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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/28/2019 in all areas

  1. 1 point

    Changes in relationships PO

    Yeah. So strange. It is her, not you. It's like you cheated on her or left the group, or something and now "due to cheating by having surgery and taking the easy way out", you are "one of them"--the skinny bi*ches. And she now feels more self-concious about her fattitude and condition. She also doesn't WANT to change her reality. She would rather have her food comfort/drug rather than change her life and eating habits. Sorry you are experiencing that! My middle sis is highly competitive with everyone, but especially me. And although she is proud of me and compliments me often, I can see it bothers her that she is now the "heavy sister". She watches everything I put in my mouth and I can tell, she chooses smaller portions and dishes she wouldn't normally eat when we go out. Meh...you can only do you. Can't control anyone else...
  2. 1 point

    I cannot get this to work

    Maybe the key works here are "went," "walked," and "ran." They are past tense. Exercise has got to be part of your daily lifestyle now. By this time you should have incorporated an hour of exercise each day into your life. Then you have to look at your carb intake. I'll bet it has slipped upward. Are you still logging all your food? If not, it would be good to go back to logging and measuring. Honestly, the research says that the most weight loss is achieved by those who follow the eating plan AND exercise. The exercise won't move the scale on its own, but it does build lean muscle tissue which has a higher metabolic rate than fat. Another tool is to explore is intermittent fasting or limiting your daily caloric intake to only 6-8 hours per day. This can be a very powerful tool, as it puts your system into a different metabolic pathway that helps burn fat. There are extensive conversations in the intermittent fasting thread about what others are doing. You also need to make sure you are getting your fluids in, and getting quality sleep. They are essential for weight loss. It's about going back to the basics and tightening things up, as well as adding some new tools. 5'9" at 200 pounds gives you a BMI of 30, which is still in the moderately obese category. The thicker fat on your abdomen will go with more weight loss. To reach the upper end of "normal" BMI you need to get down to around 162-164. You've done an amazing job so far. Restart the engine and take it through the final stretch!
  3. 1 point

    Changes in relationships PO

    I've gotten the cold shoulder from my sis-in-law. She has gained some weight in the past couple of years, and I think my weight loss has threatened her in some way. I never mention it and she is the only relative who has not commented or asked questions about how I lost weight. A couple of overweight co-workers are acting the same way. I honestly down play my weight loss, I never bring it up to anyone, and I do not believe I treat anyone any differently, but I definitely see some changes in the attitudes of others.
  4. 1 point
    That's great. I've already lost 40lbs preop and only got 100lbs to go and I'm only 35 but been pretty sedentary for a while which I know I'll have to change and start with a gym regime soon. My arms have a little loose skin. maybe over time as I lose more it might retract. (Let's hope)
  5. 1 point

    I really don't like stalls

    Congrats looly ! Keep it up ! I too finished the stall a couple days after this post (7 day stall) and I lost 7 lbs since then. Down to 373 now! Just have to stick with plan I guess
  6. 1 point
    The latest, my GERD is getting better by my change in eating habits. Most days, I feel like a perpetual science experiment! I am afraid to eat. I don't want to have acid. My first visit to the nutritionalist is this week. I will have a clear plan at that point. If I am revised? It will occur in late March. Time will surely tell! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using BariatricPal mobile app
  7. 1 point

    Feeling sorry for myself Today

    You have been through a LOT! Physically and emotionally. Your body needs time to heal from all this trauma, so please try to not be so hard on yourself. You feel crappy. That's OK. Now just get better and heal. Your emotions will heal as your body heals. Find some fun stuff - puzzles, NetFlix binge, a good book, and hunker down and just baby yourself for a while. (But don't forget to walk!!!! You don't need a blood clot on top of all this.) You should be getting some nice weather about now so hopefully you can get out a bit and enjoy the fresh air. Hang in there!!!!
  8. 1 point
    I am winning. I will get my date by October 2019. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. 1 point
    Hi, I'm having the Gastric Sleeve done in TJ on Wed 9/19 and plan to fly back after 2 nights in the hospital on Sat 9/22. I'm curious to know how soon after surgery did others travel. Thanks!
  10. 1 point

    Pain Medication

    I sooo agree I have three kids who are autistic and I have to travel a half hr every 30 days per child so I make 6 round trips a month for prescriptions for kids at that all bc of drug addicts and pill abusers I think they need to punish those offenders and not everyone. I could go on and on about this subject. It's bad enough the money you pay for prescriptions let alone the gas you pay going back and forth for them. I could maybe even somewhat understand if the meds were pain meds but they are nothing but pills to help the moods with autistic children. It's an absolute shame. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
