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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/02/2018 in Posts

  1. 3 points

    Huge influx of random flirting

    Possibly TMI-ing the hell out of the thread on this one, but I went to a national industry event recently and had an amazing hookup experience with a guy I met there. Body-positive feminist from the drop and just incredibly affirming the whole time (and also damn attractive and volunteered the term “enthusiastic consent” in conversation unprompted). I’ve been pretty conscious of my body for about a decade now, and the entire experience was fabulous. No shyness, no “demure” instinct to cover up when it’s actually just hiding. No trying for “flattering” positioning or lighting. No searching for the hotel robe and hoping it fits. I’ve lost around 90lbs so far, last time I was 20lbs above this weight I had the negative experience of guys suddenly catcalling me and just outing themselves as superficial assholes. It made me feel furious and cheap and like I wanted to live at the bottom of the sea. I don’t know if the way I carry myself has changed as well (or the five years makes a difference), but this time round I’m able to avoid most of the crappy experiences. And obviously hit the damn validation lottery with this last guy. (...also the nonstop shagging knocked off a few more pounds, bringing me within a whisper of onederland, so hooray for aerobics.)
  2. 1 point

    Can’t wait!

    Hello loves! This coming Monday I have an appointment with my patient coordinator to make the date for my surgery and I’m beyond excited! ❤️❤️❤️
  3. 1 point


    although I don't think I had such dreams (I usually don't remember my dreams, so I don't know for sure), I suppose that's not uncommon when people have upcoming surgeries. Just rest assured that WLS is one one of the safest surgeries there is - safer than a hip replacement surgery. Mortality rate is something like 0.3% on the bypass, even lower for the sleeve. That means there's a 99.7% chance you're going to pull through just fine. Complications aren't common and, when they exist, are usually minor. I had a stricture, which happens to about 5% of bypass patients (making it one of the more common complications). It was an easy fix. Try not to worry about it - this is a very low-risk surgery and I'm sure you'll do just fine. You're at more risk staying overweight than you are having WLS.
  4. 1 point
    Are you talking the gas they pump in to your body cavity at surgery, and getting it gone? If so, then walking, moving about, and time. Nasty, but it does pass. Indigestion tablets don’t really help much because the gas is outside your digestive system! Or are you talking intestinal gas - like a need to fart? Not passing wind? Then tablets can help, but also look at your diet. If you have just had surgery - welcome to the “loser’s bench”. It is a wild ride, but life changing!
  5. 1 point


    I had a lot of anxiety and fears leading up to surgery. I am a single mom and thoughts of leaving my kids and something dreadful happening crept into my head until I started talking with people on these boards and really opened up to my family about my fears. I’m a registered nurse Also so you know how that goes.....have confidence and faith in the team who will be taking care of you. All will be well! You’ll be on the losers bench before you know it!
  6. 1 point

    It can be done. I did it!

    Thank you for sharing your story and congratulations. You offer hope for us newbies!
  7. 1 point

    Protien and Broth!

    I've been using isopure protein waters. There so good.. Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app
  8. 1 point

    Hope I did the right thing?

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for these comments! You have all made me feel so much better about my decision and I appreciate that so much. To answer your question, I have only considered the sleeve because of having gastroparesis. I’ve had so many abdominal surgeries in my life that I was told to avoid any more of them...until my symptoms became so bad that I turned to the only thing that is supposed to help or cure it: the sleeve. So not sure about switching to the bypass. I need to explore further the possibilities of the sleeve. But you all have helped tremendously in giving me info to explore and question before I make this big decision. You have confirmed that this is an important topic and something my surgeon should have—most definitely—talked to me seriously about. Again, THANK YOU!
  9. 1 point

    Protien and Broth!

    I prefer Protein20 protein water from Sam's. Not quite as sweet. Also, the other ones can be mixed with sugar-free lemonade to lessen the sweetness. Don't get too concerned about your protein right now, hydration is the most important. It takes a lot of people a few weeks to get all their protein
  10. 1 point

    Pre-Op Diet Emotions

    I had to lay down my rant about my mini emotional breakdown during the pre-op diet. I have been taking my time to get ready for my pre and post op diet, since August. Buying some little things here and there to make sure I was completely stocked up. My surgery is not scheduled until 12/12/2018. I knew I would have to do the diet for 2 weeks before my surgery, so I had plenty of time to get everything together. One of the last things I purchased was my broth. I decided to wait until around Thanksgiving to purchase it, thinking it may be on sale since it is a thanksgiving hot item. A few days before Thanksgiving, I went to my local Wally world (I live within 10 miles of 2 Walmart superstores and a Walmart neighborhood Grocery Store) and picked up 2 boxes of the chicken broth and a bone beef broth. And stored it away I the pantry. Fast forward to 11/24 I was required to begin the pre-op diet until 11/28. I decided to jumpstart my pre-op diet a few days early, just to give myself a few days to work any kinks out. For the first 3 days. I took in protein shakes for all 3 meals per day. But by the 4th day, I wanted something warm for dinner, because I was fighting off a cold. Now by this day, I was definitely feeling the sugar and carb withdrawal. I was tired, cranky and had a little bit of brain fog. I decided that today I would have broth! I was super excited. I took my broths out of the cabinet, got my pot ready on the stove (yes, I was so excited I was going to heat it up on the stove to make me feel as if I was really preparing myself a grand meal). I opened the top, only to find the security seal was broken. I told myself “Okay no problem, I have 2 other boxes.” I proceeded to open the next box only to find the same thing. I looked at the last box and thought, “well this it, I will go back to the store tomorrow and get more.” I opened the 3rd box only to find the seal on it was also broken. I was furious! I collected myself and decided to take all 3 boxes back to the store, the only problem was I no longer had the receipt. Dag Nabit! By now I am thinking “Well just chalk it up and go to the store.” Now by this time, I am getting very hungry and I am ready to have my dinner. I leave my home and head to one of the other Wally Worlds that are close to my home. I go to the store and purchased 2 new boxes of broth. I get home and open the first box…safety seal is broken! I open the second box and the safety seal is broke! WHAT, HOW AND WHO WOULD DO THAT TO BROTH! BROTH! By this time, I have broken down crying. I mean balling! My poor husband hears me in the kitchen and comes in and asks what’s wrong, I just slide to the kitchen floor and through tears explain what happened and that I have nothing to take in for dinner but a shake, and I really wanted something warm on my stomach. I sat there and cried for about 5 minutes while my husband looked in the cabinet to attempt to find something that I would be able to have for dinner. (eventually, he did but after my breakdown.) I wondered if I was making the right decision to have the surgery. Never once did I even think of eating any of the other food that was in the kitchen or pantry. I was purely upset that I had now purchased 5 boxes of broth and they were all tainted. And Now I have to drink a cold shake. Then I thought, you’re not crying about wanting the other foods you’re not supposed to eat during the pre-diet, your crying about the food you can normally have but can’t because of the broken protective seal! Right then and there I knew I was committed, and I was making the right decision and could make it through this. Thanks you for letting me share

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