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  1. 5 points

    Need Positive Encouragement

    I think those feelings of unease are quite common after major surgery. I had a major drop in BP after my surgery and was convinced it was lights out for me. I was very happy to wake up in ICU a couple of hours later. The next day I was given more blood and couldnt control the feeling of dread whilst that was happening. Move forward a couple of days and I then had breathing issues. It sounded like I was hiding a mouse under my pillow. Again it was hard to control the feeling of fear and dread and doom. All these things are normal after major surgery. The GA and the procedure combined with the VLCD play havoc with your emotions. We tend to second guess what we have done especially as it was an elective surgery. But like most things this will pass. Make sure you are getting in your fluids. Take your vitamins. Take your prescribed meds. And if you have any real concerns call your medical team. Now if only I could shake this pesky light headed feeling.............
  2. 1 point
    @elcee ahhhh bud, you are smart as you are cute!! at 7+ years, i on occasion will still hiccup, that mean I should stop eating. or i've already had enough. in other words stop when you know you've eaten your portion. if you don't stops , 1,000 whips with a wet noodle (egggggads all those carbs!!)😁 good luck kathy
  3. 1 point

    Hair loss

    No hair loss at almost 5 months! You don't want the way I escaped it though, be on Total Parentral Nutrition for over 2 months, yeah my proteins , vitamins and other goodies taken care of but for 12 hours every evening and night I have my backpack of goodies, a plastic line thethering me, and to me the WORST part, it's 3 liters of fluid. like a 3 month old infant I sleep, cry and pee are all night. Too much pride to drag out the bedside commode, so I repeatedly,pitty-pat,from room to room like an unqiuet spirit. All b I need is a chain to rattle like Marley's ghost. Oh the cats appreciate me being awake, but they get a chance to sleep through the day. 🐯🐱😗
  4. 1 point

    Passing Gas

    it's not a universal problem. I've never had issues with it. Some do, some don't. Maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones!
  5. 1 point

    Time off... What did YOU do?

    I took two weeks off and worked remotely from home for a 3rd week. I definitely needed it and would have taken another week if I could have. I truly think my pain and discomfort came more from my hiatal hernia repair than my bypass. I’m 5.5 weeks post op and back to work like nothing ever happened!
  6. 1 point
    Liz The New Me


    So before WLS on my many diets I learned I was allergic to sugar substitute called aspartame and also soy. The side effect of overloading your body with this will give you diarrhea big time. If you over done it will feel like you have food poison. So now I use this to my advantage when I'm constipated, I will have some. LOL
  7. 1 point

    An honest update. Weight Gain

    You nailed it. It's not as simple as "Just do it "no matter if you feel like it or not. It may mean digging deep and finding what got you to your height weight and confronting behaviors that are holding you back. May be time to find a counselor/therapist to get you over this hurdle. Get help even if it's hard..Even if you don't feel like it. Overcoming the mental battles can be the best gift out of this surgery. Keep us updated. This is not the end of your story. It's the beginning. SIDE NOTE: Your post is very important for people making the choice to have sleeve surgery. Many of your points are not stressed enough by surgeons. Yes, you will still have an appetite and will be able to consume more food month's/years out.
  8. 1 point
    you are 100% correct. The sleeve is just a tool. We have to work it, but dont beat yourself up. Change your behaviors. FInda therapist that can help you get to the root of the food issues. It will help. Also find an accountability buddy. One that is local to you and that can help keep you accountable and not enable you. RId your home of the foods you should not be eating. Start with a clean slate. You can do this! you have the knowledge of what to do, now just implement it. Make yourself incentive boards.. WAY TO GO Boards, motivational boards.. Good Luck
  9. 1 point
    I found sugar free hot chocolate or bariatric hot chocolate was a lifesaver when I couldn't drink water. Sugar free water flavorings help too, but beware the laxative effect!
  10. 1 point

    Water makes me sick at night?

    I find putting in a lime helps me heaps, and also sugar free cordial if it is days that I'm really struggling to drink. I have had to change my drinking habits completely as i was one who would skull water and drink at night heaps too. so my body is not interested drinking on 'my' terms at sipping so these things are helping me a bit

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