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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/04/2018 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    My RNY is scheduled Tuesday 11/13 and I plan on being out that week and then the week of thanksgiving if needed. I’m a sales manager and can work from my phone and laptop for 75% of my job.
  2. 1 point
    I’m a finance director. I had surgery on 10/10/18 and I go back to work this Thursday. That will be 4 weeks off. I could have gone back sooner but my surgeon recommended 4 weeks and my employer is paying me so I followed my doctor’s advice. I am looking forward to going back to work but I’m worried about being tired!
  3. 1 point

    Have you had the Shingles Rash?

    The bad news is you have shingles. The good news is it’s on your chest and not your face! Hope you feel better soon.
  4. 1 point
    James Marusek


    The three most important elements after RNY gastric bypass surgery are to meet your daily protein, fluid and vitamin requirements. Food is secondary because your body is converting your stored fat into the energy that drives your body. Thus you lose weight. Weight loss is achieved after surgery through meal volume control. You begin at 2 ounces (1/4 cup) per meal and gradually over the next year and a half increase the volume to 1 cup per meal. With this minuscule amount of food, it is next to impossible to meet your daily protein requirements by food alone, so therefore you need to rely on supplements such as protein shakes. Many people experience problems eating and drinking after surgery. Two of the medical conditions that can contribute to this problem is the development of strictures and ulcers. So if you find that your problem is extreme (such as constant vomiting) then I would recommend working this problem out with your surgery team. That is why they are there. The transition to hard foods (such as chicken and steak) can be rather rough. As a result I have relied on softer foods (such as high protein chili and soups). I have included a few recipes at the end of the following article. http://www.breadandbutterscience.com/Surgery.pdf
  5. 1 point
    @Jazzy1125 your boss gets the gold star of the month award!! @MikeIL go back to work when YOU feel better. Not before. you might be tired, nauseous, weak, etc take half days off for a week? a few days? your body leads the way - listen to it!!! good luck next week kathy
  6. 1 point
    Matt Z

    2 days!!!!

    Avoid over packing. It's not a vacation LOL Dry mouth spray and lip balm was such an amazing thing to have post op when they don't let you drink anything! Bring a pillow, not just for the overnight if you have one, but for the ride home to put between you and the belt. Good luck and Congrats!
  7. 1 point

    5 Month Surgiversary

    Today marks my 5 month surgiversary!! As of this morning, I am down 156 lbs from my high weight and 130 lbs from surgery. I am blessed that I’ve had little complications through the process. Still have a long way to go. A big THANK YOU to all that have supported me throughout the journey. It’s one of the best desicions I’ve made in life.
  8. 1 point

    Neck/facelift, Anyone?

    Looking good. Sent from my SM-G965U using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. 1 point

    Frustrated with stall

    @Hungryman I know it can be frustrating but you are really doing good so congratulations...one of the posters posted his weight loss journey for 10-12 months and he lost slow but the big picture was he lost about 90 or so lbs in that time frame...his point was “Look at the big picture” when I think about it, really makes a lot of sense...I try and keep that thought in the back of my mind. You’re doing awesome. Keep up the good work.
  10. 0 points
    I have a very busy desk job and took 3 weeks off. The extra week for myself as I needed a break from there. My company paid for my first two weeks as they put dollars way for employees that may need personal time or surgery. However, I feel so weak I need this last week.

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