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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/29/2018 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    What about pickled eggs? You can make them yourself! Grilled chicken with vinegar-y buffalo sauce? Ceviche? Lentil soup topped with a healthy dose of vinegar Avgolemono soup? I make a cheat version with cream of chicken and a lot of lemon juice Carne Asada, Pollo Asada, Carnitas with a big squeeze of lime (Can you tell I'm a vinegar/acid fan myself? ) I don't (and never really did) do the chewing to mush thing ... no issues, nothing ever got stuck, but YMMV
  2. 2 points
    Go back to the protein shakes and then you can continue your green bean extravaganza! Lol I'm addicted to nuts, all nuts. Raw, roasted, salted/unsalted, whole, ground... with any type of meal. Help. I tried to quit then realized I didn't want to lol. We need a support group for odd eateries.
  3. 1 point
    Oh love these ideas! (I'd be a little afraid I'd say to myself..."Hhmmmm I'm feeling a little like a sour gummy. Oh wow, do I feel a little light headed? Yeah. Yeah I do. I think I need 1...or 40." LOL, sucks to be me. I'm the weirdo that knows the consequences of eating SF gummy bears and still buys and eats them, each time thinking that I can control my portion and the outcome that is ALWAYS inevitable. ROFLMBO!
  4. 1 point
    Enjoy your weirdness with all its weird specificity. I can think of a thousand things worse than pickled green beans with a hint of ginger and olive oil. I was overdosing on pan-fried (unbreaded) okra for a while. I still crave it. I've since added thin strips of rib-eye steak and udon noodles to the mix. It's not how much of it I eat (which is three bites tops before I'm stuffed), but the fact that I've actually found something for which I have an appetite. Food, in general, has still taken a backseat in my life. I'm embarrassed to admit that I've turned into one of those annoying people who sometimes says, "I think I forgot to eat today." You'll move on to the next big thing in the weird foods department soon enough. Take weird pleasure in discovering your latest craving. Shrimp with peanut butter? Arugula pancakes? Dried crickets? As long as you're taking your supplements and following the other recommendations the best you can, I'd say you're on the right track. Hey, you've almost lost 100 pounds!
  5. 1 point

    30 days out and FREEZING COLD

    Yes, I can totally relate. Before surgery, which was only two weeks ago, I was always warm. Now I am freezing constantly. At home I have a blanket on me everywhere I go and at work I have a thick jacket on. I'm still cold. Now I know how my wife feels.
  6. 1 point

    Protein Shakes

    I love the Bariatric Fusion meal replacement shakes. They have some great flavors to choose from and they dont leave a funky after taste when you're done. My other favorite is the Nectar drinks, especially the Caribbean Cooler (tastes like a Pina Colada) and my favorite, Fuzzy Navel! They also have a BariatricPal Hot Chocolate protein drink with mini marshmallows that is the BOMB!!
  7. 1 point

    Highest weight

    Congratulations! I'm glad that you are doing so well at 3 days PO. We can do anything that we put our minds to and you have already started and doing well! You got this @1BigHeart 👍 Dry Drunk...LOL love it 😂
  8. 1 point

    Surgery in 2 weeks...

    Don't really consider,it a Food Funeral, consider it a Food Festival, some of your Old Friends are going on a holiday, if they don't return, it will be fine, you will make new ones. And at a later reunion you may wonder what you ever saw in them!👈😛👉
  9. 1 point

    New to WLS

    I agree with James. There can be some temporary stretching of the RNY pouch or sleeve if you over eat, but the idea that the pouch or sleeve can be permanently stretched out is urban legend based on outdated theories. What does happen is that over time, your hunger can return (this can take 5 years to happen with RNY and 3 years or so with Sleeve). The stomach capacity, however, remains where it was at the time of surgery and you still get full with small portions. People can then defeat the benefits of surgery by eating bad foods more frequently, slider foods (milk shakes, potato chips etc.) or by over eating (which ends up resulting in stacking food in your esophagus--which is bad for many reasons). Surgery is just a tool so if you don't use the first couple of years post-op to change your bad lifestyle habits, weight regain is possible (even likely). As for the bounce, that's a normal part of the process. The surgery changes your set point weight, so your body thinks it's suppose to weight 190 pounds instead of 300. This is called the set point theory--which is how your body maintains a certain weight. When you're on your way down the scale post up, you'll likely drop below your new set point if you follow the new dietary guidelines so you might hit 170 or 180 at your lowest. You'll then gain some weight back and stabilize at your new set point (190). In truth, if you follow the guidelines and do your part, you probably aren't "regaining" weight in the first year or two post op. Your body is just adjusting for your new set point. If you don't follow the guidelines and you eat the the wrong foods, your weight game can be genuine and that's issue. If you're working with a nutritionist (which will be required as part of post-op care), you'll know if you're going out of bounds with the food. If you have RNY, you'll probably get that info every time you have a dumping syndrome episode.
  10. 1 point

    Losing hair - 8 days post up

    It took about 3 months after surgery to start losing a good deal of hair. I lost almost 1/2 of my hair before I reached my goal weight. It is kind of disturbing while it is happening. I had to keep reminding myself that the hair would return. The good news is that your hair does grow back. Things started looking a lot better after 1 year. I'm 3 years out and I have my full head of hair back. A bit of advice - don't waste money on products that claim to grow hair. No product can fix hair loss while you are on a very low calorie diet. I see posts recommending shampoos and supplements. I took biotin after surgery and it didn't have any effect on my hair loss.

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