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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/24/2019 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    Gastric Sleeve

    I'd start changing my eating habits ASAP. I did it gradually - I slowly brought my calories down, increased my protein, and decreased my carbs. I weaned myself gradually off caffeine and carbonated beverages. I did this over the course of a few months so it wouldn't be a radical change. Then once I had surgery, I was kind of used to the new lifestyle.
  2. 2 points

    1 Month Anniversary

    Watched every episode of my 600. lol Great show. Those staple lines look like zippers. lol The scale doesn't lie !
  3. 2 points

    Switching to soft foods

    I remember eating a lot of Greek yogurt and hummus. And refried beans.
  4. 1 point
    AJ Tylo

    VSG Two Weeks Post-Op Suggestions

    Yes I am going to go with the flow and say stay liquid however I did not after two weeks I slowly and I mean slowly got a little more then liquids 1. When did you move to soft foods? - Assuming you mean any food after liquid i was 16 days out before i even tried it, I am a chef so i knew my plan, I made very very light broths and added just a Tad of Veggies to them. I then Nutra Bullet them to they were about 95% liquid. I did this for well over a week, I had info from My brother who did the surgery before me, So he warned me not to go to fast. I stayed on pureed and blended foods for the first month. 2. Favorite was a lentil veggie broth - 3. How to integrate new foods - I slowly over the first 5 weeks brought in veggies and proteins, Some just are not going to work, For example a group of us, including myself can not do chicken. Find very very very soft proteins like fish, shellfish, and ground meats like Turkey - Be careful i can tell you that food you buy is often treated and preserved, For example if you buy shrimp rinse them big time they have lots of salts and preservatives. If you can and you dont have to be a chef do your own meats. For example today i have a Large Pork Shoulder and Turkey on the Smoker all day. I know exactly what is on it and what is in it. When done I will vacuum seal small amounts for myself to eat, I also will grind up some Turkey and Pork into a hamburger meat. I have a meat grinder but any food processor will do. This ensures you know what you are eating. Sugar can raise hell and most cheeses, processed meats and Deli Meats contain tons of sugar and salts. Stay clear of these 3 for sure Rough on the incision during healing and generally not good for you There are three classes of chemical preservatives commonly used in foods: Benzoates (such as sodium benzoate) Nitrites (such as sodium nitrite) Sulphites (such as sulphur dioxide). It is almost impossible to buy pre packaged protien, Including the Meat counter and Seafood counter that is not treated with one above. However a good rinse or brine will remove most of it Suggestions Simple Take your time, Try not to rush into the next phases and transitions into them, Its a long journey and if you do mess up you get punished thru pain, sick, Dumping, We all have been punished for our mistakes, but good planning is the key. Also this place is loaded with lists and ideas on good foods to eat.
  5. 1 point

    1 Month Anniversary

    Slow steady weight loss is still weight loss, it's normal to slow down as your metabolism catches up
  6. 1 point

    WLS YouTubers

    Love Dr Vuong! I definitely watched YouTube videos pre-OP and in the beginning post op. Glad I did but glad I have moved on from my obsessive research. Now I al just paying attention to my body and go with the flow. Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app
  7. 1 point

    It’s starting to get real.

    WOW! Congratulations on losing 62 pounds BEFORE RNY! Keep it up!!
  8. 1 point

    Looking for help...

    When did you have surgery? You may want to check with your dietician and hire a sports medicine dietician. Trust the professionals over my two cents 😉 What works for me, may not work for you. I carb load (seven days) and do a pre race and taper. I eat low glycemic carbohydrates. Sweet potatoes, fruits, veggies, oatmeal, whole wheat with my protein. Hydration NUUN tabs/electrolytes added to my water in my hydration vest. I add powdered carbs to my water for calories. I run fasted race day. (I don’t eat products with sugar - example running gels/Gatorade) these links will give you an idea of how athletes fuel. https://www.foodcoach.me/eat-runningbiking-weight-loss-surgery/ https://keepmovingweekly.com/2015/06/11/nutrition-for-the-bariatric-athlete-endurance-events/ Running taper: https://www.teamhotshot.com/blog/tips-taper-race-day/ https://www.runnersworld.com/training/a20072822/marathon-taper/ runners stomach https://www.bucketlisttummy.com/5-nutrition-tips-to-help-runners-stomach/
  9. 1 point
    Newbie on here, but I wanted to say that If you’re looking for a lot of support, and a ton of great friends on the same journey - make an instagram of your journey. The WLS and VSG community on there is unbelievable. I love them all so much. My @ is victorious.sleeveret if you want somewhere to start. I hope this helps ❤️
  10. 1 point


    Warm drinks and patience 💙 Congratulations 💙

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