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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/15/2019 in Magazine Articles

  1. 1 point
    “Complete” But Lacking Essential Nutrients What does a “complete” multivitamin contain? It could provide anything from all the essential nutrients to just a few. There is no legal definition for “complete.” In the case of Flintstones “Complete” multivitamin chewables, “complete” apparently means that it has all 13 vitamins, but only 6 of the more than 15 essential minerals that you need. Quantity Is Critical For bariatric surgery patients, it is not only important to get each of the necessary vitamins and minerals, but also to have the right amounts. You need high amounts of some of the vitamins and minerals, and Flintstones chewables simply do not deliver. For example, the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) suggests at least 12 mg thiamin (vitamin B1) per day, while a chewable has 1.5 mg. You will also be short on: Vitamin A Vitamin D Vitamin E Vitamin B12 Iron Calcium And more. “Doubling Up” Does Not Work If one tablet is not enough, can’t you just take two? Well, not really. First, getting twice as much as certain nutrients may still leave you short. For example, 2 Flintstones chewables provide 1,200 IU of vitamin D, while recommendations for post-op gastric bypass patients are to get 3,000 IU per day. And no matter how many chewables you take, you will never get enough of essential minerals such as selenium and chromium, since the chewables have none. Multivitamin: What Is in a Name? We usually refer to them as “multivitamins,” but most often, we really mean, “multivitamin and mineral supplements.” Sometimes, a “multivitamin” that you buy off the shelf really is literally a bunch of vitamins with few or no minerals. Do not get confused by the name when purchasing your supplement. Read the supplement facts label to see which nutrients are in the supplement, and how much there is. Safe Choices, Your Way To be sure that you are getting the right supplement for bariatric surgery post-op needs, you are best off choosing a bariatric supplement. It may be a tad more expensive, but it could prevent deficiency diseases such as anemia or peripheral neuropathy. The BariatricPal Store has Multivitamin One and a wide range of other multivitamin and minerals formulated according to ASMBS guidelines. Choosing a bariatric surgery-targeted multivitamin instead of a kids’ supplement does not mean you have to choke down capsules if you cannot stand them. You can always opt for another form, such as Powder or a Soft Chew. BariatricPal Protein One has 28 essential vitamins and minerals, along with protein and fiber, in Unflavored powder or great-tasting shakes such as Chocolate, Vanilla, Cookies and Cream, Peanut Butter, Chicken Soup, and more. For help figuring out which vitamin and mineral supplement may be right for you, you can look at the attached ASMBS guidelines or check out our Bariatric Vitamin Guide, which breaks down recommendations for each surgery type. Also, be sure to talk to your doctor about your individual needs before trying a supplement. ASMBS-Nutritional-Guidelines-2016-Update.pdf
  2. 1 point
    I heard I should be avoiding carbohydrates, is this true? This is 100% false! Carbohydrates are the body’s preferred source of fuel. Just as your car needs gas to run, your body and brain rely on carbohydrates to give you the physical and mental energy that you need to get through your day. What are carbohydrates actually? The majority of patients identify carbohydrates simply as grain products (e.g. bread, pasta, and rice). When dieters say they’re going on a low carb diet, they typically plan to eliminate or reduce their consumption of these grain products. In reality, carbohydrate sources include many other foods, like milk, yogurt, fruit, plenty of vegetables, and legumes. Did you know that one cup of milk has the same amount of grams of carbohydrates as a piece of toast? Or that a large apple has twice as many grams of carbohydrates as that same slice of toast? Or that a 1⁄2 cup of chickpeas has three times the amount of carbohydrates as the toast? Confused? This is why we challenge our patients in why they want to experiment with low-carbohydrate diets. What does that mean to them? And which foods are they planning on restricting? A lower carbohydrate diet is not necessarily a healthier one! In a world where our food apps can track everything, it’s sometimes hard to make sense of all of the numbers they give us. You shouldn’t be blindly trying to decrease your total grams of carbohydrates or total grams of fat per day without understanding how that translates into food choices and your overall health. The type of carbohydrate is more important than the amount of carbohydrate.Not all carbohydrates are created equal. The most common forms of carbohydrates are:  Fibre (for the purposes of this book, we will refer to fibre as a ‘complex carbohydrates’);  Sugar (for the purposes of this book, we will refer to them as ‘simple carbohydrates’).  Starch. Starch is calculated by taking the total carbohydrates and subtracting both the fibre and sugar from it (for the purposes of this book, we will refer to starches as ‘complex carbohydrates’). Foods that are high in carbohydrates but contain a fair amount of fibre and starch, and a low amount of sugar (i.e. high in complex carbohydrates and low in simple carbohydrates), are typically healthier choices. Complex carbohydrates take longer to digest, which is why they make you feel fuller longer. Examples include:  Barley;  Oats;  Quinoa;  Whole-grain products;  Legumes. Similarly, foods that are high in carbohydrates but contain high amounts of sugar and low amounts of fibre and starch (i.e. high in simple carbohydrates and low in complex carbohydrates) are typically less healthy choices. Simple carbohydrates are quickly digested, which is why they give you a quick boost of energy, but also why you don’t feel satisfied for very long. Examples include:  Pastries;  Donuts;  Chocolate;  Candy;  Juice;  Regular soda;  Sugary cereals. After WLS, protein should always be eaten first, followed by your vegetables and then your grain products (e.g. rice, quinoa, pasta) or starch (e.g. potato, sweet potato, squash). Eating in this order will naturally limit the amount of carbohydrates you consume at each meal because of the limited space in your stomach. Patients who restrict their carbohydrate intake, in our experience, typically have a harder time finding a healthy balance and joy in eating again. One of the biggest consequences of skipping out on carbohydrates at mealtime is that your blood sugar is less balanced, which can result in sugar cravings later on in the day. Remember: All foods fit, but it’s the portions of food that should be the focus in a healthy diet, post WLS. - Lisa & Monica
  3. 1 point
    Louisa Latela

