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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/22/2019 in all areas

  1. 3 points

    3 months Post Up HELP!!!

    Your weight loss is excellent. There's no problem here. You have to be realistic; you won't lose 20 lbs every month until you hit goal. Some months will be better than others.
  2. 2 points

    Sunflower seeds

    I rediscovered sunflower seeds! In the shell. Good substitution for chips or candy or other junk. Keeps me busy trying to get past the shell to the seed. Plus protein.
  3. 2 points
    Wow! Congrats!! And a scary and awesome problem to have all at the same time! Hey so describe your food routine like how many times a day do you eat? How big are your servings? Do you eat meat/veg/fruit/grain together in 1 meal? Do you eat compound meals that are comforty/casserole/stewy stuff or do you concentrate on eating protein (lean grilled) + everything is separate? If it were me, I'd maybe look at getting a functional RD or trainer who understands bariatrics. I'd want to make darn sure that the weight I put back on was muscle which means strength building. I've no idea how to do that! But we have some fitness gurus who do!!! @Healthy_life and @BigViffer among others who might be able to shed some light. Sounds like you're a lucky one who gets to have more calories than you're taking in right now!!! Wooohoooo!
  4. 1 point

    3 months Post Up HELP!!!

    You're fine. I had surgery the same day as you and have lost around 48 lbs since surgery. I find it helps me to calculate my average weekly loss. I'm still losing nearly 4lbs/week average. That makes me feel better about the week I only lost 1.5.
  5. 1 point
    It doesn't sound like he's losing too fast to me. In fact, it sounds pretty reasonable for someone that is complying with their post-op diet and is hopefully getting exercise. However, the nausea is definitely not cool and not typical. The fact that he is not feeling well would concern me. No one wants to lose weight because they are nauseous all the time. If all the antacids aren't helping, I would be concerned at this point about a potential stricture or GERD. He might need an endoscopy just to check out what's going on in there.
  6. 1 point
    Thanks for that! Is that 4-5oz by volume or by weight? Cuz 4oz by volume is about 1cup of food depending on density of protein/veg. But 4oz by weight is about 1 1/2 cups of food by volume. 1oz of dry dense protein = about 1/4cup diced or ground. 1oz of al dente veggies is a little over 1/4cup. Depending on veg you can have 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 oz of al dente veg to make 1/2cup by volume (sometimes 3 oz, but that depends on how much you've cooked it, the density of the veg, whether it is frozen or fresh, etc). It kinda sounds like you need to maybe up the caloric value of each meal which is easy and hard. Adding 1tsp of oil healthy, or 1 ounce of avocado, or a 1/2oz sprinkle of nuts or seeds will add calories pretty quickly without adding a bunch of volume. Maybe up your snack volume/calorie load to more. Bottom line to me is this--according to my doctor and the VETS I've talked to about this: 1. If you are still in weight loss mode and still losing, you aren't eating enough calories/or the right macros to stop WL phase. 2. If you are still in weight loss mode and not losing--rather, you are maintaining--then you are flat out consuming too many calories or the wrong combination of macros, or both to help you lose the remaining weight (especially at your new body size). You are effectively in maintenance level. 3. If you are still in weight loss mode or in maintenance and gaining, then you are consuming too many calories or the wrong combination of macros, or both--for your present new size and activity level/health/metabolism/medication history, etc.
  7. 1 point
    Hello! Thanks for the response. I have excellent restriction. My meals are about 4-5 ounces at this point and then I'm DONE. I tend to start with dense protein first and then add my veggies then a small amount of grains in. I sometimes do compound meals but not super often. I'm eating three square meals a day and then having 2-3 protein only snacks (almonds and cheese) or a shake. So I guess six small meals a day...
  8. 1 point
    I had surgery 11/13/18 and I'm down 78lbs since surgery and feeling great. I started at roughly the same weight, so I don't think him nor I are loosing too quickly. Just like Jazzy said, so long as he is hitting his protein and water targets, I think he is doing fine. I know as a guy I always lost faster than the women in my life. So it is probably just that. Sent from my Nexus 6P using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. 1 point

    Just Sleeved

    I'm 1 week post-op, so I totally understand where you're coming from. Instead of thinking of your surgery in a negative light, think of it positively—this surgery is a tool that will improve your quality of life! You can do this! I'm trying to think of this time as a reset with my relationship with food. The time will pass and you'll be back to eating food. Also, some of the foods that you think you can't eat anymore, you will be able to! You may have to eat them in smaller portions or modify them to work better with your sleeve, but it's not the end of your favorite foods! This part of the journey is tough, but so are you—you'll get through this.
  10. 1 point
    I HATE my cpap with a bloody passion. Can't wait to wave goodbye to it. Sleep doc once told me that typically, reducing your body weight by 20% can stop certain apneas. We shall see!!!

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