Hopefully I'm not speaking to the wind.
  3. 1 point

    8 weeks post-op

    Awesome, way to go!
  4. 1 point

    PreWorkout Eating/Food Idea

    call your dietician If you need a different food plan to support your fitness level. Give them your current calories, calories burned, and How much you train per day. I agree with @Ellf Try eating carbs on your plan with protein before and after your workout. (after can be a protein shake) Stay within your weight loss calories/carb range to keep your body in weight loss mode.
  5. 1 point

    8 weeks post-op

    Congrats!! Super great!
  6. 1 point

    Kidney stones HELP

    Oh and advice is to drink water and some say cranberry juice helps but I would leave that to the doctor. Too bad you weren’t able to strain/collect since you didn’t know. By testing the stone they can tell which type it is...calcium or irate. That gives a better idea of diet modification if needed.
  7. 1 point

    Kidney stones HELP

    I would see a urologist. Consider yourself lucky that you didn’t have a full blown attack. They must have been small and smooth enough to pass through the kidneys and ureters. I speak from experience. Get into the urologist. They will probably a test to see if your kidneys have stones in there. It will also help for them to do a urine test to see if you are bleeding due to the stones moving down and out. Hope this one was one time deal. Be well.
  8. 1 point
    I will be 4 weeks out on Monday 12/16 with the 18th being the official one month postop day. I'm still experiencing some discomfort on my right side where my sleeve was done. Sometimes there is mild pain. Even though I take my vitamin and drink karma water, I still get tired quickly. My 4 week postop appointment is Tuesday so I can't wait to see what the doctor has to say. I am down three bra sizes and can wear at least one pair of my size 10 pants. I haven't tried any others yet but it's progress nonetheless.
  9. 1 point

    Alternate Day Fasting

    I’ve never followed a diet but inadvertently do intermittent fasting, as well as alternate day fasting to some degree, some days just wind up much lower calories than usual especially with doctors appointments, errands or laundry. I might go from 6pm dinner to 12:00 lunch except for tea in the morning I like yogi slim life caramel apple spice with a bit of ripple milk. Every so often I switch things up. And might vary my calories a bit. I do stick to low carb even though post surgery I haven’t counted, for now it’s protein and calories. And track what I eat. Daily weight. And maybe a note for the day. Like if I’ve had a dr. Appointment. I have to manage things as best I can without the benefits of exercise. Which due to my chronic illness isn’t possible. Just basic things like a shower, laundry, dr. appointment, errand, is like a triathlon to my body. Sometimes just getting up in the morning is equivalent to a workout. i think adding things like IF can be beneficial to Better utilize the tool that is bariatric surgery. It helps solidify the reality that our bodies don’t need as much food as we think. also I have to say @FluffyChix always has awesome advice.
  10. 1 point
    I'm scheduled for Dec 31. I was hoping for mid-December but have decided the date is meant to be and I can start the new decade with my new tool. Talk about a new years resolution ~Lori

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