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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/19/2018 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Hello friends I was wondering how the journey is for seasoned sleevers and what advice you could give for us beginners. I have read a lot in regards of weight reverting and stabilization, physiological changes etc... How has the post-op experience been for you guys??? What would you have done differently if anything? Thanks for sharing!
  2. 2 points

    Holiday Party Tact

    I decided pre-op that I was going to be loud and proud about the fact I had gastric. Everybody in the world knows. lmao. Two of my bosses at the Xmas Potluck last week didn't know and I had 2 cheese cubes, 2 green beans and 3 shrimp on my plate and I casually joked that it was the first time I had veggies in 6 weeks and they asked why and I was like "because I had gastric bypass". BOOM. Now they know. lol. Most of the time people think it's awesome OR they just shut up. EDIT: CRAP I DIDN'T REALIZE THIS WAS THE WLS VETERANS FORUM I AM SORRY FOR THE INTRUSION! LOL! PLEASE DON'T HATE ME. *disappears*
  3. 1 point

    Magic Mouthwash

    I always measure out my food exactly but sometimes I have "meals" where I can't finish that portion, even if it's only 2oz. BUT, I took the Magic Mouthwash and it didn't do anything except numb my throat for about 5 minutes so... that's that. lol.
  4. 1 point

    Three week stall! :(

    you have done a great job. 90 pounds is really good. Unfortunately this isnt Disney.. The magic stops there.. we have to do all the work! Dont be so hard on yourself.
  5. 1 point

    Weak and tired

    You should follow your doctor's and RD's orders for this. Most get a book to go by and a lot of talk leading up to surgery about what to take. I had 6 months of classes...
  6. 1 point

    Three week stall! :(

    You've lost almost 90 pounds in three months! That's amazing! I'm *almost* two months and have only lost 32. (The other 10 lbs it shows was pre-op) I wish I were you! You'll get through this stall and keep on keeping on!
  7. 1 point
    Oh yeah, and after years of being ignored or deprecated, I'm not quite sure what to make of it all! Recently someone said " My, you surely look very nice Today!" I smiled ,thanked them sweetly, but inside I'm wondering , was I plug ugly before? Wasn't I really not before? Is there an occult message here? See, I believed inside, I WAS ALWAYS COOL!😕
  8. 1 point

    Second thoughts!

    A nurse shouldn't be passing on their personal opinion based on things they have seen, they have no idea of the patients' personal / medical history, they have no idea how compliant the person has or hasn't been post op. They Non-compliance could well have caused some of the issues they have supposedly seen. Talk to your doctor/surgeon about the concerns that she has caused you to have. You have obviously considered WLS because you are overweight and its usually not a first choice for weight loss, so I would say you have tried and failed at various weight loss methods. What will you do to lose weight if not WLS? I am sorry to hear about your friend, but was it confirmed that five years after WLS, that WLS causes the bowel obstruction. At the end of the day, you have to do what is right for you and what you feel safe with, but you should research further with other medical staff - your doctor, bariatric surgeons etc.
  9. 1 point

    Total Loss Of Sexual Desire

    Some hormones are stored in fat and just the quick change in can effort hormone levels. Maybe check with your MD about it. Maybe once your hormone levels stabilize your sex drive to return. Good luck! Highest Wt: 265/Surgery Wt: 255/ Current Wt: 135
  10. 0 points
    I wonder if it has to do with increased constipation. I was almost never constipated before I started the high protein pre-op diet. Now (10 weeks past surgery) I am ALWAYS constipated - no matter what I try! :(

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