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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/05/2018 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    walk the talk

    Making this public!!!

    One of the biggest thing that I am concerned about as I begin this journey is regain. I promised myself while I was laying on that table that I was not going to ever do this to myself again. I promised myself that I was going to work on the things that I needed to work on that I am no longer going to use food as my lover as my companion as my confidant. So to ensure that I continue on this journey I decided that I was going to go public. It is so easy to stay behind the scenes but I know myself. So today I made a YouTube video and now it's kind of crazy and it's not really for other people is just for me to Chronicle my journey and to keep myself accountable. I know this might be viewed as real silly because really it is a personal Journey but I feel that at this moment I don't want to be a secret anymore. Many bad things has happened to me because of Secrets and going public is actually cathartic. I don't know of any other people feel the way that I do but I guess we all have our own way of coping and embracing this new Journey. Mine is still very very new. I just have been on here and I have to tell you that knowing that there's somebody out there and the responses and support that I have received has been amazing. So I'm thankful to this community for making me feel less isolated and feel welcomed. I hope that I can continue to be a blessing to somebody as you guys have been to me Sent from my SM-J737VPP using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. 2 points
    Matt Z

    Cannot stomach shakes

    Protein2o is VERY tasty and doesn't have any odd texture issues. Isopure Zero Carb RTD are good, but the taste can take a bit to get used to, and it does have a texture with how much protein is in it. Try different shakes, they are NOT all made equally! Also if you find that you are having issues with them intentionally, check to ensure the protein is using an Isolate and not Concentrate. Nothing wrong with Concentrates over Isolates, just if you have lactose issues, concentrates have high levels of lactose where Isolates have little to none and typically are safe for even lactose intolerant folks to use.
  3. 2 points
    Lots of doctors recommend not weighing for the first month because your weight can be so volatile and disheartening in the beginning. You'll be OK, just try to relax.
  4. 1 point
    WeightLoss Mama

    Medical Clearance

    So, just weighed in at the doctor’s office for my medical clearance -I loss 13 pounds since 10/11!!! These small changes are going to aid in my recovery for after the sleeve procedure! Excited !
  5. 1 point

    Dr Submitted(pprwrk) as Urgent

    No experience with this, but awesome Surgeon.
  6. 1 point

    Constantly Tired @ 2 Weeks

    I am 6 days post op - I know this is an older post but if made me feel better so THANKS TO ALL I am sooooo tired and I was getting scared thinking - is this my life now blah blah I have a hard time taking it easy and patience - but I am going to HAVE TO TAKE IT EASY AND BE PATIENT
  7. 1 point
    I’m about to end week two. I’m on full fluids. I lost 15 pounds within the first few days after my surgery which ended as soon as week 2 began. It’s been exactly a week now and I haven’t lost a single pound. In fact I gained a full pound. All I’m consuming is premier protein shakes, and water. Why is this happening?
  8. 1 point

    Anyone else bad at taking pictures?

    I'm 4 months postop and am ecstatic with my weightloss so far. I'm down 70 pounds since I've started the whole process, and I did take preop pictures but I've hardly taken any pictures beyond a hand full of head shots. Anyone else happy with their body but still camera shy?
  9. 1 point


    Admittedly I'm jealous that she seems to be putting very little effort in and seems to be doing well. I am not undermining my own progress, I've lost 120 pounds so far, and 90 alone from surgery. I have completely overhauled my diet and life. But I am still jealous of her ability to eat whatever and still lose weight. You are working hard and seem to being doing things the right way for long term success...You've lost over 100 lbs and that speaks volume. Please don't feel jealous of her but feel sorry for her because like the other posters said, her weight will come back unfortunately and guess what...those same people trying to get you to eat junk will be talking bad about her and saying that she should have been like you and turned down the junk food. yada, yada, yada...It's her life though. I know people as well who's had wls and did the same thing, never changed their eating habits or lifestyle and the weight has returned. Keep doing you, we are proud of you and here to support you. PS: You may want to distance yourself from her so as to not pick up her bad habits, be around positive people that are going to motivate and encourage you. 😉
  10. 0 points

    Anyone else bad at taking pictures?

    Absolutely! My situation is s little different than most. I had a Lap Band for 10 years. I lost 100+ lbs and kept it off for years. I had my band emergency removed. I thought I could maintain the weight myself but I ended up putting back on 100 lbs in a year. I was sleeved in October. Even though I’ve lost 36 lbs so far, I am unable to be happy about it. I couldn’t see how bad it was when I was gaining but now that I’m loseing it, it’s very sobering. I suspect I won’t be able to be proud of my accomplishment until I’ve hit 100+ lbs lost.

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