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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/06/2019 in Posts

  1. 3 points

    Six Month Post-Op Then and Now

    6 months was on 5/1. Down 97lbs from 286 SW. 48 more to go. Sent from my SM-G930R4 using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. 2 points

    6 days out - NO real pain

    I never had any pain either. They gave me pain meds in the hospital but I never took any pain meds once I got home. I followed the guidelines they gave me and have had no issues. I did have the “foamy” stuff come up a couple of times in the early stages when restarting solid food due to either eating too fast or too much but otherwise no vomiting or nausea. It doesn’t take too many times of doing that to figure out your bodies cues to slow down! I consider myself to be having a textbook journey and am grateful. I don’t get stressed out if I have a day where I don’t get my protein in. I just do better the next day! I did get hunger back after 4 weeks but it doesn’t take much to make it go away. I used to live on sugar, now I have no desire for sweets or junk food. Now I just look at junk food and think to myself, that’s what got me to the bariatric program in the first place! I’m doing the best I can and so far it’s working. I’m no longer Pre-diabetic and no longer take taking BP meds. Good luck with your journey. It’s ok to being doing great! Your doctor will be proud of you!
  3. 1 point

    I made it!!

    I developed a collapsed lung after surgery. I had to have a chest tube jabbed in. After 2 day I am proud to say, "I made it to the losers bench!" I am on full liquids til I gor bavk and see my Dr on the 8th them we move to full liquids. I have little pain at all. Just some mild discomfort from swelling. Still taking some chewable gas pills.
  4. 1 point

    Can't decide sleeve or bypass

    I was literally back and forth since August 2018. I finally have firmly decided on the bypass about 1 week ago. I have no GERD or acid reflux or anything like that.
  5. 1 point

    New discovery - ribs!

    From my sayings app; BEFORE ANYTHING TRULY GREAT HAPPENS EVERYTHING FALLS APART! Hi there from another Boomer(73) in Central Ohio. I have gone from 28-30W at 5ft8in to a 20, and teetering on the brink of 18.HW365+, Currently at 224, losing 2-3 lb each week, bariatric clinic is forecasting I will achieve Onderland at or slightly past my one year anniversary on September 5th. Boobs a tragedy like yours , gone from 48 DD to 42C, my goal is to be 175 and a 15 junior, why do I specify that? Because for a BIG Girl I am not overtly busty, I am a Fat Athletic build, my ortho who is also a Sports med specialist says "Impossible" I told him You are looking at one now. Had 2 knee replacements, partly due to fact I caught softball and baseball, because that was the only way my neighborhood could field a team, played center or power forward in basketball, none of my boy cousins would challenge me to horse after age 12,,i was good and I left them in the dust but I was chosen among the first when choosing sides cause nobody wanted me on the other side. I was merciless on court! Now I am an arthritic has-been who shrunk 4 height inches after menopause, I was 6 feet if I didn't flatten down my hair. And I am ambidextrous, so I switch-hit in one kind of ball, and was deadly in layups and,free throws. We were somewhere and one of my kids was playing around with a b-ball, I said give me that basketball, shot from centercourt , sunk it , no rim needed, Whaaat said my offspring, how can you do THAT? Mama had a life before you guys came along, and I still have secrets. I have bat wings and also flying squirrel thighs, maybe they go together? A scrawny turtle neck, I wonder who I will look like when this is all over, I certainly barely resemble myself anymore. Recently I have gone from Looking like my,Mama, her older sister Aunt Grace and today I look like their mother,Grandma Cora. And this is a shock, she never was above 5ft4in even on tippy toes. I just pray I still look passable and don't frighten people in the street too badly. My bit of glory, my rump is going away, I used to be a Baby who had Back, now I have gently rounded butt cheeks. Harder keeping my pants up, they have nothing to hang from anymore! And the stretch marks, low flesh and different ways my body is, those are our battle ribbons, we took our place in a deadly war and We Won!
  6. 1 point

    New discovery - ribs!

    It seems like the fat melts from the top down. My poor old 63 year old face looks about 80 to me - so many wrinkles and a turkey skin neck. I have always had genetically heavy upper eye lids, but now they are falling into my eyes. (If I have plastics, the upper eyelids will be the first thing to get done.) Going south with anatomy, the boobs are half their size and twice as long. Arms are getting pretty baggy. Belly and inner thighs pretty wobbly. BUT...….. the ribs look great! I've gone from a 24 pants to a 16. 2X top to a med-lg. Bra from 42DD to 38C. Underwear from 13 to 8. Most of my weight is still in the lower half. So funny how it is so different for everyone, but my aging skin is not so funny. No more collagen, I guess, and the elasticity is just not there anymore. But all these wrinkles are just my badges from the best decision I have every made for myself. It's just a matter of perspective. I'd rather look older and wrinkly and have my life back, than be obese with smooth skin and hardly able to move.
  7. 1 point

    that horrible stall

    Me too. Six weeks in and this is my second stall. I'm doing everything right, and yet... It's just dispiriting to have done all of this and feel like it's not working. So. What I'm doing to stay positive and keep on track is that I pulled out a few pieces of clothing that I'm really close to fitting in to, like five to ten pounds away, plus the dresses I was wearing pre-surgery up on the wall to remind me that I'm making progress and hang in there. And I spent yesterday doing fun stuff, like going to the movies and getting a blow out. And I'm going to put my scale away until Friday because seeing the number not move every day is not a loving thing to do. We'll get through this, damn it!
  8. 1 point
    Are you on any meds for diabetes or high blood pressure? Dosages might need to be adjusted. I'm on day 2 of the all liquid diet too, and am a bit loopy... felt like my blood sugars were low while I was grocery shopping (a new kind of torture). Checked my sugars when I got home, and they were actually high. Turns out that my once-a-week coffee from McDonald's had 2 sugar in it rather than 2 sweetener. [emoji35] Now I'm just praying it levels out soon because I feel like crap. Sent from my SM-G960W using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. 1 point

    Can't decide sleeve or bypass

    I thought I wanted bypass because I didn't like the idea of them permanently removing my stomach from me, but two of my other doctors felt that bypass was too radical for me and wanted me to do sleeve instead, so I did.
  10. 1 point

    Wish you had known before?

    I'm a month out from WLS. I wish someone had told me that will still like candy and salty/fatty things and not to cheat ever or it's all going to be for naught. I didn't spend $14K for a new life just to ruin it again. You'll still need just as much discipline to break head hunger and breaking bad habits as you did before. I don't even want a snack sometimes, but I'm still standing in front of the refrigerator staring into the shelves looking for something that I don't need or want. It's very hard to get past that....VERY HARD...

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