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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/17/2019 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Its hard to believe that this kind of surgery has been around this long already. Yes I had this done 45 years ago in Traverse City at Munson Hospital. Back then it was an open surgery they staple the stomach and create a small pouch then it is bypassed to the jejunum. While they were doing this surgery back then all the organs were removed and cleaned out. You stayed in the hospital for 2 weeks or so, much different then how it is done now adays. I have maintained the weight loss over the years, however, there was a few years when I had put on up to 40 pounds and just started slowly getting it back off once I realized what I was doing.
  2. 3 points

    Getting rid of all the junk food!

    Congratulations ! Good for you- approaching your family and requesting the support you need ๐Ÿ†
  3. 3 points
    Welcome to the site! The community here is helpful and friendly, just dive right into any thread that interests you!
  4. 1 point

    Getting rid of all the junk food!

    Thank you. The struggle is so real.
  5. 1 point

    Getting rid of all the junk food!

    That's. Well it wasn't quite "requesting", more like "demanding"
  6. 1 point

    Are You Ready For This

    Thank you all so much! I went yesterday for my 3rd dietitian appt. It went great, she talked to me about the vitamins and omgoodness the cleanse you will have to do prior to surgery and the diet afterwards. When ready to leave, all of my other dietitian appts had been moved up a week. #soexcited!!!!
  7. 1 point
    It's just the 2 weeks, was required to buy one box a week during 6 month diet which honestly I didn't do well with. The New Direction bars not so bad and chili was okay. The shakes though are horrid. I managed to choke down most of one of the lemon puddings with Fiber today then chase it with broth due to aftertaste. I think tomorrow I am going to try hunt down the Premier Protein locally because I feel like I am starving. I am making sure to get my water and liquids to not dehydrate but this is day 5 and hoping we get surgery date 8/26/19. My surgeon changed hospitals at the end of the 6 month diet so had to wait almost 2 months longer. Plus, still waiting on BC/BS with final approval which should happen by tomorrow since file was marked urgent. Then doctor order his instruments and not sure if they are in. So very stressful this journey. Thanks for all the advise!
  8. 1 point
    I have not. I do hope that you get some answers soon and that it is nothing serious. Hang in there and keep us posted with what you find out.
  9. 1 point
    Just dropped another size!
  10. 1 point
    I'm 3 yrs out, down 130 lbs and maintaining!! I lost 40 pre op on my own. I think this was key for me. As it helped prove to myself that I was ready and could do this long term. Like most above, I followed the program to the letter for probably a solid year. That really helped me totally changed my eating habits and it's "just how I eat now" so I don't think I'm on a diet. I exercised as soon as possible. Walking shot distances at first and adding distance and speed gradually. Now I do 8-10 miles a day 5-6x weekly at a pretty fast pace. Exercise too is just now part of my life. I need it to maintain and feel good. I still track everything, Eat protein first, drink all my water, alcohol only on rare occasions and then one is plenty, and I'm still and hopefully permanently off pop. I also control the food that enters my house. So I don't keep junk food in the house. I know that isn't realistic for all. But really nobody living in your house is gonna die without junk food. The result, if I need a snack or mental eating...it's still a healthy choice. I don't deprive or avoid any food group or type. If I want pizza I get it, I make sure it's my favorite (no point eating bad anything) I have a small piece or two and move on. The great thing is a small amount always satisfies me so I don't have to feel guilty. And guilt free pizza tastes soooo much better. I always say.... the second bit doesn't taste any better than first. (Really think about that) So often one bit of something "bad" takes care of my craving. I hope this helps a newbie if I can do it anyone can!!!! Best wishes all

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