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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/15/2019 in all areas

  1. 2 points

    Just checked in at the hospital....

    So today is surgery day I just checked in at the hospital. Surgery in 2 hours. I'm so excited not really nervous at all. It's been a long 10 months of preparation so I'm definitely ready to take the next step. Here goes nothing🙏🏻
  2. 1 point

    Pre op nausea

    Hi all! I’m on day 6 of 14 full liquid diet pre op for sleeve surgery on October 23rd. About day 3 I started to get really nauseous, continuing until today where I was wretching. Good thing is I’m not hungry, but the bad part is I can barely finish one protein drink a day and just water otherwise. I hope this goes away but I’ll just white knuckle it. Anyone else experience this? Tips? I’ve tried broth, different shakes, sugar free jello, Powerade zero. Thanks!
  3. 1 point

    I think I need a pouch reset.

    It is quite normal for you to be able to eat more now than you could earlier in your post op progression, and for you to be able to eat more in the future. This doc gives a pretty good window on this progression: There is also nothing that says that this progression will be linear - you may feel quite restricted for a while at the outset and as the inflammation subsides, notice that you are eating more than you were not long ago. What I like about this vid is that it teaches us how to live with this fact of increasing meal volume, rather than fight it. This isn't to say that you shouldn't continue to keep your eating volume under control, but to realize that some increase is normal and not to go to the extremes like these reset diets to try to counter it. You may or may not like this doc's prescription for living with this increase (I don't agree with everything he says, either) but to use this as a guide in finding your own path. As we progress, we tend to be able to eat a wider variety of foods - which is a good thing, nutritionally - but also a danger if we get into eating the wrong things consistently. His concept of eating veg first is sound - make sure we get in our protein requirement, but fill in that additional capacity with bulky, low calorie veg. It may not be your thing, but it is a good example of what can be done that you can use in finding your own path to long term success. Good luck...
  4. 1 point

    /sigh I Hate Ignorant People

    This is why I told only a handful of people about my surgery--two family members and a very small number of friends (and made them promise to keep in to themselves). Many people who are unfamiliar with WLS think it's the "easy way out," but all of us know that is definitely not the case. Nonetheless, when I told my sister and one of my closest friends that I was planning to have surgery, they became really hostile, saying it was too drastic, too dangerous, and just plain stupid. Their reactions caused me to distance myself from both of them. Both are quite overweight, and I think they felt threatened by the fact that I was doing something about my weight. I don't need that kind of negative energy when I'm making positive changes in my life!
  5. 1 point

    Pre op nausea

    Glad to know I'm not by myself. 🙂 We will get through this. Good luck next week.
  6. 1 point

    Pre op nausea

    When I did Keto, there was an expression that when you started you got the "Keto Flu" which was getting sick from cutting out all those carbs. They recommended vegetable broth and pickle juice to help get over it!
  7. 1 point

    I think I need a pouch reset.

    At 5 months post op you may swelling that could have subsided. You may be seeing your Surgeon in about a ninth anyway si don't change anything they have not instructed you to do without running it by them first. Give your surgery a fair chance to work Try to strip your meals down to protein and a small amount of vegetables first. Almost everyone seems to gain traction when they do this, if nothing else. Good luck 💙
  8. 1 point

    Weight coming off too slow

    I started at a BMI of 40. SW was 209. I am almost 3 months out and have lost about 25 pounds. So I have lost about 33% of my excess weight. While this is a lower amount of loss it is the expected percentage for 3 mths out. It is so hard not to compare to others but there are so many factors that effect rate of loss from starting weight, gender, hight, and medical considerations. So I am averaging about 2 pounds a week. I am OK with this rate loss as long as I continue to trend down. Best of luck on your journey and remember to follow your plan, drink water, move, and enjoy life. New_Me 2019
  9. 1 point

    Anyone else had this ?

    Thank you S@ssen@ch. Thats very helpful 😊
  10. 0 points

    Gastric sleeve surgery leak

    hi everyone I need support I’m really drained and tired as I write this I’m in the hospital I’ve been in here now for two months Dr put a clip on the leak first it didn’t work then a stent it slipped down my surgery was April 11 2019 on the 23rd of April I had a 103 fever pain in shoulder anyways I’ve had two up tubes put in a double pikk line IV ive had nothing but ice chips and the TPN Intravenous feedings but lab work showed I’m still malnourished so yesterday they did a endoscopy to insert a feeding tube down threw my nose into my gut and intestines I’m a 58 year old lady who look like 40 people can’t believe that I have a child that’s 40 but I was so over weight and needed to get my body back in shape for health reasons and to tell you the truth I’m starting to wonder how all this is gonna turn out they sent me home with the TPN SAID I COULD DO IT AT HOME I live alone no help I got so sick was readmitted turned out I had gallstones so I had that removed the next day please if anyone know if this will heal on its own or give me any kids of advice or a uplift thank you for reading my message

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