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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/05/2019 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Well today marks the beginning of a new journey. I am heading to the hospital for my surgery. It’s been a great two weeks. Down 20lbs from liquid Pre-op diet and looking forward to shedding this fat suit in the future.
  2. 2 points
    If it were me, I would do it while I have the immediate opportunity. Time and decent health is not infinite. Do not take it for granted. Trust me, I know. That being said, it is your choice alone. Don't let anyone sway you from what you really want, either way.
  3. 2 points
    I have had great success losing weight without surgery. In fact, I've done it several times in my adult life because I have been unable to maintain it without this tool. I also had some success losing 40 lbs before my bypass surgery in August. But let me tell you, I know it was because I knew the end was in sight. I knew that this was finally going to be the ticket for me to not only lose the weight but have a significantly better chance of maintaining it long term. My doctor told me it was going to prevent me from getting diabetes (I was prediabetic), and prevent me from getting severe heart disease (runs in my fam). It's going to be work and regain is a real thing even after surgery. For me, the mental struggle has been the most challenging but having this tool has allowed me to feel optimistic about the future even when I was having a tough time. Keep talking to your docs, your support system and the folks here. Find out the answers to all your questions and you'll be able to decide if it's right for you. Listen to yourself rather than considering what others might think about your decision. I let my fear of losing weight the "easy way" (hahahahaaaahaaaahahaha!!!!!) prevent me from looking into this option for 4 years too long. I'm so so happy now. Good luck! Hope you find the support and answers that you need.❤️
  4. 1 point
    I am a champ at losing weight. I am the all time loser when it comes to keeping it off long term. That is why I got the sleeve, to help me maintain long term. Will it work? Only time will tell, I am only 9 months out. 43 pounds is great, but let's be real. 2 months of bad eating and sitting on our butts and it is all back (and it usually brings a few friends). Seeing how your health (elevated sugars) is at immediate risk, I would pull the trigger while you have the opportunity. Good luck no matter your decision.
  5. 1 point
    I too have been able to lose 40+ pounds on my own before, but it inevitably comes back. This surgery might be the tool you need to make the weight loss permanent. But only you have that answer and know your body and how you've handled weight loss in the past. Good luck with your decision.
  6. 1 point
    I was approved for either one. I came out with the surgery I wanted (RNY). I followed the instructions to a T with minimal bad behavior. LOL. And no cheats in the 2week preop. She said it was an easy surgery. If you haven't had abdominal surgery before and really follow the rules, it should theoretically be fine.
  7. 1 point
    Medical professionals : why do you do the work you do? Why did choose to work with Bariatric patients? OMGOSH, the responses have been amazing. From family and personal experiences you learn so much. I met nurse, who attended an Ivy League school, who has been practicing for two years and loves work with people. On two occasions, she grew her hair and donated the hair to organizations that make wigs for children. So, I challenge you in the midst of your discomfort, to focus on people around you - so they see understand that Bariatric patients are individuals who want to live, love, dance in the rain, and focusing on this experience to share with others. Man, could we focus on the bad things but I am focusing on the great things awaiting me on the other side! Thank you Lord!
  8. 1 point
    I was blessed to have a recovery room nurse that shared her before/after WLS photos with me, she'd lost 109 pounds and she kept me preoccupied from feeling nauseous and sick while recovering from the surgery.
  9. 1 point

    New to the app.

    Thank you everyone for you thoughts. ❤ I have been in for my 3 month check up and have had anothe EGD done. They found that there was a small flap of scar tissue covering half the opening to the new attachment site of the intestines causing the pain as the food was passing through. They hv removed it and I am doing so much better now. I hv now lost 65lbs since surgery and 105lbs from the beginning Of this whole process. I'm so happy and much more healthy now.
  10. 0 points

    Psych Meds

    is it worth messing with your psych meds?

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