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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/20/2019 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    Weight Regain - Need advice

    @Vikingsfan8178 all advice above is great. many OP lose weight, then for whatever reason, start to re-gain, then feel bad, then eat more and gain more weight. Vicious cycle, most of us have been there.😒 i would suggest finding a support group. you probably will find other VETS that can encourage you, or more probably you will meet newbies, OP just starting - and they are optimistic - and that feeling is contagious - remind yourself how terrific you were/and still are - it's hard, but you can/will get back on that wagon -you remember that great feeling from before realizing/admitting to yourself you have a problem/issue is half the battle. keep reading the board, you'll get more inspiration, and hear OP struggles too. You are not alone, remind/tell yourself that you are NOT a failure we are all here to help each other☺️ good luck kathy
  2. 1 point

    The Gym...

    Thank you so much for the response. This was very motivational. I've thought about doing jazzercise. I did it many moons ago for about a year but that was when I was much lighter than I am now. I have gone to the gym three times so far and your response really helped me go. So thank you. Im hitting a stall now at 10 weeks and trying so hard not to be disheartened. Sent from my SM-G965U using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. 1 point

    Anyone from upstate NY?

    I don’t think they retest you. They didn’t test me. I quit shortly before surgery. All will be fine. Feel free to ask me whatever you want.
  4. 1 point

    Weight Regain - Need advice

    I've also had some regain as well. My lowest weight was in the first year at 125 lbs. Year 2 and 3 I held steady between 130-35 and I was very happy with that weight. August will be my 4 year sleeveversary and I'm currently 139.2. I know it's only 4 pounds but I know that 4 can turn into 40 if I'm not careful. Trying to get back on track myself and stay focused. There have been so many changes since having my surgery and I want to get back on track and back to clean healthy eating that I know I should be doing.
  5. 1 point

    Weight Regain - Need advice

    The weight regain between years 2-5 is a common phenomenon. You know what to do. You simply must muster the will to motivate yourself into losing it again. Go back to the extreme basics of your "regular food" stage with all the rules. Start planning, logging, weighing, and measuring and make sure to hydrate and move! Walk at least! Consider IF as well. You can do it. Tackle it now.
  6. 1 point
    It might help to go to the nutritionist to get back on track. Be proud you are aware and want to nip it in the bud now. Good luck.
  7. 1 point

    Weight Regain - Need advice

    Hey there, Spring is the perfect motivator for changing your diet or routine. I suggest cleaning out your pantry and refrigerator. Go right back to basics and join others doing something similar for camaraderie. Here's a link to a current motivational challenge Good luck! You can do this ! 💪💜
  8. 1 point

    Gained weight

    I gained EIGHTEEN pounds of water weight - don't worry, it'll come off!
  9. 1 point

    An honest update. Weight Gain

    You nailed it. It's not as simple as "Just do it "no matter if you feel like it or not. It may mean digging deep and finding what got you to your height weight and confronting behaviors that are holding you back. May be time to find a counselor/therapist to get you over this hurdle. Get help even if it's hard..Even if you don't feel like it. Overcoming the mental battles can be the best gift out of this surgery. Keep us updated. This is not the end of your story. It's the beginning. SIDE NOTE: Your post is very important for people making the choice to have sleeve surgery. Many of your points are not stressed enough by surgeons. Yes, you will still have an appetite and will be able to consume more food month's/years out.
  10. 1 point
    you are 100% correct. The sleeve is just a tool. We have to work it, but dont beat yourself up. Change your behaviors. FInda therapist that can help you get to the root of the food issues. It will help. Also find an accountability buddy. One that is local to you and that can help keep you accountable and not enable you. RId your home of the foods you should not be eating. Start with a clean slate. You can do this! you have the knowledge of what to do, now just implement it. Make yourself incentive boards.. WAY TO GO Boards, motivational boards.. Good Luck

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