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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/25/2019 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    Did he just not do any stomach reduction at all, or did he make a pouch type structure like a traditional RNY gastric bypass? If he made a pouch, even a larger one, and connected it well downstream to provide DS-like malabsorption, that would be what is known as a distal RNY, which is rarely done, but is a cousin to the traditional RNY which is primarily a restrictive procedure with a minimal amount of malabsorption added. Another possibility is that he did a DS type of intestinal routing but with a large stomach pouch similar to an RNY, and this would be a Scopinaro procedure, which was a precursor to the standard or traditional BPD DS and was rarely done in the US. Another possibility from your description is something like the old jejunolileal bypass which was a purely malabsorptive procedure done in the 60's and 70's that kept the stomach intact along with the duodenum and some portion of the small intestine but bypassed the majority of it, reconnecting things down near the colon. It was abandoned owing to a lot of complications though he may have done some less malabsorbing variation. It was mostly replaced with the now traditional RNY gastric bypass. I'm sorry that you didn't get what you were expecting, but you should be able to make this work. It is important, however, that you get a clear understanding of what exactly he did (get a copy of the surgical report for your records) so that you, and any doctor who may need to work on you in the future for whatever reason, has a good understanding of how your insides now work.
  2. 4 points
    In your shoes, what I would really want to know is just how malabsorptive he made it, as that influences both how you supplement in the future, and how you need to eat to lose the weight, as both will likely be somewhat different than with the mainstream procedures like the RNY or DS. The old purely malabsorptive procedures like the JIB worked fairly well, but had a lot of nutritional complications which is why they were abandoned. The RNY went the other way being primarily restrictive and works well with only moderate nutritional consequences from its mild malabsorption, but weight maintenance is only so-so. The BPD/DS hits something of a sweet spot in being moderately malabsorptive with a similar level of nutritional quirks and a more moderate restriction. The old Scopinaro was more malabsorptive and had more problems than the typical DS (that usually had about a 50cm common channel, compared to 100+ for the BPD/DS). One of the general rules-of-thumb that we discussed in the DS world is that with the DS, the sleeve (restriction) gets the weight off, while the switch (the malabsorption) keeps it off. The implication of all of this (from an amateur/non doctor perspective) is that if there is enough malabsorption to effectively take the weight off by itself (a la the old JIB or Scopinaro) then there can be excessive nutritional problems, or if the malabsorption is moderate enough to not cause significant nutritional problems, the weight loss may be marginal. I would assume (hope) that this is the case with what your surgeon did, and that you will have to work harder at the loss part of the equation, but will have typical DS/distal RNY nutritional quirks to work around. This is something that you really need to understand in working with your surgeon in the coming follow up visits. Good luck!
  3. 2 points
    I’ve heard it’s safer then hip replacement, look up some stats and show him how safe it is
  4. 2 points
    I'm worried that you haven't even had the surgery yet and you're already counting down the days to foods that likely got you into trouble in the first place. WLS requires major adjustments in the way you think about food and eat for the rest of your life. I eat hamburgers now, 7 months post-op, but without the buns. I don't eat pizza. You'll always be able to order something to socialize with your friends - a chicken breast, a salad, salmon -- something healthier. You'll be able to eat solid foods about a month after surgery.
  5. 2 points
    @RickM Thank you for this information! He did not touch my stomach and what he described sounds exactly like the Distal RNY. This is great information so now i don't feel as down. Thank you again!
  6. 2 points
    Lot of educational stuff online about bariatric surgeries, YouTube has some great videos describing the surgeries step by step. Maybe you can watch one together or perhaps take him with you to next doctor visit and he can ask questions to the surgeon and staff As for the Endoscopy the hospital should be prepare for all possible situations. most are i am assuming. Ask the questions who , what , where and how until you're comfortable with the procedure. By even concerning the surgery you have taken some control of your life, don't stop now. ask questions ....good luck "you got this "
  7. 1 point
    Yeah do plenty of research. Read forums. YouTube. Learn better eating habits. Find out what brand protein you can live off, get yourself prepared before surgery and maybe even lose a few lbs
  8. 1 point
    I would suggest making dietary changes prior to surgery so its not a big shock to your system/lifestyle. Google Telogen Effluvium for more info on hairloss
  9. 1 point
    Im 8 weeks post op and my stomach still doesnt like ground beef so i think it depends on ur body and how its healing. I can eat new food every week. Its a process i still cant have chicken ether, i think because they were so dry , so sad. Ive had pizza actually about 2inches of it last week but it wasnt as great as i remember i used to love papa johns now the smell kinda makes me go eww. Cheese doesn't taste the same kind of a yucky taste. Anyways i can eat off the menu at a restaurant i just eat like a 1/2 a cup of fish and grilled or steamed veggies and i try to talk to who ever is with me so i dont inhale my food and make my chest hurt. U will be able to eat what some say is" normal" but u have to be careful u dont want to get in bad habits especially early on. 4 cheese its turned in to a whole individual packet. Lol Not GOOd! I do crave them now everyday i have to resist the temptation cause my kids love those things and they go down so easy!! Good luck with every thing!
  10. 1 point

    Psych Eval not clear

    It will not be much longer for you. I am getting excited for you. Hope I have mine the same time as you, then we can share our journey and encourage each other but we will no matter what. August here we come. I think if paperwork goes well it will be end of August first of September. If it is in September, it will have to be 2nd week because I have a retreat coming up the first week of September. Praying for you!

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