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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/02/2019 in all areas

  1. 2 points

    What will summer look like

    So today I was looking at my pictures from last summer. The one picture that got my attention the most was a family photo of me my son and husband at one of our camping trips. I remember during this photo I smiled because I knew it was going to be my last summer feeling so helpless with my weight. I cant wait to see what this summer will look like. I cant wait until summer comes and I can compare photos from last summer to this years summer. Is anyone else looking to compare photos from last summer to this coming summer?
  2. 1 point
    That is truly impressive. You look awesome. Thanks for the inspiration.
  3. 1 point

    Beginning a workout after post op

    at that point I was just walking. At about four weeks out, I could do pretty much anything except weights. I think i had to wait 'til about eight weeks out for those.
  4. 1 point

    New Here!

    Hi everyone! I'm Kris. I just had the surgery (gastric bypass) on February 21. I know that I'm going to need some support other than my family and friends, so here I am! So far, I'm still healing, and I'm still on the full liquid diet. It's so frustrating, since everybody and their brother posts pictures of FOOD on social media, and my fiance is back to eating real food along with the protein shakes. (He did the 2 weeks pre-op diet with me.) For the most part, he's been not eating in front of me, buuut it's a 1-bedroom apartment and I can smell/hear it. It doesn't help that he's a skinny guy.. probably 150 lbs soaking wet and ex-army to boot! I'm still weak from the surgery, and my incisions still look ugly but are healing well. I'm looking at hopefully going back to work at the 2-3 week mark. My two week follow up is March 5, and I'm hoping I'll get moved to the 'much' diet then. Anything other than protein shakes and pudding and broth would help at this point! I've been having a little difficulty with bowel movements happening, and pain from them not happening. I have yet to start going back to the gym, but we plan to soon. Any and all advice from those who have 'been there' would be helpful at this point. I feel like I'm going crazy from craving food. Does this part get any easier?
  5. 1 point
    No one deserves to be treated poorly. First and foremost take care of yourself then your children. Make whatever decision you choose the best for the people under your care. Good luck
  6. 1 point
    Dear Abby used to say something about being better off overall with him or without him , fiscal issues are important as well as emotional . It’s a hard world out there supporting kids alone , but sometimes the effects of the toxic relationship such as the one you describe to be worse than the the benefits . I hope he stabilizes , would counseling be in order ? My DH has been supportive , but then he has loved always , thick or thin .
  7. 1 point
    First let me say what a spectacular job you are doing! You are changing your life for the better and in doing so, probably doing the same for your children. Congratulations on your success! The divorce rate for bariatric patients is high. You are making changes that can affect your entire family's life style; your husband is fighting these changes. For your sake and the sake of your children you need to decide if you are going to allow him to sabotage these changes and potentially your continued success. His other choice is to hop on board and be a part of something wonderful. I don't know a lot about bipolar disorder but it sounds like a really convenient excuse to blame his sh***y behavior and allow a vicious circle of verbal abuse to continue. If it truly is his bipolar he needs to figure out a way to fix it, be it meds, counseling or both. Please don't allow yourself to get sucked in and try to deal with his insecurities. You will never be able to fix it, he has to want to do that! You can support him but you can't do it for him. Good luck!
  8. 1 point

    Travel Question

    Soup & scrambled eggs.
  9. 1 point

    💟 15 Months Post OP 💟

    15 Months Post, lots of the same patterns. Routine foods occasionally eating out planned splurges. Calories most days not above 1200 except during luteal phase when I need more. Exercise is walking most of the time but recently started jumping rope again as a part of a challenge. Created a January challenge and gave up protein cookies. I lost a few more lbs. Newest weight is 151. Change in weather means im sick, but running a FEBRUARY challenge. Still a good choice
  10. 0 points
    You are better than an abusive relationship. No one deserves to be treated that way. Your kids are seeing how he treats you and that will become learned behavior. My ex-husband used to physically abuse me and now our 11 year old son's first instinct when he doesn't get his way is to hit, he was 2 when this was happening. My 15 year old daughter has PTSD as a result of what she witnessed back then and I left him almost 9 years ago. I was so relieved the day I ended things for good, the stress of the world was lifted from med. If you don't do it for you, do it for your kids.

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