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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/01/2019 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    Try switching the protein bars out for real foods and see if anything changes. At 6 months post op i began salads in addition to protein
  2. 2 points
    kathaleen revell


    Good Morning everyone...... I have gotten so much wonderful information from you all so far... Now.... the next thing.... I had my sleeve on July 22, 2019 and everything is going great.... except I am soooooooo tired of this liquid diet. I know..... I am trying to be patient. I feel good, no pain, lost 24 lbs since I started the liquid diet. No naseua or omiting, getting in all my protein and almost up to the amount of water I should be taking in each day. BUT. ...... is anyone suffering from unbelieveable tiredness and I actually have almost no energy unless I sit down and rest between activities. I had to sit down to brush my teeth the other day. lol. I truly feel like loss of calories might be just running me down. I have my first visit back to the surgeon on August 7th and then I should be put on puree foods, so I am thinking that will help this weakness. Could the rapid weightloss cause the weak feeling. Let me know what you think.
  3. 2 points

    Watching grass grow

    Dive into your work and normal daily activities. If you become too preoccupied with the wait, it will seem longer, trust me. Once you're past the surgery, it will seem much shorter in hind-sight. This is so very much a journey that you need to take. If you rush it, you will not be able to build in the good habits you're going to need for post-op. I'm thankful that I spent my time wisely during pre-op making sure I stayed away from most forms of carbs, fatty proteins and pre-processed foods. Now I can do it in my sleep, its still hard, but it doesn't take as much willpower when your stomach isn't grumbling all the time.
  4. 2 points
    I would stay away from protein bars personally . They pack as many calories as a candy bar and can be addictive to some. You know yourself better then anyone though. I was eating on average 800 calories at 6 months out. Breakfast. 1 egg and either turkey sausage or 2 slices of bacon ( I still eat this today ) Lunch. tuna creation pouch and 1/4 cup of cottage cheese Dinner. 1 rib and part of a baked potato with cheddar cheese ect. Snack. Almonds This is just one day I had logged in my 6 months. Most of the time I could not finish a meal and would go back and finish later instead of snacking on other things.
  5. 1 point

    Watching grass grow

    All of you seem to have been so much better prepared for this than I was. I did attend all the required pre-surgery classes, which helped me a lot. My only other source of information was this board, which was a godsend! I learned so many things that my surgeon had not told me.
  6. 1 point

    Watching grass grow

    All of the above is great advice. I also made a list of things I wanted to do, a kind of bucket list of things after weightloss, that were not possible/ fun at my highest weight. Even only 8 weeks out, I have already managed some and it is very motivating. I collected recipes that I knew would be bariatric friendly, too. I made a binder for them so they would be ready to go when I was. My family has since implemented a "new recipe" night every Saturday where we cook and test one out together. (Makes a great replacement for eating out.) Check out the Food Before and After thread link below for lots of pics of yummy healthy food people eat post op for some great inspiration. Food before/after Hang in there, you can make this time count for sure!
  7. 1 point

    2 Year Surgaversary

    Happy Surgeversary! You're an inspiration!
  8. 1 point

    2 Year Surgaversary

    Congratulations! Thank you for sharing! Sent from my SM-G935T using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. 1 point

  10. 1 point


    Are you sure it is true hunger and not an acidy feeling in your pouch? Are you on any meds for heartburn? If it is true hunger it will get better as you move through the food stages. Sorry you're feeling this way. Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
