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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/09/2019 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    I went to my consult with my doctor July 24th. I have been through my psych evaluation (only one required), went to one nutritionist appointment (I have 3 pre-op) and I have my appointment with the gastro doc on 8/27 (the EDG isn't scheduled yet - it will be after this appointment). I just want to get my date already! My insurance only requires a three month period but it still doesn't seem real until I know my date - and then I can go to my primary doc for the rest of the pre-op tests. I have lost 30 lbs since I started trying 7/14/19 to lose weight, because I wanted to be healthy. I'm happy I'm losing on my own but I'm ready for the next step. I feel like all I do is obsess about having the surgery and looking at everything about it, every day, from the procedure, vitamins, people's before and after pics, etc. I also don't want the doc to schedule my surgery for the date my father passed (10/21). I found out it would be a Monday and, sure enough, 10/21 falls on a Monday and I have this weird feeling that that will be my date. I hope I get a choice because I feel bad karma around that date. But I want it as soon as possible. Sorry, I just had to vent somewhere where people understand.
  2. 2 points

    3 weeks post op down only 10 lbs

    it's a stall. Your 500-600 calories a day is fine - and do NOT worry about calories at this point. Only focus on protein and fluid intake. you are what we call a "lightweight" and you're not going to lose nearly as fast as someone who starts at over 300 lbs. Combine that with the stall and....you're probably right where you need to be. Just stick to your plan. The weight will start to drop again once the stall breaks, and you WILL lose your excess weight as long as you stick to your surgeon's plan.
  3. 1 point

    Gastritis is it common post op?

    Hi Pepper, I'm at 4 months post op & I've had zero complications. I didn't have any digestive or heartburn issues going into this & I don't have any after. I'd say nothing has changed for me at all except I eat a lot less & I wish I'd done this sooner.
  4. 1 point
    Oct 7, not sure if I would count that 6 or 7 days out of surgery. My scale says 280 but not sure if I want to update my tickers yet as it's known to be a few lbs off. But it's definitely down from the 294 it said on OCT 2 - WHO HOO. Hubby and I doing okay....Thankfully off of work until Oct 17 so my goal every day is to just get those meds, fluids, and protein in. Went to bathroom again today that makes Friday and Monday. So far so good, pain better every day....... ordered step tracker in the mail and going to try a sytrax shake today.
  5. 1 point
    4th full day home....still sore..hardest part taking these pills...have to take them 5 minutes apart...another frurstrating thing is my hubby. We went to walk the dogs (we have two) and I asked him to connect the lead to the dog. It's still hard to bend over. Yes I was doing it slowly and actually did light chores but it was easier to ask him. He refused and said "you can do it and you will" WTF. I am so pissed I was gobsmacked. Then I didn't back down as usually submissivie wifey I am and it's the next day and we are still not talking. In fact he left the house last night didn't tell me where he was going and I had no idea where he was for two hours then he came home and slept in the guest room. . He was great during the hospital and surgery but seems very upset with me and not very caring. I guess it's something I'll have to deal with. I thought about apologizing but F that . Digging in and standing my ground. I actually think he's a bit insecure...... Water weight seems to be down, yay!
  6. 1 point
    I didn't weigh until about a week out for that very reason. It's all the crap they pump into you before & during surgery. It'll work its way out of your system over the course of the first week.
  7. 1 point
    Hahahaha.... I am such a rebel, that made me giggle... 🙂.
  8. 1 point

    First Month Average Loss

    I lost 16 lbs the first month - and I ended up losing ALL of my excess weight - over 200 lbs. People lose at all different rates for all different reasons - most of which you have no control over. The one thing you DO have control over is whether or not you stick to your program. If you stick to your program, the weight WILL come off, whether fast or slow. And to be honest, since the average weight loss for us "non-600-lb life people" seems to be in the 15-25 lb range the first month, you're going to end up in that range. So...you're normal!
  9. 1 point
    They won't schedule a date without checking with you
  10. 1 point

    Thought rollercoaster ...

    We all been where you are now. There is always fear going into something new, but after a while the new become the norm. You're doing something to better yourself and that should be the focus. It might seems like you doing the along , but you got this whole bariatricpal family now to lean on for support..... remember "You got this".

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