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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/11/2019 in Posts

  1. 6 points
    Definitely there are many people out there that have changed their lives without needing surgery but everybody is different! I've actually started my own preop much earlier than the surgeon asked. very low calorie and high protein low carbs and I've found I'm not hungry that much compared to what i used to be, and in just 15 days I'm down 30lbs (sure might be mostly water but feeling better and lost a few inches) The way I see it every lb lost will make the surgery easier for me and the surgical team
  2. 2 points
    Agreeing with he posts about metabolism above. Our guidelines would help some people - but not people with other stuff going on. Post-op, my diet is not that different from pre-op. I've been vegetarian since I was about 8, I have been logging food and exercise daily in MFP for 7 years and keeping to a calorie deficit, I drink the same amount that I did before (124 oz or more a day). My calories are a little lower right now as I was going on 1300 or less a day for the years before surgery, but not much difference. When I went home for the summer, my old friends didn't notice much of a difference in the amounts I eat now and the amounts I used to eat. But I have PCOS and my hormones were beyond messed up - I really believe that surgery was the only thing that was going to work for me. Even with that, it's taking ages for the weight to come off - I was told to expect extremely slow loss, but it was still a bit of a shock how slow compared to others. So now I try not to compare, LOL.
  3. 2 points
    It's entirely possible. Have you tried the recommended "GASTRIC SLEEVE RESET"? Here is a cut 'n' paste: Complete Five-Day Bariatric Reset Diet The Five-Day Pouch Reset is a "reset" diet for people who have had gastric bypass surgery and might be starting to regain weight. Step 1 Drink only liquids for the first two days of the five-day diet. You'll need to drink at least two litres of water in addition to low-carb protein shakes. You can drink as many shakes as you want; the point of the first 48 hours is to take a break from your eating habits. By getting all of the nutritional needs from liquids, you'll be forced to pay attention to how often you were eating, snacking or simply grazing. Remember: The goal during this phase isn't weight loss, but mentally re-setting your habits. You can't make your pouch smaller through changes in diet, but you can learn portion control. Step 2 Eat only protein the next three days. On day three, you'll eat "soft protein" such as eggs and cottage cheese. On day four, you'll eat "ground meats" -- such as meatloaf and hamburger. On day five, you'll eat "solid proteins" such as chicken breast or a piece of fish. Limit condiments, such as salsa or mayonnaise. Foods should be as dry as possible -- which will help you gauge how full you are. You're allowed to eat as much as you'd like and as often as you like, but you must stop eating 15 minutes after you start. Do not sit and eat for longer than 15 minutes at any point during the final stage of the diet. Step 3 Do not drink any liquids 30 minutes before eating or with your meals. Liquids can help push foods more quickly through your pouch, allowing you to eat more than you should. Many facets of the five-day bariatric pouch reset diet are similar to the post-op diet followed right after surgery. Tips Plan ahead because the diet restricts the types of food you can eat. Make sure you have the foods you need on hand. The goal of this diet is to make you conscious of your food choices and stop mindless eating. Warnings According to the National Institutes of Health, "bypass surgery alone is not a solution to losing weight. It can train you to eat less, but you still have to do much of the work. You will need to follow the exercise and eating guidelines that your doctor and dietitian gave you."
  4. 1 point

