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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/04/2019 in Posts

  1. 7 points

    It's my Birthday!

    Today I'm celebrating 53 years of life. I'm 139lbs. down and I exercise regularly. I'm wearing 53 years pretty well. Don't you all agree? Here's my Birthday transformation pic.
  2. 2 points
    I'm sort of in the same boat. I'm in the process of gradually increasing my calories to stop the weight loss. Like you, I get full pretty quickly so I am resorting to grazing all day to get the calories in. I've only minimally upped my carbs and fat and am trying to make up the calories by volume, but I'm not sure this is going to work for very long. I know I'm going to have to up those macros, but I'm not mentally ready for that yet. As for exercise, I didn't/don't want to reduce the amount I do...for me, I think its important to stay active (and I also kinda like it now, lol). I started a "Maintenance Thread", to get the conversation going on this topic...you can check it out (it just started )
  3. 1 point

    An Uncomfortable Question

    It's not an uncomfortable question at all. I'm pre op and my husband is very supportive. We all have that question in the back of our minds. I have to agree with everyone here though. Confidence is sexy! Maybe ever sexier than some slinky outfit. I would like to add that the "right one" usually comes along when you stop looking for them. You will now have the ability to pick and choose your dates, not the other way around. So, let go and stop looking for "the one". I kissed, and married a number of "frogs" before I found the "toad" of my dreams. The right man, the one who will cherish and love you come hell or high water is out there. And he's just waiting for you to wander in! He will love you no matter what you look like without the window dressing, and with the lights on. BTW, I don't believe in "the one" theory. Out of literally millions of people, how can there just be 1?
  4. 1 point

    NSV during a stall

    And doesn't that feel oh so Good? Those are the kind of NSV I like!
  5. 1 point
    I'm about 11 weeks out. I get that stuck feeling, particularly if I eat too fast, usually during the evening meal when I haven't eaten since noon. I guess I'm hungry those times, but I don't experience hunger like I did before surgery, so I don't recognize the new feeling of hunger. I tried a one inch piece of a pita bread and I felt the stuck feeling then too, only more misery; I stay away from bready things now. I can eat about 1/4 cup of dense things (meat), 1/2 cup of yogurt consistency or soup consistency foods before I feel the stuck feeling. I have to have one protein shake a day yet in order to make my goals--I can drink about 8 oz of a thin shake fairly easily. A thicker shake is a smaller portion limit.
  6. 1 point
    Our general goal was to sip an ounce (30ml) every five minutes if you can. Inflammation in the stomach after surgery can vary widely, so some can drink fairly normally (no guzzling or chugging!) while others may have to sip very slowly, I could sip down a bowl of broth (6-8 oz?) and a 4 oz juice box in a half hour sitting in the hospital, and that was of no concern to the doc; when my wife went through this a few years before things went through much more slowly. Both can be considered to be "normal".
  7. 1 point

    An Uncomfortable Question

    Hey !Silver Fox Dudes, ready to try. it out, if you can keep from laughing at my formerly fat skin areas. And when I lay down you don't need to play anthropologist and go excavating, it's there and handy! I have turned from Shrinking Violet to Geranium, blooming all over and not one of my blooms needs Deadheaded!
  8. 1 point

    New here!

    Yes! I have no cravings as of yet. I think of eating right now as a "prescription " and I'm just following my doctor's plan. I have no hunger, which surprised me. Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. 1 point

    An Uncomfortable Question

    Sex is sooooo much better when I'm thinner. And even with looser skin, I am waaaay hotter than when I was obese. And not just because I am thinner, but because I am more CONFIDENT and sure of myself, and the weight loss was a big part in re-cultivating that. You are really worried about how you will feel/look after weight loss (I notice this is your second post on the topic ♥️). But are you happy with your situation right now? I'm guessing that you aren't since you are moving forward with the surgery. Change is scary. But if you put in the effort, it will totally be worth it. 100%. ♥️
  10. 1 point

    Follow up today

    💜 Congratulations so far 💜 Who told you that???

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