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  1. 3 points

    800 Calories Per Day

    I'm over 2 years out and still don't feel physical hunger. I fasted for 5 days once to test it and never felt a single hunger pang. Some people just get lucky with their surgery and experience greatly diminished appetite compared to most.
  2. 2 points

    800 Calories Per Day

    I'm 9 months out. I'm usually 800-1000 calories/day. But I'm one of the lucky ones, i don't have real hunger, just cravings. I don't eat more when I work out. Her comment that she only counts calories is worrisome. She really needs to track her protein intake as well as vitamins and minerals.
  3. 2 points
    Matt Z

    2 years out and struggling.

    @MrsLucas sorry for your loss. You can just start over. Pretend you didn't have the surgery and start off with a pre-op diet, then transition though the stages the same way you didn't when you originally had the surgery. It can be challenging, but it's a great way to hit the reset button and get back on track. Good luck!
  4. 1 point

    800 Calories Per Day

    Yeah, I do. Not a ton, but I do.
  5. 1 point
    Chuck Clasik


    Passing gas never felt so good!! 2 days post op and I was partially miserable and bloated this morning. Once the gas started rolling and released, feels like a new me. Still sore, but much more tolerable.
  6. 1 point

    Today is the day

    Best of luck! Sent from my SM-G960U using BariatricPal mobile app
  7. 1 point


    Thanks, i was also unable to find it!
  8. 1 point

    30 days out and FREEZING COLD

    Yes, I can totally relate. Before surgery, which was only two weeks ago, I was always warm. Now I am freezing constantly. At home I have a blanket on me everywhere I go and at work I have a thick jacket on. I'm still cold. Now I know how my wife feels.
  9. 1 point

    2 years out and struggling.

    Hello All. I had my gastric sleeve surgery on June 16, 2016. I lost about 25lbs the first month and then suffered the loss of my father who was my best friend. After I lost my dad I ceased losing weight. I mourned the loss of him for quite some time...I still do really. For at least the first year after losing him I was in a horrible depressed state and didn't follow the rules of how I should eat post sleeve. I was eating until I felt sick, eating unhealthy foods and drinking (not alcohol) my calories. Finally after a year I figured out how to live day by day without him and started feeling happy and positive again. I started following the rules and being super vigilant with my health. I dropped 40 lbs in two months! Whoa. Then, after those two months of excellent weight loss I found out my husband and I were expecting. I went to my first sonogram excited and two seconds with the wand on my belly she told me it was twins! I was instantly excited as twins run in my family (I am the aunt to two sets of twin boys from the same mother.) After the excitement wore off I feared the pending weight gain. I told myself I was going to watch what I ate and not give into wild pregnancy cravings. I lied to myself. I gained 68lbs total through the pregnancy. After giving birth I lost an initial 37lbs the first two days postpartum. Then another 10lbs the following week. I have been stuck at 48 total lbs lost for months now but I also haven't been following the rules of how I should eat post sleeve again. It's time to get my butt in gear. Anyone else a couple years out starting over? I am just looking for tips and possibly success stories for motivation! HELP!
  10. 1 point
    I'm 7 years out. I'm 116 pounds. My body picked my goal weight for me and really likes it here, so maintaining is easier than it could be. But I do have rules I live by. I weigh at least weekly. I do not worry about tiny fluctuations but nip anything out of my maintenance window immediately. Complacency leads to larger regain. I don't avoid food groups, but I do put protein first. I will usually choose a protein snack. I indulge when I want, because I believe forbidden foods lead to binges. I don't want the yo-yo. It works for me. I never graze. I either portion food out and eat it, or I don't, but no mindless or emotional eating. I still have a ton of restriction, so maybe that's made my journey easier. And my tastes changed a lot. I don't care for potatoes, or sweets. I can't have milk or eat ice cream due to lactose intolerance. But just being mindful is what keeps me successful. I think before I eat. I don't have to track anymore, it's just second nature. The scale is my tracker. And it hardly moves. I think this is the ideal. I'm happy, can't complain. Cheri

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