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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/09/2019 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Please do not panic. Everyone loses at a different rate and for me lack of calories in led to a minor slow down because my body decided less than 500 cals was a great point to invoke starvation mode. I upped my intake to 800 and immediately started losing again. Most importantly, weigh once a week, not daily, do your weekly measurements so you can see the inches fall away and ....... not a single one of us put on all the weight in 2 weeks, we sure as heck are not gonna see it fall off in 2 weeks....no matter how bad we all want that. Keep doin what you need to, walk, sip and get your protein in and the rest will take care of itself. Keep the faith, you are doing great
  2. 1 point

    Bruise marks appearing on stomach

    Maybe the loss of fat all over your body instead of a blood dyscrasia . I have been having bruising without remembering any bumps, falls or trauma that could produce it. My PCP just laughed, said it probably is just a facet of getting older, not only have you diminished your fat padding but your skin is naturally much thinner. Oh well, my over-active imagination had me developing leukemia, he keeps telling,me my RNY has made me a much healthier person and then immediately sends me off for yet another testing. And I have appointments set,up for my ears and eyes,v2 areas he as yet had missed. I want one of those labels like they put on the inside of car doors stating the date of my Last Servicing! Perhaps center it on my Forehead where everyone can readily see it!😛🌈🌺🌼🌸
  3. 1 point
    Sleeved in DFW :-)

    To Tell or NOT to Tell

    Told my husband, my mom and my daughter. My mom has a big mouth and told my brother. His wife had RNY and lost A LOT more weight than me. I had VSG. I feel judged by both of them which sucks. Wish my mom had kept it to herself like she promised. Huge betrayal. Anyway, like someone else said, no one cared or asked how I got fat so why do they need to know how I lost it? If I had an abortion would it be lying to not tell anyone about it? Should I walk around saying “Hi, I had an abortion, that’s why I’m not pregnant any longer.” I find it ridiculous that some people on here say it’s lying not to tell people you had the surgery. That’s BS. I’m extremely private about all of my life and this is no different. I am 18 months post-op and I am so happy I kept it to myself and my immediate family. It’s my body, my business. I had 70 lbs to lose so my weight loss was fairly slow and that probably made it less obvious to others. I feel that telling people (when they ask) that I eat low carb, smaller portions, very little processed food and I do 50 minutes of cardio four times a week is an accurate description of HOW I lost the weight. Seems honest enough to me. But everyone is different.
  4. 1 point

    I Think I'm Allergic To Carbs

    Your calculation is incorrect hon. You are 5'6". So your ideal weight is assessed at 130lbs (100 for the first 5 feet and 5lbs for every inch over 100lbs = 100 + (5lbs X 6ins) = 130lbs. Now express your ideal weight in kg: 130lbs divided by 2.2kg/lb = 59kg Now figure your protein needs bases upon your health/activity/degree of athletic pursuit (most of us are average): 59kg X 0.8g/kg of protein = 47.2g of protein per day Now assume on average that there are about 7g of protein per OUNCE of dense protein by weight: 47.2g protein divided by 7g/ounce protein = 6.74oz protein (dense protein) by weight on a scale to satisfy that 47.2g of protein content per day. And anything above that is likely over-nutrition for most of us. But if you aren't average...then the recs go all the way up to 1.4g/kg of ideal body weight per day.
  5. 1 point
    I’m a slow loser as well. Hang in there. It will come. I stopped following the GS community on Instagram because I was feeling like everyone else was losing faster than me. I lose 2-4 pounds and then plateau for 3-4 weeks. It’s hard but I keep reminding myself how I FEEL and don’t pay attention to the scale. I had the procedure last November and have lost a little north of 30 pounds.
  6. 1 point
    She's not being very supportive, but then again it's hard for others to understand our plight with obesity. Do what's best for you. It isn't the easy way out because the dieting continues for years after the surgery. The surgery doesn't magically make you skinny. It's a lot of work, but the surgery is just a tool that makes it a little bit easier to do the diet. I didn't tell anybody but my husband about my WLS because I didn't want to hear the judgers and the haters and making me feel like crap like I wasn't strong enough to do it on my own.
  7. 1 point
    Ask her what kind of moron would want to do everything the hardest possible way. Does she push her car to work everyday? Use the cat's tail to apply eye shadow?
  8. 1 point

    Small anger issues with men

    Yes, I do understand and accept all of that as far as dating goes. I guess what I am wondering at the root of all of this is, then: WHY does whether or not a man is attracted to you affect the way he interacts with you in public (non-dating) situations?? I mean, I am no more deserving now of a "good morning" greeting from one of my kids' classmates' married fathers than I was last year at the higher weight. I may not be attracted to men that are hundreds of pounds overweight, but in public, non-dating situations, I certainly don't ignore them or treat them as if they are invisible. And to be honest, I didn't realize that I was being treated that way until it changed for the better. And now I'm kinda ticked about it.
  9. 1 point

    Small anger issues with men

    But I am NOT a different person. I act exactly the same way I always have. I was never not confident. I never had low self esteem. I did the surgery for the health benefits, not the looks. It is not my insides that have changed. It is only my outsides and it is making ME angry to be treated differently. So I ask again, has anyone else had this experience and how did you handle it? Did the angry reactions eventually fade away?
  10. 1 point

    Skinny Women Are Evil

    Here here...discrimination in any form is discrimination and very wrong to do! Couldn't have said it better!

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