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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/14/2019 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    If you ever feel like you're surrounded by know it alls (here or in real life) and want to scream/type "just shut up already" you're not alone. You're awesome. You're doing great. If your journey is totally normal and you're freaked out because you're NOT experiencing the myriad of issues you see here, I feel ya. If you're having issues, I hope you're finding the non-judgmental support you need. If you're not, I hope you find it. Try & remember the people commenting on every freaking post to chastise & bully are really talking to themselves.
  2. 1 point

    Started on The Carnivore Diet

    My husband is diabetic and has chronic pain, so he did a lot of research and decided he wanted to try "The Carnivore Diet" to reduce his A1C/sugar and also reduce his chronic inflammation. He's been very supportive of my WLS and efforts, so I wanted to support him too, so I'm doing it with him. I started Sunday, he started yesterday. I'd been in a stall or had somehow ended up in maintenance for the last two months, so I'm willing to try ANYTHING to get the weight loss moving again. I've already lost 3 pounds in 2 days, so that's a good start. I was shocked because I had double the usual number of calories yesterday (1350 instead of 775) but maybe my body was in starvation mode and I needed to up the calories to lose weight. The "Carnivore" Diet is very similar to Atkins or Keto, but you basically just eat meat and drink water. It's a zero carb diet. Now I know that the ultimate answer is "all things in moderation," but I think that for the short-term, like 30 or 60 days, I can do this, maybe lose some weight, support my husband and get healthier.
  3. 1 point
    hi all i had a gastric band fitted in nov 2012 and have had numerous problems , fills and defills and even a period of 18months with nothing in my band , i decided to start again in april this year and have fills but having got to 5mls have had to have two defills putting me now at 4mls . i never know from one day to the next how my eating will be , one day i can be pretty ok and the next i may struggle with a yoghurt . i have after some time enquired about revision surgery from my band to the gastric bypass and have plucked up the courage to book a consultation to discuss it properly , i am also seeing my gp this coming tuesday with a view of mentioning it to her amongst other things . i have struggled with my weight pretty much all my life and not a day goes by when it is not in the forefront of my mind , i also suffer with depression , weight being a large part of that since being subjected to bullying re my weight at senior school . So sad am i my favourites tv programmes are about weight loss , especially dr now ! can anyone tell me of their experience with revision in this way , what type of things do you manage to eat ? do you struggle with salads and fruit like me ? is it a case of you plate is a side plate size or smaller but no food groups are a major issue like with me , sorry if this all sounds silly things to ask but i struggle with the heathiest of things which is just miserable and mad , any tips , experiences and advice would be most grateful . thankyou x
  4. 1 point


    Same as the above replies. Calcium citrate chewable supplements Milk was on my plan. fairlife milk mixed with my protein shake powder. Real food stage, I could reach my protein goals without shake supplementation. I ditched shakes. (Exception is I use small amount premixed vanilla protein as coffee creamer) Personally, I don’t care for milk.
  5. 1 point


    I was more excited than anxious. A couple of days before the surgery of course I worried about "What if there are complications?" or "What if I die on the operating table?" but those are normal fears and here I am 7 months later happier, healthier, and lighter.
  6. 1 point
    OK - I understand now. With that longer intestinal bypass part, you'll have to be REALLY diligent with your vitamins. It's going to be even more critical now because you'll be even more prone to vitamin deficiencies than you were before. Good luck to you, by the way...hope this does the trick for you!
  7. 1 point
    My issue is energy drinks like red bull, rockstar & mother... Will be a change to remove them will probably start to clear my cupboards out the month leading up to surgery which will include a Preop protein shake diet!
  8. 1 point

    Pureed Stage

    Dr. Brian, with all due respect, as a food addict I fully understand the need to have "palatable options" for eating. But let's examine the psychology of your question. OK? You are looking for a "tasty" food fix. But that's the exact thing you want to try to find a way to overcome. It takes a mental re-framing. Instead of looking for rewarding food experiences, look for foods you tolerate, that offer deep nutrition or the biggest bang for your nutrition buck, and that stay down well and help heal your body. Embrace BORING. Embrace low reward. Embrace KISS. Embrace interacting with your food as little as possible for as short a time-span as possible. Why? Cuz it's in the honeymoon phase that you have the ultimate opportunity to RESHAPE and reframe your relationship with food. Believe me, once your gut microbiome gets on board with your plan, you start to crave "boring" clean foods over the craptastic high-reward foods that got us our lifetime invitation to the Obesity Ball. Embrace: protein drinks (for now) yogurt low fat cottage cheese soft scrambled eggs tuna salad made with cottage cheese and mashed hb egg soft boiled eggs chicken salad made like the tuna salad sf jello sf popsicles And be done with it. Make it no-brainer repetition. Because all too soon, your struggle will get worse and then you will be asking for advice on how NOT to eat the slice of pizza or 3... I come to you not judgementally, but as someone who has walked in that trench and has discovered new ways of thinking.
  9. 1 point

    DO YOU

    💜Many thanks💜
  10. 1 point

    Weight Regain - Need advice

    @Vikingsfan8178 all advice above is great. many OP lose weight, then for whatever reason, start to re-gain, then feel bad, then eat more and gain more weight. Vicious cycle, most of us have been there.😒 i would suggest finding a support group. you probably will find other VETS that can encourage you, or more probably you will meet newbies, OP just starting - and they are optimistic - and that feeling is contagious - remind yourself how terrific you were/and still are - it's hard, but you can/will get back on that wagon -you remember that great feeling from before realizing/admitting to yourself you have a problem/issue is half the battle. keep reading the board, you'll get more inspiration, and hear OP struggles too. You are not alone, remind/tell yourself that you are NOT a failure we are all here to help each other☺️ good luck kathy

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