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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/23/2019 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Due to the limited stomach capacity I am trying to eat the best nutritional foods with vitamins and minerals I can. Besides protein requirements what are some foods you eat to get the best nutritional bang for your buck? I still have a premier protein shake daily. I eat yogurt and spinach daily. I eat pumpkin seeds and or walnuts often too. I know a varied diet with different fruit and veggies is good but sometimes i want to just stick with something I know I will get a lot of nutrients from. I don't eat beans often and think maybe I should try to add some to my diet.
  2. 1 point

    Struggling with Water and Protein

    I hate the sweet taste of protein shakes as well. I only drink like a third at a time. wait 30 mins and follow with water. I have unflavored protein powder and I bought unsweetened Kool aid to flavor my water, that way I can control the sweet taste.
  3. 1 point

    Any advice pre-op

    The best thing I ever did preop was to give up the addictive substances. I knew I couldn't have them after surgery, and getting past the withdrawal and cravings beforehand made recovery much easier. So, I gave up caffeine, all alcohol, all sugar, all soda, all artificial sweeteners, colors, flavors. I hadn't eaten wheat (gluten) for years, so that was not an issue. By the time surgery came around, I felt clean and detoxed. I did not eat the jello or popsicles in the hospital. I brought my own broth, herbal tea, and protein drink. Turned out they did have some great tasting gluten free broth that was fine.
  4. 1 point

    Desert substitutes

    yeah I'd say this recipe is waaaaay out of my plan. I bought some plain Greek yogurt today which I will try to doctor up. Maybe fruit or Stevia.
  5. 1 point

    3 Years

    Hello all, Been a long time since I was here. Lots going on. on 20 Oct 2019 it will be 3 years since my RNY surgery. I have a checkup with my bariatric surgeon today. It is supposed to be every year, but since the emergency surgery last year it has been every six months. I have stopped going to support group (I think it is great but I am not getting anything out of it). I am still about 155 lbs and am pretty happy. Still have sugar issues, but everything else is ok (per blood tests). I get to go next month for the MRCP on my pancreas (I am hoping the IPMN hasn't grown). I flew from Detroit to Pharr, TX a couple of weeks ago to pick up a Mazda MX5 (my dad gave it to me, he can't drive it anymore), and drove it 1700 miles back to Detroit. Then a little over a week later my wife's brother was killed in an automobile accident. I drove about 500 miles (from Detroit to Carthage, NY) last Thursday (so I could be at his service) and got up the next morning and drove about 500 miles back to Detroit. Not really feeling it anymore, this is probably going to be my last time seeing my surgeon. I don't need to pay him $40 to have him tell me I am doing fine. I know how I am doing. I hope everyone is doing well.
  6. 1 point

    Blossom Bariatric

    Flight home was not too bad...about 4.5 hours for me. I picked the window seat only because I hate middle aisle seats. The aisle or exit seat would provide more leg room. I had cramping the entire flight but ES Tylenol worked well. Good luck:)
  7. 1 point

    15 months post op HELP

    I can relate. Years out, the calorie range that once worked for me changed. I was frustrated. I have no experience with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Could it be a stall or eating maintenance calories? Some options to try. Log your food and dial your calories back by 100. If you are doing the same workout repeatedly, try different types of exercises every other day. Wishing you the best, Jennifer
  8. 1 point

    15 months post op HELP

    Check out the intermittent fasting threads. IF is a very powerful tool. It took my last 15 pounds off lickety-split. There are several ways to do it. Probably the easiest is to limit the hours in which you eat. Skip breakfast. Eat from noon until 6 or 8 pm. This means you are fasting for 16-18 hours each day. This puts you into a fat burning mode because the insulin levels are low for most of the day. After a few days, you will feel great and will not even miss breakfast. Try to limit your snacking. Every time you eat something, insulin goes up and the calories go into fat storage. Insulin = fat. That is the simplest way to explain it. Another IT technique is ADF (alternate day fasting). You limit your calories on 2 or more days during the week (do not have to be consecutive). Limit to 400-500 only. The eat regularly on the other days. This sort of throws a curve ball at your metabolism and can be very effective. A third way is to do a 24 hour fast once a week. Skip breakfast and lunch one day and don't eat until dinner time the next day. You can use any of these tools or combine them. Some folks use all three.
  9. 0 points

    tropical smoothie sadness

    I went to Tropical Smoothie for lunch and had a smoothie for the first time since surgery. I drank not even 1/3rd of the Detox Island Green smoothie (5ish ounces). It has spinach, kale, ginger, banana, mango, and pineapple. In the entire 16oz it said it had 43g carbs, 29g sugar, and 180 calories and no sugar added (naturally sweetened) and I AM ACTIVELY DYING. lol. It was the only one on their menu I dared to try based on the nutrition label, expecting to drink half, but my pouch is NOT HAVING IT. I feel so mentally fuzzy and nauseous. Death becomes me. RIP. No more smoothies for me, ever, ever everrrrrr. I have gotten so used to throwing food away it's depressing. ;( I'll go out and try something new, wait about 20 minutes and then be like NOPE and have to toss it. I usually eat 50g of carbs a day, so 20 in one meal was a leap. I'm sure it was the fructose, though. Whaaaaaa.
  10. 0 points

    Vomiting blood

    I wouldn't be too concerned with blood vomiting the first couple of days after surgery, but that far out? I agree with the others - press the doctor for some answers. That doesn't sound right *at all*.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
