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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/28/2019 in Posts

  1. 2 points


    I just switched from Celebrate chewables to the BariatricPal Multivitamin One. The Celebrate used to make me super nauseous, and you had to take two of them. The Bariatric Pal version is only one tablet and the taste is much better. The Celebrates were so bad that I had to extend my Rx for Zofran just to keep them down. Do yourself a favor and get a 30 day supply and try them out. This is not an endorsement for any kind of kickback, I truly have found them to be superior and I'm happy to support this product going forward, it's a game changer.
  2. 1 point

    weird question

    Well, that is part of it all, you learn from your mistakes not to repeat them. We have all had those moments ourselves, we are only human. You resolve not to repeat these things and you move on, don't look behind, keep moving ahead. Follow your diet, get your exercise, acknowledge this is not the easiest thing you have ever done, but we who went before you realized that the rewards outweigh the things you have removed from your life. Stay strong and I believe you will have excellent results.
  3. 1 point

    Packing is so much easier!

    Iโ€™m down 75#. Biggest NSV is that packing for a trip is so much easier. My jeans take up a fraction of the space! For someone who packs carry-on only, this is a HUGE (or maybe small) deal. :). I was even able to pack tennis shoes to work out - Iโ€™d never have had room for that before!! Now I just have to resist the urge to fill my bag.
  4. 1 point
    I still don't do pasta at four years out. Empty calories that take up stomach space. I have eaten zoodles a few times, and they're a decent substitute. condiments - they do have sugar, although I still used them occasionally. As far as spicy things, if you can tolerate them, there's nothing wrong with eating them. My sense of taste intensified after surgery, so sweet things tasted sweeter and spicy things tasted spicier. I couldn't handle spicy things quite as well as I could pre-surgery, and to top it off, I couldn't slam a glass of milk after eating something that was too spicy for me since we're not allowed to drink right after eating. SO...I did shy away from spicy things for awhile (I still don't eat anything *super* spicy, since I can't drink anything afterward to cool my mouth down!!)
  5. 1 point
    This is such a marvelous post and success strategy!!!! Gosh I you! Hey would you come post this over on the Doing the Headwork thread. It's such actionable advice!!!! TY in advance hon!
  6. 1 point
    Ahhh ... yes, good ol' hunger monster and I go way back! Had had 6 months post op without physical hunger, and then similarly to you, at about 20 lbs to goal, it came back. Lots of great info on this thread! Here's my $0.02 Physical hunger and head hunger are totally different animals, and have different ways to fight them Physical hunger is actually easier for me. First, as mentioned above, Intermittent Fasting (IF) was a game changer for me. For me the more I eat, the more hungry I am. The longer I go without eating, my hunger lessens. My body is also easily trained to expect to eat at certain times. My hunger was actually awakened on a vacation. I not usually a breakfast eater, but B&B's include breakfast, so I ate the "free" breakfast every morning. I started waking up hungry, which continued after I got home. So for me, the way I fast is I just push my first meal back as late as possible. When I feel hungry, I push liquids. Most of the time the hunger will pass. I could often get to 2 pm, and do a 18:6. And while their might be magic in IF itself, the fact is I eat less calories if I'm only eating for 6 hrs out of the day vs. 12+. Additionally, if you're truly hungry, it's easier to make good choices. Grilled chicken is delicious when I'm hungry, while it is boring if I'm just snacky, you know? You know what I think I may love best about IF ... you can't fail! If one day the hunger monster won't be banished, that's ok, just eat. No reason to be miserably hungry, just try to make good choices, and try again tomorrow. Some version of IF actually have fast days and feast days. So you didn't fail, you just did 5:2 IF Now head hunger, that's a tougher one for me, and one I've had less success fighting overall. I tried to remove temptation from my house. If I had to go to the store for chips, I was less likely to eat them. I stopped watching any cooking shows, and stopped browsing food or recipe website, even healthy ones. I kept healthy foods stocked, low cal soups, jerky, fresh veggies, laughing cow cheese, deli meat, poached chicken, low cal condiments. If I was just feeling snacky and it was overwhelming then I'd just try to eat all the good stuff. As @GreenTealael said, you're not going to gain weight on lettuce! Sometimes though, I just really really wanted food X. I had two strategies. Say I was craving Mexican food. Sometimes I was able to be satisfied by going out and getting something that satisfied the craving, but was still a healthy choice. For instance, getting ceviche vs. cheese enchiladas. Sometimes I just really really wanted the cheese enchiladas, then I had them! But I didn't take home the leftovers, logged it, and what was done was done. Tomorrow was a new day and no reason to beat myself up for being human. Hope that helps!
  7. 1 point

    June 10th Date

    Pre surgery testing for me was ultrasound of liver, abdomen, etc., EKG, and labwork. That was it! My surgery date is June 3rd [emoji3] Sent from my LM-G710VM using BariatricPal mobile app
  8. 1 point
    I have been giving away my clothes as I shrink. My pictures span decades, and itโ€™s part of who I am. There are so many amazing memories in them, they stay.
  9. 1 point

    2nd week weight loss stall

    If you use the search tool you will see is a very popular subject! Endless threads are created about it and there are countless tips recorded by hundreds of posters. It a great resource! ๐Ÿ’œ Congratulations on your safe surgery ๐Ÿ’œ
  10. 1 point

    Let's Get Motivated!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
