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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/14/2019 in Posts

  1. 3 points


    Enabling: I won’t give permission or condone choices/behaviors that sabotage the work to get healthy. Peoples success is not dependent on the members here. The only one who has to be happy with your WLS outcome is you. When does a response become abusive? Interpretation is part of it. Trolling and personal attacks I would consider abusive. When you post on a forum you have no control of how people respond If a post or member offends you don’t read or respond. (you have the option to block them) Some people want a light touch while other do better with tough love. Take the advice, examples, and experiences that are useful and ignore the rest. I value all the opinions and input, even if it’s something I don’t agree with. I learn from the successes and mistakes. Freedom of speech is a wonderful thing.
  2. 3 points


    I think if someone asks for an opinion, then it's an invitation to be honest. Obviously not to the point of destroying someone's esteem, but I feel that if someone asks... I will answer with honesty. Not sure about the support being enabling... interested to hear about that.
  3. 2 points

    Weight gain

    Pouch reset diet won’t shrink your stomach. It will help you feel your restriction better. It's a kick start to get back on track with healthy habits. Yes, I’m on my soap box because this topic comes up so often. Your best restriction is in your first six months to a year. With the sleeve you feel less restriction as you progress *it’s not back to full size* this sensation seems common for sleeves but, won’t happen to everyone. I wish people knew this before choosing the sleeve. Just because we have more space does not mean you have to eat over your calories and macros and gain weight. You can eat more bulk in food and keep your calories in range. With the other foods allowed on your plan, Eat dense protein and as much veggies you want to fill the extra space. ***For anyone who feels they have stretched their surgery, get it diagnosed by a surgeon. Look into revisions. Address why you are over eating so you don’t stretch your next surgery***
  4. 1 point
    Add ice cubes to it or refrigerate it so it's cold. It goes down much easier. I've told my patients this when they've had to do preps. Good Luck!
  5. 1 point

    Affordable pouch reset diet?

    Greek yogurt does have a lot of protein, and I eat it every day, but it does go right through you. Something like meat sits in your stomach a lot longer, thus keeping you fuller. That's not to say that you shouldn't eat Greek yogurt, but try to get some meat in for some of your meals, too. I've read that there is a limit to how much protein the body can absorb at one time - I can't remember off-hand, but I think it was 30 or 40 grams, but I also recall that there wasn't really a consensus on this. I have to eat 100+ grams a day because I malabsorb protein (my prealbumin level tanks if I don't get that much), but I spread it out throughout the day.
  6. 1 point

    Hanging skin

    I think EVERYONE has sagging skin after weight loss, it’s just the degree to which you get it. But clothes cover everything that’s super-evident (thighs/upper arms/abdomen) and if it really bothers you there’s always plastics or other procedures. For now I’m making do with light shapewear and elbow-length sleeves. Two years ago at this time, dressing for summer was 100x more complicated because I didn’t show those areas anyhow AND I was trying to manage the form-fitting/layering/air con-to-blistering weather. Now all I have to worry about is do I look good in one of my many medium-sized elbow-length shirts. So much easier. Definitely overrides any loose skin worries. What will happen will happen. Even if you end up with the least elastic skin ever, you’ll have more options than you do now.
  7. 1 point

    Anyone in the Tacoma WA area?

    Not quite in the Tacoma area either but In Washington as well! I'm scheduled for Next Tuesday the 16th Ahhh!! Super excited and pre-op anxiety is rocking hard!
  8. 1 point

    Exercise partners

    Does the hospital where you had the procedure have a post op support group? You might be able to find someone in your area there.
  9. 1 point
    I'm so sorry you are not feeling well. The first advice that I can give you is call your doctor and go see him/her. Let them know how you are feeling. I had gastric bypass done 10 years ago and I remember that the first days were fine, but around 2 months after I couldn't even drink water. Your symptoms could be do to several possible causes. Some people just experience this normally a few months after surgery. Or it could be that the bile that was stores before in your gallbladder is working differently to help with digestion. Some people develop scar tissue around the incision from the gastric bypass surgery. It could be different things or just the body attempting to recover after two surgeries. I remember I could only drink Crystal Light for about 4 months after the surgery, as water would make me gag. I'd make an appointment with your doctor to make sure everything's working well. It's always good to check. Good luck on your road to recovery! Life will be normal again. It takes a while, but it gets better!
  10. 1 point
    You're already bulked up. You just need to keep up on your protein intake to repair those ripped pecks you're going to develop.

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