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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/20/2019 in all areas

  1. 2 points

    Surgery tomorrow April 20

    I'm scare, excited, and nervous but ready. Sent from my SM-G950F using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. 2 points

    First half marathon

    Here’s some pics! Finished strong. That’s all I wanted ❤️ How did yours go?
  3. 1 point

    Surgery tomorrow April 20

    Thank you..waiting now Sent from my SM-G950F using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. 1 point

    Stress and poor food choices

    I've been playing ostrich for a while now. Just came back to post tonight and found this old thread of mine, so figured I'd update it with, well, an update all-around. Back in February, I thought my daughter (who's twelve and dealing with a chronic pain syndrome) was going to start receiving treatment soon at a top children's hospital. I was wrong. That was just an evaluation; she actually started the treatment program six days ago--some three months after that evaluation. Doing so required us to move five hours from home; my husband and two other kids are back home. That's an oversimplification, but let's go with it. My older son was also dealing with debilitating mental health issues back then, which got worse before they got better. In early April, he told me his suicidal thoughts had become so intense he was afraid he couldn't handle them anymore, and we decided to do something radical--taking him three hours from home for 12 days for ketamine infusions for depression. The good news is, they helped tremendously. I truly believe he's going to be okay, which is HUGE. The bad news is, my eating issues that I posted about in February never improved. I never improved them. I ate my stress away. Given that, I don't know that I've gained any weight. Maybe five pounds, maybe not, but my weight loss has AT LEAST completely stopped. As I said, I'm now living away from home, and I didn't even bring my scale. I am making an effort as of right this stinking moment to get back on track. With my daughter in this pain treatment program 40 hours a week, I'm finally free to help myself. I'm going to the YMCA tomorrow morning at 5:15, and I'm at least making an effort with my food. It's not good. Don't get me wrong. But it's better than it was. I'm also going to work. Did I mention, all this mess has meant I've done virtually no work since autumn, and I'm self-employed? My income is going to be 20% of what it was the year before. More stress. I want to do well. I want to be healthy. But frankly, dealing with one kid in unbelievable pain for the past seven months and another who just wanted to die...Cheetos seemed completely reasonable for a while there. Sometimes they still do. I'm back, and I'm trying. Good to be here.
  5. 1 point


    Well I am now merely Obese instead of Morbidly so, and I feel it is a definite step in the right direction. BMI barely 34 after starting 51 or 52, Yippee Yahoo for littler ME! Can overweight be very far behind?
  6. 1 point


    I kept on my plan. After about 10 days of stall, I deliberately changed my intake for 4 straight days. I ate extra calories (up to 1100, when I normally eat 600 to 800) and carbs (purposely ate over 60 grams when I am normally well below 50 grams) because I'd heard lots of folks did something similar to break their stalls. It did not work for me. After those 4 days I went back to my regular diet and a couple days later the loss picked up again. My body simply needed that time to readjust. I knew that was the case, but I was scared that I was "different" and I was suddenly done losing. Long story short, stick to your plan and give your body a good few weeks to adjust to the massive changes! You will begin losing again in time!
  7. 1 point

    First half marathon

    Good luck and kudos to you for such an awesome challenge! Keep us posted!
  8. 1 point

    Not losing as fast

    when I was where you are, I'd lost 28 lbs (16 lbs the first month,12 lbs the second). I was a slow loser the whole time, but I ended up losing over 200 lbs. Everyone's rate of weight loss is different depending on so many factors (age, gender, starting BMI, metabolic rate, etc). Your commitment to your program is going to have a MUCH greater impact on your eventual success than your rate of weight loss will, though. So just stick to your program, follow the rules, and the weight will come off, either fast or slow.
  9. 1 point

    Stress and poor food choices

    Thank you for the words of encouragement and suggestions. They really helped! I was completely back on program yesterday for the first time in a week or so, and the scale went down today. Feeling much better, and remembering I need to take care of MYSELF so I can take care of MY KIDS.
  10. 1 point
    Hi there...You are under a lot of stress and my heart goes out to you, my one and only son had medical issues as well growing up which entailed a lot of ICU stays in many hospitals, some close to home and some far away from home, so I can relate just a little because your load is much larger. This is just a thought because I am totally not in your shoes honey but you know when we get on airplanes and they go over the drill and tell us if an emergency happens, even if we have kids we are to put on our oxygen mask first before securing it on our kids because if we cannot take care of ourselves first then we are no good to our children...so try your best to take a little time for yourself and regroup, prepare some healthy snacks and make food that you can get to quick and not make the worst choices, you went through a lot to have surgery and you deserve to be healthy and feel good too. Make a meatloaf, bake some chicken, (food that you can get to quick and heat in the microwave) buy protein bars, pre-made protein shakes etc. that you can just throw in your purse when on the go taking your daughter to the hospital...I know it's hard but take care of you so you can give the best care to your children. Our children mean the world to us and we would rather endure their pain if we could switch places, but mommy please take care of you first (it may sound selfish, but it's really not) so that you can have the strength to care for your babies. I think you did the right thing my reaching out on the site because we get you and understand...if you mess up and eat something bad it's ok, we are all imperfect humans and you are aware of it so you are to be commended considering what you are going through. You will get a lot of good advice here Take care of you and your kids and we are here for you ((Hugs))

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