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  1. 2 points
    Hello, I just want to give you all an update on how surgery went for me! Monday August 19th I was given a 6:30 arrival time, the checked me in and weighed me. Next the took me to a short stay room where they had me change, use the restroom if I needed to, wash my hands up to my elbow and get into the bed. By this time it was probably around 7:20. Just so you know I hate needles and well they poked me twice! Ones to get my morning lab done and another to put the IV in. Next they took my Vidal’s asked me questions, had me sign my last consent form that was to confirm the surgery and put my compression cuffs on my calves to keep blood circulation going and to prevent blood clots. Then here was the waiting game, by this time it was probably 7:50am. At about 8:25/30 another nurse came in and gave me a chance to use the restroom before being rolled down to the surgery prep room/recovery room, there I met my anesthesiologists, my in surgery nurse, got prepped for surgery, signed consent form for anesthesia. And then I was just waiting for my surgeon to arrive, he was late 17 minutes which I heard was normal for him by one of the nurses waiting with about 4 of us to go in to surgery. When he arrived he asked me how I was doing and I had any last questions and then was told he will see me in the operating room. The last thing i remember was my anesthesiologists giving me something to “calm” me down in my IV as i was being rolled away going into the operating room. Next thing I wake up in recovery, being asked about pain which was high for me but I remember also being really nauseous so they didn’t want to give me much pain medicine because they didn’t want me to to get more nauseous. While still in the recovery room all I remember is them changing me to a different and more comfortable gown from being in this itchy paper one I was given in the beginning. They took off all the stickers off me and rolled me to my room where my mother had already been waiting for me. I probably slept most of the day Monday. By the time I was in my room it was already 11:45am/12pm. My mom stayed with all day till about 5:30 and my sister visited me for about 2 1/2 hours and left at the same time as my mom. Which I appreciate them keeping me company even when I was knocked out (but I did feel bad) _______ Now I was told everything went well with surgery BUT once I started to wake up more during the night I did have quite a bit emotions going through my head. Like what did I just do? I want to cry. All because all I wanted to do was drink water/my liquids in normal speed (they brought me Water at around 4pm but my tray of liquids at 6 for dinner with medicine cups) but i knew I couldn’t and that i had to take sips because i didn’t want to hurt myself. I had a hard time with that! Tuesday came and I was brought my breakfast and it took me a long time to drink even one thing because I had no appetite and my mother had to remind me to drink one medicine cup every 15 minutes like I was told to by my nurse. I had a little pain but was able to get it under control. My surgeon came and checked on me at 11:45 and I asked him if having pressure in my chest when I drink normal and he said yes it is but it will go away after today or a day more. He told me surgery went well and that I even look good being as awake and aware as i was the day after surgery. He saw I was keeping my liquids down and didn’t vomit once so he requested the discharge nurse to start my discharge paperwork. Meanwhile that was happening I was seen by my dietician, even though I had the papers at home she gave me another copy but gave it to my mom since she will be taking care of my groceries, she also gave me my medical card to keep in my wallet just Incase of anything which is also a card that gives me permission to pay for half a meal half price later on if I was to go to a restaurant. I got discharged at 1:30pm and let me tell you from all the bumps and turns (the little that we did have) got me REALLY car sick that I had to close my eyes in the car and even when I got home at 2 I still had a little nausea for about an hour so I napped because I couldn’t find my little mint thing they gave me to smell when nauseous (I told my mom to put it with my stuff but I couldn’t find it unless she put it in her purse and forgot). Dinner came around and I had brought home my Protein drink from the hospital I didn’t finish at lunch and I had a hard time drinking it, i just didn’t have no appetite. Anyways that’s how surgery went! How are my AUGUST 19th 2019 surgery siblings doing? It is 3:27am Wednesday morning (wide awake as I type this in bed, was woken up by my mother checking up on me at 2:40 asking me if I have to use the restroom so she can help me out of bed since my bed is high, we checked my incisions and one of my incisions started to leak a little which I was told if it did to just put gauze or a bandaids on where it’s leaking. Got back to bed but started to have pain so I had some medicine and then decided to type this out and now here I am lol. _____ Pictures bellow are from when I was in the hospital. The two in the dark was Monday night after dinner time (they left my tray because they wanted me to work on it throughout the night when I was awake because I kept falling asleep) and the one I’m in with my tray was taken by my mother to send to family who wanted an update on me and on how I was doing on Tuesday at breakfast. 
  2. 1 point

    Post-op two week liquid diet!

    Gah! Need support! How are you making it through? I'm doing pho broth, SF popsicles, protein shakes...still hungry (8 days post-op). Sent from my LG-LS993 using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. 1 point
    Oh wow! Thanks for that! Sounds so painful!! ((hugs))
  4. 1 point

    Judgemental Docs

  5. 1 point
    I was an emotional wreck after surgery. I was very depressed and cried all the time for NO REASON. I wasn't angry, but I have no history of depression and was in a deep pit. It lasted for about a month before I started leveling out. I also saw my psychiatrist who I get anxiety medication from and she adjusted some things. I would suggest contacting a psychiatrist that can help you out for a while. In theory, it should all level out... lots of hormonal changes right now. I don't recall being told about the emotional changes, either, but when I called they said it was normal and should level out.
  6. 1 point

    Water pill??

    I've been taking prescription Spironolactone since before my surgery for edema in my legs.
  7. 1 point

    Got my date!!! August 19th

    Chiptress why are you disappointed that they went sleeve instead of RNY. What happened I couldnt imagine expecting to have a procedure then being told oh we decided to do soemthing else instead. Hope you are doing ok.
  8. 1 point

    Stress/ Eating/ Exercise

    Xanax lol
  9. 1 point


    I put a cap full of miralax in my coffee every morning. Works.
  10. 1 point
    Can't wait to be strong enough to do this every morning!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
