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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/24/2019 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Well, long time no see. It's been a rough couple of weeks. I should have been expecting the other shoe to drop after having it so easy for the first three weeks post op. I was getting my water and protein easily, had no pain, nausea, or vomiting. But as soon as the soft foods really started in earnest I started having problems. Pain, foamies, slimeys, vomiting galore. There doesn't seem to be a rhyme or reason to it. Something that I ate easily yesterday causes pain and vomiting after the first bite today. Sometimes it's my pills, other times they go down easy. I just don't get it. I'm trying to stay positive. I know this is a season in my life, and things will eventually even out. I'm just so tired of being afraid to eat, not knowing what kind of response my body will have. I'm mostly hitting my protein target, thanks in large part to protein shakes (which I hate, but look at as medicine). I missed my water targets by a lot over the weekend, due mostly to feeling awful, which I know is a terrible cycle... throw up, don't feel like drinking anything, get dehydrated, get constipated, feel like crap, repeat. The three-week stall is also still here. I thought I had busted through it, but I've been bouncing between 216-219 for the last two and a half weeks, which is a contributing factor to my mood and frustration level. And add in wee-lings who are going crazy with end of the school year insanity, friends with busy schedules who I haven't been able to see in weeks, and I'm an unhappy girl. Things will turn around. I know they will. Just not feeling it at this moment.
  2. 1 point

    New member introduction

    Hello, Everyone. I'm completely new here (haven't even been trolling)! My surgery date is on Tuesday, June 25th. And, the path to get to surgery was relatively short. Years ago I had a lap band that we were never able to properly inflate because my system was so sensitive. So, it just stayed there, restricting a tad bit, being annoying--sort of like a surly underachieving teenager, capable of brilliant outcomes but totally lazing about. Like many, I've pulled weight off and gained weight again--for years. 50lbs here. 30lbs there. For a good while, I was quite healthy after one of those interludes and I hold that memory close and strongly. The decisions to again undergo weight loss surgery was precipitated by my sense that I was on a road that led to poor health outcomes no matter how I looked at them--blood pressure increasing to "normal" although my blood pressure is typically very low, high cholesterol, sleep apnea, pre-diabetes. So, I decided to nip things in the bud, get my health back, and take charge. So...that's why I am here. I don't tend to be a big group person. In fact, I'm something of a loner. But, in considering how my psychological, emotional, and tactical behaviors over the years have informed my weight and health, I thought: you'd better try something different, woman. And, there are a LOT of people in the world who know much more than you. Being in community with them would seem like the smart thing to do, which is why I'm here. I look forward to learning from you all. And, I appreciate you all. Warm Wishes, Cris
  3. 1 point

    After surgery questions 😊

    1. I eat slowly and pay attention after each bite. I may even put my fork down in between just to force myself to slow down. I can feel when I'm full regardless of whether I've eaten my measured out portion. From paying attention and experience I know that there's a point where if I eat 1 more bite, I'll be really sorry. 2. At first, I had to sort of stick to a schedule. For those first few months, I had no appetite. So, sticking to my schedule was important to meet my nutritional goals. These days I have an appetite, but not such a voracious monster as I had before. Regardless, I still sort of stick to the schedule I had before. 3. For me, I work in an office environment that allows a lot of flexibility. I eat breakfast 7a-8a with lunch 1pm-2pm. I usually allow for a mid-morning snack and always carry a snack in my bag, just in case I find myself in a situation where I am faced with temptation or hunger that just makes it hard to work. *this was especially helpful in those early days when I was eating less than 1/2 cup at a time. I have dinner around 6 and I try to never eat after 7. Tips: #1-take it slow and pay attention. There's no one specific path or schedule that works for everyone. You may start with a strict schedule, but be willing to adjust your schedule to suit your needs. For me, my doctor gave me a schedule for those first few weeks. It became a little stressful to adhere to and made me feel like I was constantly watching the clock while trying to coordinate my food vs fluid intake. Once I settled into my own schedule, it all seemed quite natural. #2-Have portable protein snacks, just in case. In the first couple of months after surgery, I packed little 2-4 ounce containers of items I could eat. Protein bars are also very portable, but use caution and make sure you're getting ones that aren't high sugar content.
  4. 1 point

    Protein Shakes

    Started full liquids in hospital. Been drinking Glucose Control Boost (blech!). Trying to get to where I'm drinking 4 each day, then I get my full measure of protein in.
  5. 1 point
    One week post-revision, down 5 lbs since surgery day.....which puts me back under 300. VICTORY!!! Still a ways to go but I'll take every little win I can get. Feeling great other than minor abdominal discomfort.
  6. 1 point

    Weil-Cornell- Dankin or Afaneh?

    @Classc1 I think either would be fine for that. If you want to speak to others about who they've used, you can always go to a bariatric support group there. Support Group Schedule
  7. 1 point

    Will Be Banded No More

    So just got the call, I am scheduled July 8th to have band removed. WooHooooo! Have to go on 2nd for pre-surgery things, oh my cannot wait for this new journey to begin!
  8. 1 point
    Sandra Nuelken

    Regained after GS

    I found if I was slipping I went on the pre-surgery and post-surgery diet for a month. You need to cleanse your system of carbs, sugars and the other junk. Then you buy only healthy food, and you learn to respect your body and only allow good food to enter. Another trick is to eat half and pour water over the rest. Don't take it home. Just a few facts.
  9. 1 point


    Thank you! I found it and also added my favorite quote! You are super awesome...
  10. 1 point


    Welcome and congratulations on your decision. I have found the boards to be very helpful and people to be very supportive and informative so this is a good place to get some encouragement when you need it.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
