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  1. 5 points

    Fears & thoughts

    Same here. I almost walked out of the pre-op room! It's OK to be afraid. Courage means being afraid and still doing what you know needs to be done. This takes courage. You cannot try to look at the whole picture. God is the only one who knows the future - not us. We have to take one day at a time. The first day post op, the second day post op, the third day post op, etc. Before you know it , it is the first month post op, then 6 months and you can hardly even remember the surgery because you are enjoying your new life so much. Kind of like child birth. Lots of gals want to back out at the last minute! But you go through the scary process and have a beautiful new life on the other side. You are going to have a beautiful new life on the other side, too, but going through the surgery is the first step.
  2. 4 points
    Congrats on your surgery and your smooth recovery. It seems like you are doing well. This website has menus/food/recipes in the Food and Nutrition section of the forums. Also, these websites are helpful with menus/recipes labeled by the stage of food that you're eating: https://www.bariatriccookery.com/ https://www.bariatriceating.com/bariatric-recipes.html And an important tip: Not only do you not have to live on grilled chicken and broccoli forever, but grilled chicken will probably be one of the last proteins that you can comfortably eat! For many of us, it was many, many months before we could handle grilled chicken! Hope this helps and good luck on your journey!
  3. 4 points
    Thank you and that is great advice and I will be going to the hospital today Sent from my SM-J737T1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. 3 points

    I think I made a big mistake

    So glad to read this xx
  5. 2 points
    So I had my first consultation this week, the system is very different in Australia to what I have read about the surgery elsewhere. Things went very well, loved the team I spoke to, the Dr I saw was not the surgeon, but a very good bariatric physician, and after our consultation it would appear that I have the choice of; Signing up for top Health insurance, paying premiums for a year and then getting the surgery. Approx $5-7k AUD out of pocket and $5-8k in premiums for the 12 months Going through a semi subsidised model which would be in about 6 months Approx $10k AUD Paying for the surgery myself which would be in a matter of weeks. Appox $22k AUD Good news is I can do any of the above, am healthy and a good candidate, there is little requirements to do a lot of the pre-surgery requirements that other country/systems have, so I guess I now just have to decide.
  6. 1 point
    For those who have had brachioplasty (arm lift), are you happy with the results? Do you mind sharing photos? My biggest concern is the long scar that inevitably comes from it. Thanks.
  7. 1 point

    Not sure where to go from here

    Hi all, I'm new here but have been following along for a few weeks now. I'm 3 weeks post op from my RNY. Started the pureed diet yesterday and have done well so far. Had cream of wheat, chili, and soup yesterday. Had chili so far today. Didn't get in my liquid intake yesterday but I'm trying today. I feel like now that I'm a few weeks removed from surgery and hitting the pureed stage that I'm not really sure where to go from here with my recovery. I'll obviously keep taking my vitamins/supplements, have a 5 week post op appointment on October 9th, start my full food diet then as well. I guess I just feel kinda lost otherwise as to how to move forward with the rest of my life. My surgeon/RD haven't really given me any information on what to do going forward. I have my hospital binder with general information. But that's about it. I keep reading it and feel like it doesn't really make things clear on where to go once I'm cleared for full food. How many calories do I aim for a day? What meals should I make? I have no interest in grilled chicken and broccoli for the rest of my life. I'm a variety eater. I need variety. I obviously know I need to stay away from high sugar foods/carbs/sugar in general. But I feel like otherwise I'm kinda lost and in limbo. I know I have time and could probably ask my RD for help. And I will at my 5 week appointment. Just hoping maybe the veterans around here could chime in with some suggestions on how to not feel lost, their experience, words of encouragement, etc. I guess I should be clear that I don't feel like I'm failing or anything. I'm sticking to what I'm supposed to be doing (or close to it). I'm losing weight. I just want to make sure I continue to do what I'm supposed to. And I feel like I have a game plan until I'm cleared for full food on October 9th, but from there I'm on my own and don't want to fail. The surgeon's nurse who lead the education class mentioned they have a support group and handed out a flyer on it. But that was about it in the way of support.
  8. 1 point
    I did in Jan. I did have a minor complication. I came through the surgery ok and was doing fine when a couple of hours later I had a sudden drop in BP. They did an ultrasound and thought that there could be a bleed somewhere so they took me back into surgery and also gave me 4 units of blood. No major issues found in 2nd surgery. I have since spoken to the Doc and he says that the trocar probably damaged a minor blood vessel in the stomach layers - a complication that could have happened with any surgery. I was in hospital for 5 nights and did feel like I had been hit by a bus. On day 5 I developed mild asthma, I couldn’t wait to get home. Felt very weird for the first couple of weeks. Head was fuzzy and I felt like I had a hair in my throat. Possibly Ketosis combined with an ear issue! I have lost all the weight that I regained when my band stopped working and now feel fab. I weigh 50kg. The bypass is so much better than the band. My diet is much healthier, when I’m full I feel it in my stomach not in my throat and chest and I can go out and eat and not spend the night in the bathroom throwing up because 1 bite went down wrong. I don’t have any food issues, I can eat just about anything. I do have to be careful with sugar, too much gives me the shakes, palpitations and leaves me feeling generally awful - this is a good thing.
  9. 1 point
    Ok, great response. So you should try to follow your doc. But you need to make notes for yourself. How does a "meal x" make you feel. Do you get hungry quicker? Do you feel tempted to eat off plan afterward. Does it interfere with your weight loss goals? How quickly are you losing per week? In general post meno women will lose much slower than others. How many calories are you eating per day and what macros are they suggesting? You need to switch over to My Fitness Pal (free). You will just eat your carbs then mentally subtract out your fiber. It allows you to track up to 5 macros. I will post a day of food below for you to see. I just mentally know if I eat around 40 total carbs with most of the carbs coming from veggies/dairy/eggs/nuts-seeds/a bit of fruit, then I will be between 15-30g of net carbs roughly each day. I don't stress about anything in my diet (except getting in enough calories with higher fat foods--cuz I don't do well with them). Ditch the powdered sweeteners and replace with liquid stevia drops. I use some flavored and the original. I like Vitacost, SweetLeaf, and Better Stevia brands and our HEB brand is also pretty decent. But I keep the use of these pretty low cuz of the cephalic insulin response. You MUST do something EVERY DAY to move!!! This isn't negotiable in my estimation--especially if you are in a hormonal deficit/challenge and have PCOS. It's hotter than hell here. I walk in my house. Seriously. I walk laps around the interior of my house. I walk/run for 1+ hours a day everyday. (if at all possible). I do miss some days, but it's a big deal if I do. I only lost on average 1-2lbs per week. In the early days I lost 3lbs per week but that didn't last long. There WILL be stalls. The are inevitable. I had to be between 650-850 (towards the lower end of that range) to lose those amounts each week. I had very few treats or cheats during the super active losing phase. And I didn't believe in everything in moderation when I never had moderation before. So you will have to decide how many carbs and how many cals you're gonna follow from your doc and how it actually nets results for you.
  10. 1 point
    Change. That's it. Just, Change. Get comfortable with that word, because it's the most important thing required to make WLS work. You. Must. Change.

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