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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/20/2019 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    I started a year before.
  2. 3 points
    hadn't had a soda in years - had removed the sugar from my tea and coffee the previous year. but as to everything else - dont hate me - 48 hours before surgery - didn't really have any type of pre op diet I have made up for it by being a bit of a overzealous wack job since. still working out the kinks on that part. just follow your plan as given by the surgeon and squeeze all the second chance out of this that you can.
  3. 2 points

    Losing slow but I’m happy

    I had my surgery August 21 of last year, my surgery weight was 294 today I’m 219. Starting weight was 311. I am happy and content, because I feel so much better than I felt at my heaviest! Sometimes we like to compare our numbers with everyone else, but everyone has separate journeys. First picture is current of me, I recently fit into size 14 pants! I was wearing size 24 pants day of surgery! Second pic, I’m the one in the middle. I can’t stand to look at it! :(
  4. 2 points

    1400 calories for maintenance

    Thank you ProudGranny!! Your weight loss is great as well!! 1300 sounds reasonable. I do have an appointment with my nutritionist next week so we will see what they say as well. I always have the fear of the weight coming back. Thank you for the welcome! Looking forward to everyone's support!
  5. 1 point
    Stress eating is real! I have been going through some relationship issues myself, and I really turned to food. I love chips, and wow...can I eat a lot of them! For me, the key was just being honest with myself. I had to stop and ask myself if I was really hungry, or if I was eating just to eat. It is much harder than I imagined. I have also learned that I need a real lunch, or I will graze all day long. Eating something more substantial for lunch definitely helps me get through the day without snacking. I have gone back to a pretty strict schedule in terms of eating. Breakfast - Protein Shake - Lunch - Afternoon Snack - Dinner. Without a meal built in over lunch, it is more like breakfast - protein shake - graze all day - dinner. Another thing that has helped me, probably more than anything, is getting back to the gym. I am getting 1 hour of cardio in 5 days a week, and 1 hour of weight lifting in 2 days a week. The exercise has helped so much because it has replaced my stress eating, and it has just made me feel more normal again. I feel like I have really started to lose myself if my current personal situation, and this is making me feel like my old self. I think there are major changes coming for me soon, so I really want to focus on staying healthy and positive. Anyhow, good luck with everything! You look great by the way. 😀
  6. 1 point

    Weil-Cornell- Dankin or Afaneh?

    Thank you. I’m thinking the gastric sleeve.
  7. 1 point

    1400 calories for maintenance

    @codingirl79 hi newbie you are brand new here, but i see you have lost 80 lbs - DOS. 11/6/18 - post sleeve, that's terrific sounds, like you are doing everything right!! being healthy and a cutie, what more could you ask for!!☺️ at 10 months out. you have to "weigh" LOL your options - how about meeting in the middle with you calories, see if you can maintain at 1300. Try it for awhile and see what happens. Continue to up/down your calories until you are maintaining - and feeling good Many variables like @summerset good luck welcome to the boards☺️ kathy congrats
  8. 1 point

    Favorite water bottle?

    Nice Looking, and it works well too? Maybe I need to fix up another BP store order!
  9. 1 point
    Willingness to treat you and follow up after out of the country surgery depends on your doctor, and does vary greatly doctor to doctor. You need to consult with your primary care physician to see if they are willing to do this, and if not, find a different primary care physician before your surgery.
  10. 1 point

    Pain Medication

    I sooo agree I have three kids who are autistic and I have to travel a half hr every 30 days per child so I make 6 round trips a month for prescriptions for kids at that all bc of drug addicts and pill abusers I think they need to punish those offenders and not everyone. I could go on and on about this subject. It's bad enough the money you pay for prescriptions let alone the gas you pay going back and forth for them. I could maybe even somewhat understand if the meds were pain meds but they are nothing but pills to help the moods with autistic children. It's an absolute shame. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