    Go With Your Gut!

    When we do not pay attention to our intuition there is a low level anxiety/energy that constantly runs in the background of our mind/body. And we consciously (or not so consciously) think things like “I know I should speak up for myself at work, but I don’t want to make waves.” “I really should have an omelet for breakfast but the donut looks good, I know I’ll feel sick afterwards, oh it doesn't matter, I'll eat better tomorrow.” “I never should have volunteered to do that project: I don't have the time, but I didn't want to disappoint my friend.” “I know my partner treats me disrespectfully, he doesn’t really mean it I know he wants to change. I’m gonna keep my mouth shut and hope he changes soon.” etc. Having all this background chatter is annoying. Guess What?? Overeating or eating foods that make you sleepy or foggy is a GREAT way to dull that noise. However if you want to lose weight and keep it off in a healthfully, you must learn to respond to your overeating triggers in positive, self nurturing way. If ignoring your intuition is one of your triggers here is a simple way to begin to notice your intuition. When you make a commitment to "playing around with this" you will undoubtedly begin to be more aware of your gut instincts in more important areas of your life: relationships, work, health. Once you start to trust your intuition you will continually be guided to people places and things that you support you in your quest to life a healthy joy-filled life! This comes from my Nurturing Nudge # 55 Go With Your Gut! Practice listening to and acting on your intuitive hunches. If this is a new concept for you, start out with small things like trusting your gut when it comes to getting in the fastest moving line at the bank, or finding a great parking spot. In these instances your intuitive hunch is the very first feeling/thought/inclination that comes up when you pose a question. For instance your intuitive hunch might be to get in a longer line at the bank, something your rational mind would argue. But I challenge you to go with your gut. More times than not I bet you find that your intuitive hunch was right. Another easy way to better trust your instincts is to call or email a friend when the thought of them pops up in you mind. Whenever I do this I usually find that my friend was just thinking about me or that he or she needed my support at the exact time I reached out to him/her. This is great practice for learning to live your life in connection with your Higher Power, your Intuitive Knowing, which will always guide you to act in ways that are loving and respectful to yourself and others; that support your Highest Good. Know this: You have all the wisdom and knowledge you will ever need inside you. Practice accessing, listening to, and acting on its promptings. When you do this you might be surprised to notice that you experience a feeling of lightness and increased energy, a greater sense of well being, and a sense of things flowing easily and effortlessly! It is soooo cool to follow your instincts and see that they were right on even when they made no logical sense! Kinda makes your heart giggle!! AFFIRMATIONS I trust my gut! My intuition guides my every action! The more I listen to my intuition the louder it speaks! My gut rocks! Live In Love 😘 Louisa If you've had weight loss surgery but found that you've regained some weight this group may be a valuable resource for getting back on track. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/lighten-up-tickets-53027486640?fbclid=IwAR3hCtIcVvH46SlVTyyOEN-vzTbBPc7OiMEoahTlWxokL1qHuOLAhOpIukg

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
