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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/04/2019 in Posts

  1. 6 points

    Feeling alone.

    Trust me the weight will start coming off and the energy level will increase. ONCE YOU recognize the true benefits of having the surgery for yourself and how it's going to improve your mental and physical being. All the side chatter won't mean a thing. Stay focus and strong...remember you got this.
  2. 2 points
    What can I use for gaining weight? I'm 17 MOS out gastric bypass and I lost almost 40 pounds being sick on top of the 120 lb from my surgery 1/18/18 I'm barely over 100 I lost my c cup boobs pneumonia and I got powder from GNC yuck I paid 40$ a bag whey protein the one body builders use. Sent from my moto e6 using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. 2 points

    To tell or not to tell

    A couple years prior to wls I had lost 90 pounds on my own with tracking my food and exercise and I did it in 9 months. I did put it back on the following year after falling into a depression over the death of a parent, the 90 plus 10. The month before surgery I started talking to family/friends about getting serious about weight loss again. If they asked how I was doing it I would say the same way I did last time, tracking my food and exercise, which is true I am doing those things. While I was recovering from surgery I told family/friends that I had the flu and it was kicking my butt. This became the reason I couldn't be social for a while or wasn't up to doing much... still getting over that flu, man it was a tough one. It worked for me.
  4. 1 point

    Unanticipated NSV

    Lucky you, mine are so bad that it can be like drawing blood from a stone
  5. 1 point

    Cardio vs Weight Training Regiment

    I am looking for guidance on the best workout routine with my busy schedule now that school is back in session for my kids and I am also going back to school at night to get my degree and I work 50 hours a week. I have equipment in my home for both cardio (bike and elliptical) and weight training (bowflex), but I'm not sure the best frequency for doing both independently and/or simultaneously. Right now, I've been doing the cardio every day and then every 2nd or 3rd day I am using the bowflex for strength training. I am 5 months post-op and I have lost a total of 100 lbs since September of 2018. Thoughts?
  6. 1 point

    Mindful Eating Program?

    My 24yo daughter was just diagnosed with BED. I probably do fall into that category, after being with her at the Drs., but when I started seeing a nutritionist at the beginning of my journey (Surgery is in 20 days!), I actually set alarms to make sure I ate at reasonable intervals. I could never choke down anything for breakfast, but she approved a protein shake replacement meal, and I have been religious with that. That cut down the binges to almost nothing! I figure out my days meal, put them in the Baritastic App (MUCH better than My Fitness Pal!), follow my alarms, and the only time I slipped up, I missed a lunch, because we were away from home longer than I thought we would be, and didn't want fast food. In hindsight, it probably would have been better grab a salad or something from a fast food joint! Growing up, I had a step-parent who used food as reward/punishment, so I know I have food issues, but being aware of them is half the battle. My daughter probably just picked up my (bad) eating habits, and after talking, she realizes that she uses take out food as "treats." So not getting whatever she wants, whenever she wants makes triggers her eating way more than she should, after trying to be "good" and restricting her eating. I will tell her about that book as well. It doesn't help she is short and round and her brothers are all tall and thin! My husband & I are both short and round; the runts of our litters! I also had a boredom snacking issue, but I started crocheting again. It is definitely a widespread problem! I don't allow my husband to eat snacks or anything just out of the bag. I make him put a portion in a dish. That way he is more mindful of what he is shoveling in, since he has to think about it & get up if he wants more. Now that my arthritis is acting up, I play Sims 4, and World of Warcraft, which take concentration. If I am focusing on something else, I don't think about eating until the alarm goes off! LOL And I don't eat at the computer. I also have severe back pain, and discovered a bad day was a trigger. If I am in a lot of pain, I want ALL the comfort food! Now, I just remind myself, the alarm hasn't gone off yet, and I am "eating to live, NOT living to eat!" So, my journey along this path is helping her, and my husband! I tell them we are all going to get healthy if it kills us! LOL I can't wait to be "not hungry." I sort of joke about the grehlin monster who is going to be evicted soon. I can finish a fantastic meal, and be seriously hungry an hour later, with stomach pains, gurgling, the whole nine yards! Even long before starting to eat healthy, I was always hungry and not satisfied for long. I was terrified of the 2-week pre-op diet! I started a week early, but have 3 protein shakes, a meal, and a celery, carrots or dill pickles as snacks. It has been kind of hard, but I just distract myself until it is time to eat again. Knowing "relief" is a few, short weeks away helps. That and knowing how much better the surgery will be if I do the right things! Glad you are doing well after yours!
  7. 1 point


    If you add protein powder to hot foods, let them cool a bit first. Adding the protein to super-hot liquids will make it clump.
  8. 1 point


    I can't reach my protein goals without at least one shake and I'm over a year post surgery. Glad my Dr is ok with it.
  9. 1 point


    I use unflavored pea protein in soups, and vanilla protein powder in smoothies and yoghurt. It is the only way I can keep my protein up to where it should be.
  10. 1 point


    At the hospital getting ready to go in for surgery. Wish me luck. Good luck to all having surgery today. Let's Rock!!! Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
