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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/23/2019 in Posts

  1. 3 points

    Miserable 5 days post op

    Aww lovely, it is crap huh We ALL promise it gets better! Honestly, at one point, my pain was so bad (complications from surgery, not yet known at that point) I had a fleeting thought that if the pain didn't stop, I was going to throw myself out the window!! Bit dramatic I know but hell, it was bad at the time. I was in agony for 2 weeks, regretted everything. Then kept thinking holy sheets I can't even get them to reverse it BUT I promise it gets easier. You have had surgery, and anaesthetic can make some of us feel very down in the dumps and hormones going haywire from the sudden change of food amounts etc has a huge impact on how we are feeling. Do you normally take antidepressants? I missed mine whilst in hospital, so that absolutely doesn't help with how we are feeling even missing just 2 days can impact your mood. Anyway, my long-winded point is really just the same as previous replies, the first few days can be awful but it really does improve. Hang in there, nothing lasts forever and you will get through this xx
  2. 2 points

    9 year update!

    Hello you all! I see a few faces out there that I knew many years ago here. I used to be a host, and even got an award for most followed post! Its been a while. I first joined this forum in 2010. My pic shows me with red hair… its white now! I had a VSG in January of 2011. I entered this plan as a vegetarian, and maintained that status until about a year ago when I upped my game to Vegan eating (Did you know you can drink Coke and eat Oreos and still be vegan?). 7 weeks ago I upped it again and I follow a Whole Food Plant Based diet. It is also vegan eating, but cuts out not only meat and dairy, but any highly refined product including oils, refined sugar, white flour and rice, you get the picture. It is high Carb and low fat. It took me about two years after surgery to get about 65 pounds off (I only had 80-90 to lose) and then started to gain. I gained about 20, trying different diet changes along the way… then started using the 5/2 semi fasting method, and lost the rest in the following year eating an average of 1000 cal a day. So it took me three years to get to goal. Loved it. At last, I felt like the person in the mirror was me. That didn't last long. Slowly,over years, I gained much of the weight back. Eating less didn’t work like it had. I did eat more crap, but much of the time was on calorie counting staying under 1200 cals without much success. I got up to between 20-30 pounds under my highest weight, and managed to keep that much off for the last 8 years. This is a success. I have never been able to do that before. I can eat less, my stomach allows for much more food than it did the two years after surgery, but it still can give me a full signal faster than before surgery. This is a win. I am not sorry I got the surgery. In April of this year (2019) I found out I had breast cancer. In a whirlwind, I went to a ton of appointments and ended up quickly in surgery for a lumpectomy with 2 nodes removed, then a month of daily radiation. I am lucky to have caught it early, and my prognosis is good. Nothing like a kick in the ass to get you back on board a more healthy lifestyle. I was recommended to go to a “survival coach” appointment with Kaiser. I was told they would talk to me about lifestyle changes that would amend my other treatments. So, I found myself in the office at the appointment.(July 19th 2019). I met one on one with Dr. Earnie Bodai and a Nutritionist. He went through my prognosis, not just for Cancer but heart disease, stroke and diabetes. He gave me statistics, and suggestions, and told me I was much more likely to die from other things before I died from breast cancer. He said I would most benefit from eating a Whole Food Plant Based diet. He gave me the research to support it. He handed me over to the nutritionist who filled me in on the details. I had heard about this type of lifestyle before, but didn’t think I could follow it. Nothing like Cancer and a convincing bunch of information to make change easier! I switched to the WFPB diet imdeiately. Thats been just 2 months now. I have done a ton of research to back up what he told me. I ate a ton of food. I didn’t count calories. I traveled for two weeks over seas and managed to stay on plan. I watched ‘forks over knifes’ and ‘What the health’, I went and had labs done after following the plan for a month. My labs came back drastically better… in just one month. I had been a vegan before the labs, but the new small changes in my diet made a HUGE difference. My glucose dropped from 123 to 108… and should continue to drop as time goes by. My total cholesterol dropped 47 points. In one month of eating this way. I have been trying to control my cholesterol for years by other dietary changes. My LDL dropped from 175 to 139…. And yes, at almost two months on plan, eating so much delicious food, I have lost 15 pounds. Just saying. Im doing this with my older sleeve. Its working well. I don’t think I could have done this when my sleeve was newer, as you have to really EAT to have this plan work. I told my nutritionist that I had the sleeve and wondered if I could eat the TWO pounds of veg a day the plan recommended… She said “Start Eating, Eat often if necessary, Don’t worry about protein, your health will improve.” Thats what I have been doing and it works. If any of you out there are at the point where you can eat a lot more than early on in the sleeve process, this plan may work for you too. I am not a DR.. Do your research. I looked up my Survival Dr, Earnie Bodai on line, he said he had some medical papers published on breast cancer and diet, almong other topics, and found out the man is more than just a Dr. He is the Dr. that single handedly got the Breast Cancer stamp approved in the United States and now its being approved by other countries as well. He may well have saved hundreds of thousands of peoples lives through his many good works. I trust his research and recommendations to me. Here is his story if you are interested. https://youtu.be/KlToZUJg4kg Here is the plan I am following now. There are many others that are similar out there. Just look up Whole Food Plant Based diet. The success stories are legion. http://www.kphealthyme.com/Healthy-Eating-Active-Living-Programs/Education-libraries/Plant-Based-Diet.aspx
  3. 2 points

