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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/14/2019 in Posts

  1. 4 points

    Tell me something good :)

    My bypass was the best choice I ever made...128 lbs in 14 months. I’m happy and healthy.
  2. 4 points

    Tell me something good :)

    I've had both. The sleeve didn't work out for me for various reasons, so went to RNY. I didn't do RNY initially because I thought it was so 'final'. It's not... I can still eat foods I like, but for ME the difference between sleeve and RNY is huge. I woke up from my sleeve surgery hungry and it didn't go away. RNY took my hunger away.
  3. 3 points
    I would agree. I'd revise to a DS. You probably need that surgery. I don't think you will be happy with the RNY and think you will likely not get to your goal weight with it. I can say this because I have RNY (virgin surgery) and have a larger capacity. So I do not feel a whole lot of restriction. And food goes through my stoma very easily. So I have to be extremely careful of what goes in my mouth, calorie, volume count and limit food in the face of hunger. And I got to my goal. But it took iron balls to do it. And not everyone can put that kind of limit on themselves. If you haven't already, you need to have your sleeve evaluated to see if they left too much of the fundus in tact, or if it can be revised to make the sleeve smaller in a re-surgery. If it's surgeon error, they should have to fix it. If it's your error through overeating or eating around restriction, then a new surgery won't necessary fix your head and you will need to consider counseling along with a new anatomy if you want to avoid having this same discussion in the future.
  4. 3 points


    I would expect that they would have told you if they wanted you to do anything special. When I have had an EGD that involved particularly aggressive sampling - somewhat similar to ulcer damage, though mechanically induced - they sent me home on a low fiber diet (usually liquid or soft stuff the first day) for a week or so. No whole grains, seedy or unpeeled fruit, fibrous veg (as my BIL put it when he was on one - a Wonder Bread diet - all the things that you should avoid for a normal, healthy diet are good, all the things you should load up on - fresh fruits, veg, seeds, grains, etc, - are bad; donuts and cinnamon rolls were on their "recommended" list. Yeah, right, lol! In the absence of anything specific, I would just take it easy on overly aggressive foods, either overly fibrous or acidic, until they tell you otherwise.
  5. 2 points


    Excellent Advice @ Fluffy Chix. much useable there. And I second taking your Carafate properly and at the right intervals. Yeah, tastes about as appealing as White Flour Paste but it does coat and heal them painful ulcers, and as somebody who has woke up with right subcostal pain from jejunal ulceration, PAIN IS NOT WORTH MISSING MEDS!
  6. 1 point

    What is the best/worst thing....

    The best: Getting my life back!!! I feel 20 years younger and am doing things now that I haven't been able to do for decades. Rode 15 miles on my bike today and felt great! Hiking hills, riding my mule, climbing stairs, swimming (in a size 10 suit!!!), getting down and up off the floor, no more sleep apnea, no problems with asthma or reflux, no fungal infections in my skin folds this summer, no joint pain, normal BP and blood sugars (ie: no more metabolic syndrome!), wearing cute clothes, feeling "normal" in a crowd, more confidence, not having to size up the furniture in a room to decide which I will fit into, the list just goes on and on. I took a "Biological Age" test, and I am 16 years younger than my stated age! Hurray!!! The worst: Can't think of any. This is one of the best decisions I have ever made for myself. I LOVE my new active lifestyle and lifelong way of eating. Yes, there can be temptations, but they get easier and easier to deal with as you see the benefits of healthy choices. Sugar and desserts have no appeal at all any more. Neither do processed foods, coffee, soda, or alcohol. I do not even see those as sacrifices - not when I get to eat so many other healthy things. I guess one thing might be that when I go out to eat, I can only finish about 1/4 of the meal. I take the rest home, but the left overs are really not that great past a day, so I end up giving the rest to the chickens. So that's a waste of money. I am learning to order off the appetizer menu and to not let my eyes get bigger than my stomach. It's a process. Another thing might be that I feel a bit self conscious about my face, which I think looks old and wrinkly now. Others tell me differently and that I look younger, but I just don't see it that way. I am trying to be more out going and cheerful so that the wrinkles look more like smile lines than grumpy lines. That's just a matter of building confidence and learning to accept a great new body, but one that looks a little funny in places.
  7. 1 point

    Tell me something good :)

    That is what I long to be...get my health back and be a happy person. I have to go to the grocery store in a few minutes and I dread it because I know I will get tired just walking around there. I want my health back and I hope the bypass can do it like the surgeon says!
  8. 1 point

    Gummy Vitamins Ever???

    My doctor never advised me against gummies. In my early months, I had a lot of trouble finding a vitamin that didn't make me sick. After trying what felt like everyting under the sun, I bought a pack of Vitafusion gummies out of desperation and found that they were the only things I could take that didn't make me sick. I took them for about the 1st year, mainly because I had bought mega-size bottles at Costco and couldn't see wasting them. Once they were gone (or near gone), I tried and found that I could once again tolerate the regular horse-pill size multi-vitamins. I still take the horse-pill type today. However...I do take daily calcium gummies. Not "chews", gummies. #1 they also have D3 to aide absorption and #2, I like them. I haven't had any problems in terms of "gumming" up the works and my labs are fine. 1 word of caution: gummies usually have sugar in them. So, be aware that they can contribute to the slippery slope back to sugar and sweet consumption. And, as always...when in doubt, consult your doctor
  9. 1 point

    Stalls after surgery

    I think patience is the key to stalls. I find this incredibly difficult as I have the patience of a gnat.
  10. 1 point
    Unless the person is someone close to me and I can tell they really were sincere and meant well with the statement, I don't engage. In my case, I'm a food addict - it's like telling an alcoholic to just stop drinking. No 💩 Sherlock 🙄

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
