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  1. 2 points
    Just wanted to know when did everyone surgeon say it was okay for you to work out? I kind of really want to avoid the extra skin from hanging and get my tone on lol
  2. 2 points
  3. 2 points
    Oh my gosh!! I really felt for you when I read your post . What a nightmare ! It’s hard enough to make the decision to have this surgery as it is, without all that stress . I’m glad you finally got it approved, and will be thinking of you on 17th. I wish you all the very best on journey l
  4. 1 point
    If you told this your psychiatrist it could very well be the red flag that caused her to worry.
  5. 1 point
    JAKE H

    When did you guys start the gym?

    Every doc is different. mine cleared me for crossfit two weeks after surgery. im doing just fine and never had any issues. good luck and whenever you do start, stick with it!! enjoy this.
  6. 1 point

    When did you guys start the gym?

    I was cleared for everything at 6 weeks (but I was walking since post-op day 1). I didn't actually do more than walking until about 8 weeks though...hot yoga, zumba, rock climbing, upgraded my walking to alternate jogging laps. I also did minimal strength training (and still do), but only because I hate it, not because I can't. These days I run 5km a day and do 15 mins of strength training on some body part or another every day. (Full disclosure, I was off my running routine for about 2 weeks to due illness and laziness, but am back on the wagon as of this morning!) I have loose skin. Agree with @catwoman7 as well: loose skin after massive weight loss is pretty much unavoidable except for the lucky few. Also agree with @Healthy_life2: strength training/lifting helps to tone and fill in a bit, but will not eradicate the loose skin completely. I will say this from my experience though: I really, really, really hated the look of my loose skin about 15-20 lbs ago, I guess because there was still some fat under there and gave it a rolling look. Now, that I'm leaner, the look is not as bad, to me at least (still hate it, but I'd remove the 3 "really's" now, lol). In my "problem areas", the skin looks more like wrinkled fabric now and is much more easily hidden...so this is less annoying to me. With that said, I am scheduled for an arm lift and breast lift revision (to address side boob) next week, which was scheduled 6 months ago. I was thinking I wanted a tummy tuck too, but I have since decided that I can live with it as the loose skin is limited to above my belly button (you can see a pic of how I hide this in the "Albums" section in my profile) ...my butt is another story. I have been doing lots of butt exercises but there doesn't seem to be much improvement there. Mr. says it may be because my ratio of running to weight training is too long-distance-running-centric: Weight training plumps the butt, endurance running flattens it. He suggested I add in some short distance sprinting in my runs, which I tried this morning, but I'm not sure I like doing it in and around the neighbourhood, lol...I will try it on the treadmill tomorrow. Wow, I just re-read this post. Sorry it's so long!
  7. 1 point

    Eating out after Gastric bypass surgery

    I've actually gone out to eat multiple times with my wife since the surgery. Usually I just get something small, or I eat a third to half the meal and bring the rest home. Soup usually is my go-to. If the restaurant has chili, I get that.
  8. 1 point
    Today I said I’m an XS or size 8 (Aust) at a clothing store. I never thought I’d say those words and say them with confidence. And when I commented a dress was too big on me I was told it was the smallest size. As was the belt I wanted. I tried on a slim fitting singlet dress yesterday & was shocked to realise the lumpy bits on the dress were my hip bones. I have an hour glass shape so I always had hips but never ones that stuck out on the front of my body! I’ve been a size 10 before - for about 5 minutes. While I am now confident about saying I’m an 8, clothes shopping is all still a bit freaky for me. It’s not that I’m focussed on the size on the label. I’m well aware the cut/line of the clothes and the designer’s style will dictate what size I need or if it will suit my body shape. The size is the starting point & it’s starting at an 8/XS/38 which is a big mind set change. It’s thinking a pair of pants will be too small & discovering they are almost too big. While I’m still coming to terms with my actual new body shape and size, I’m very happy to be in this new reality.
  9. 1 point
    Hi. Daisyjayne. No, they just checked hemoglobin, I think. I have had low ferritin stores before, so maybe you're right! Bariatric team checking that in late December. Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. 0 points
    Paul Hufnagl

    coffee problems

    I normally go to starbucks to get my coffee and havn't had any problems. I decided to start brewing my own coffee at home and bought dunkin doughnuts original and can't tolerate it. I throw it up with out even finishing one cup three days in a row. The only thing i can think of is that starbucks is a darker roast and therefor has less acidity? any Ideas and has this happened to anyone else?

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