    Miserable 5 days post op

    Thank you for your kind responses. I pray your right... right now it feels really dark
  4. 1 point
    if you're sure you're eating slowly enough and this keeps up, call your surgeon again. It doesn't say when you had surgery, but strictures are not uncommon when you're 1-3 months post-op (they're pretty rare after the three month mark).
  5. 1 point

    DS reaction to sugar

    Check this picture out. (https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/treatment-tests-and-therapies/bpdds-weightloss-surgery) 1. The stomach is sleeved. 2. The small intestine is mostly bypassed to the larger intestine which causes less of the food you eat to be absorbed. (Malabsorption) You are forced to eat less due to the size of the stomach. What you can eat, not much is able to be used by the body. I'm not a surgeon, but I would think its possible to switch from a sleeve to a DS as you've done step 1 already. Just need to do step 2. I'm sure others will help explain things more and cover what I missed here.
  6. 1 point

    DS reaction to sugar

    No problems. Just want to make sure that I communicated that from what I have been told and personal experience there is no dumping syndrome with DS surgery. I did an experiment after my RNY to DS revision, I ate something that would have put me down garunteed for a half hour with dumping syndrome. Didn't happen. I don't miss dumping syndrome. For me it was like an intense flu that came on hard and fast. Sweating, nausea, the works. Lasted for me about half and hour to a hour depending on what I ate and how much. Now it just hurts to eat too much and the bowl thing is something I'm re-evaluating my diet and supplements to help with. If OP is experiencing something similar to dumping syndrome, then probably should go talk to the surgeon asap.
  7. 1 point

    Post op update

    You look 10 years younger
  8. 1 point
    This is probably the harshest thing I have ever written on here, but unless you have some issue I'm not aware of, I think your doctor is bananas. I wonder if it's some test to see if you can do it? I had the same surgery and could have a shake and 2 lean cuisines a day the 2 weeks before surgery and only had one day of liquids. That being said, I don't think taking them for a week would hurt because you won't be able to eat after surgery, but the hunger that comes back when you go off appetite suppressants is always a concern. I would ask your doctor if the diet is really mandatory and about the appetite suppressants.
  9. 1 point

    I really don't like stalls

    Thanks everyone, I guess I have to just stick to plan .. and hide the scale lol .. but I'm a scale junkie.. every morning I have to check it first thing
  10. 1 point

    I really don't like stalls

    So do measurements with a tape measure MUCH more accurate especially when you are stalled and feeling fed up. Also the next pic is a true story

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
