I hope everyone has had a great summer and i hope you go into this holiday season from a better place than the year before.
This last week was my 30th wedding anniversary and i am happy to think that i will have many more to come. In the not so distant past i was not so sure i would live to see this one and 35 or 40 was beyond my expectations. Anything could still happen but at least i have stopped digging in my effort to get of the hole i found myself in.
I have made 3 life changing decisions in the last few decades.
1. asking my wife to marry me - being a child of divorced parents colors your expectations about getting and staying married.
2. saying yes when my wife asked if i wanted children - This was a lie at the time. having a child was THE most terrifying thing i could think of. Today there is nothing i would not do for my daughter and i feel a love i did not know could exist inside a person.
3. accepting that i could not control my weight by myself and getting this surgery to save my own life. Putting myself first as a way to be there for them is not a concept that I lived by before.
If you ever wonder is it worth it yes it is cause i was worth it and they are worth it.
Never give up folks
Whatever you are working towards you have the rest of your life to get there.