    Late 2-3 Month Post-op

    I didn’t know what to title this. My surgery was April 29th, I ended up in the ER the day after my release from the hospital with pneumonia, critically low potassium and acute UTI. I was also diagnosed with esophageal dysphasia. Because of that my follow up appointments got thrown off course. I had two appointments close together. The second appointment he had me go for a upper gi fluoroscopy and endoscopy. Which found stoma stricture, Schatzki ring, sliding hiatal hernia and ulcers. TBH after the endoscopy I didn’t want to schedule my next follow up appointment. And the doctor hadn’t said when. It should have been 2-3 months post-op but it’s almost 4 1/2 months. I see my surgeon on Thursday and because I need medical transportation it turns into practically an all day affair. I am actually dreading this appointment. He is a great surgeon but my communication skills, especially when I’m fatigued are sorely lacking. I’m at a loss what to say since I feel like I can’t do anything right. While yes my weight has gone down (rather slow) and I think I’ve hit around 53lb loss - I haven’t been able to progress in certain things and have to keep my calories very low otherwise I stall. Due to the esophageal dysphasia I’m not drinking a lot of water. I haven’t attempted purées again and should probably even be into regular foods by now. The most I’ve been able to manage is yogurt mixed with protein powder for breakfast (sometimes a shake) cottage cheese, BariatricPal protein soup (if I have any) juice flavor protein mixes, and sometimes soft boiled egg but I get kind of sick from it so not too often. It’s more an allergy thing with that. My surgeon never really said anything after the endoscopy. I read on the results that he balloon dilated the stricture which it seems to me he did it too much at once and I don’t feel better. The fluoroscopy showed it at 3mm and he dilated 10mm and assumed it was ok because the scope passed? I find it perplexing. And maybe they think the other issues too minor? I don’t. I don’t want to be stuck on proton pump inhibitors. They cause constipation and are not safe long term for things like magnesium, bone density etc. which I have enough bone density loss as is. I told My gastroenterologist about new issues with this of course they said talk to the surgeon and also my PCP. I’ve been having crushing chest pain. And weird strong spasms below my ribs on the left side. Of course I forgot to mention it to my PCP I was too annoyed by her attitude when I caught her up on the surgery and everything after it (she was on maternity leave a few months) well that’s a long story I won’t bore anyone with. My gastroenterologist scheduled me for a colonoscopy the end of this month to rule out possible colitis (a ct scan result said colitis) I was supposed to have had it before my RNY but it didn’t work out that way. I’m not sure how I’ll manage prep. They gave me a prescription for one that is less to drink but I’m allergic to it. Ill have to do clear liquids two days prior to the colonoscopy. Does clear protein count as a clear liquid or do I not have protein? I’ve had colonoscopies before but this is my first after RNY. Also. I have endometriosis and it’s possible he won’t see the problem in the colonoscopy since that won’t show up if it’s on the outside. I worry it won’t answer the problems there. As for endometriosis. I saw my uro/gyn because of hemorrhagic cysts on my one remaining ovary. Which also has endometriosis on it. I guess it’s time to have it out now and I’m scheduled for that October 14th. Which means .............. menopause. But I’m hoping it will ease the endometriosis and pcos symptoms. He had removed my other ovary that was covered with endometriosis during other procedures he was doing at the time. I’m too chicken to ask him about an issue with one of the other procedures he did. Just like my follow up with my bariatric surgeon. I’m at a loss what to say and when I’m exhausted I lose my words. Also doesn’t help that I speak to several people before he enters the room. I feel like they expect me to be cured of all my ailments after surgery, even my pcp had that attitude but with lifelong chronic illness it doesn’t work that way. In fact I knew things likely would get worse for me but this was my last chance at a tool to fight my out of control weight gain. You can only eat so little calories without help of some kind. My surgery wasn’t reliant on comorbidities since my BMI was 40. I have them. But most wont just go away with weight loss. But it doesn’t mean I regret the surgery. (My pcp had the attitude of why did I have it if it didn’t help those things ... well I was already at least 208lbs and BMI 40 (height 5’) like isn’t that enough of a reason? Im sorry I just wrote a very long rant. My memory is so terrible I don’t remember when my last two appointments were and what was discussed at the last one. I don’t think they even mentioned my bloodwork. All I know is that was when he scheduled the tests. Now I’m following up on that. I almost don’t even want to go. I feel like I won’t be able to explain anything. And honestly surgeons just want to hear that you lost a huge amount of weight and that you’re doing great not “it’s complicated. “
  5. 1 point
    I agree it would help with weight loss. Every diet I had been on pre-surgery fell apart when I stopped logging my food and drinking lots of water. That's a must for me, I know some people don't need to log.
  6. 1 point
    I ran across this video which has a pair of pants with Velcro in the waistband that can get you through a few sizes: https://youtu.be/oTxDpaYeuEw Starting at minute 7:19. I was wondering if any of you sew and can share pattern numbers that have worked best for you as you have lost weight?
  7. 1 point
    Wow! What a difference!!!
  8. 1 point

    Late 2-3 Month Post-op

    Maybe write some questions down to ask him and take notes when he speaks. Also, is it possible to take a supportive family member or good friend with you to your appt. to help help advocate for you and help you to remember things that were said? Sorry you’re not feeling well and good luck!
  9. 1 point

    Oops, ate too much

    Well, that was a very unpleasant experience. Of course, I had read it wasn't pleasant by any means but stupidly wasn't eating 'mindfully' and was chatting to my husband while I ate and had one meatball too many (they were tiny teaspoon-sized super soft chicken meatballs). Anyway, I paid the price quite quickly and am absolutely hating this new way of vomiting. WHY is it just bile, dear god it is revolting! I didn't get pain so much as just the feeling that something was a bit stuck. So, lesson learnt, MINDFUL EATING IS A MUST lol
  10. 1 point

    Oops, ate too much

    @FluffyChix haha absolutely! must. be. mind. ful.

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