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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/26/2018 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    One of the first things I started pre-op and brought with me into a post-op habit, I don't leave the house without plenty of water to drink. I keep a 32oz cup full with fluid in my vehicle for my drive to / from work and keep another 20 - 24oz cup at work that I fill throughout the day. During my liquid phase, I did travel with my pre-package shakes in soft cooler bags or kept protein water with me to make sure I was meeting both water and protein goals. I also have a thermos that I use when traveling and have been known to fill it with bone broth to have a nice warm liquid "soup" (less chunks) with me. You've got this!
  2. 2 points
    My son is playing football and the season is almost over with only 2 games left, the playoffs and superbowl. And that is exactly what I do. I carry my 32oz infuser full going in and I have a whole case of water I keep in the car at all times to add to it or add it to the cooler when walking in. I take a pouch or 2 of tuna if I get hungry and I've taken a protein shake that I had frozen turned slushie along with my water.
  3. 2 points

    Requirements to be a VET

    Thats ok. If you are like me you look at the new or trending topics on the side and that doesnt show what forum something is in. That is how I sometimes end up commenting on something that is in the Men's room!
  4. 1 point

    20 Something’s?

    Anyone out there in your 20s? I’m 25. I’m slightly embarrassed to be so young needing surgery, but I’m happy to have a chance to enjoy the rest of my 20s as a healthy person.
  5. 1 point

    I Hate Food Sometimes!

    Ugh. It’s been a several months since I had the local Chinese food and gotten sick, so my brain must’ve forgotten how sick I got last time because I got some tonight for supper. ugh. It made me so sick. Why am I such an idiot? Ugh! Dummy! Dear future me, Should you think Chinese food sounds good...you’re wrong. You’ll end up puking, taking your Zofran, and laying in the tub while hot water rains down on you until your stomach feels calm enough to lay in bed without wanting to dry heave. This feels terrible, you do not want to feel like this again. Don’t do it, rather don’t EAT it. With Love, Me Blahhhh!
  6. 1 point

    Six month Anniversary

    You look fabulous! Congratulations on your success and keep it up. Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app
  7. 1 point
    Don’t bring too much! Charger, biotine and chap stick. Really. Good luck today!! You’ll do great!
  8. 1 point

    Why I am so hungry all the time.

    What soft foods are you eating? Yogurts, cottage cheese, jello, soup, pudding? Chicken salad, tuna salad, flaked fish, tofu, hummus, refried beans? Some things "slide" right through you leaving you hungry quickly, (if you see the term sliders thrown around thats whats being referring to) Even in the soft stage you have to try to eat denser protein to stay fuller longer, this will be the balancing act of your journey I combat my "hunger" (some times its not) with warm soothing drinks until the next scheduled meal. BTW You can do this !!!
  9. 1 point


    Honestly I deserve the unkindness. I am going to look into the therapist as I know my relationship with food isn’t good. My first surgery was botched they only removed less than a 1/4th of my surgery. I lived with thinking I messed up the surgery for 3 years. I did everything by the book the first time lost about 40lbs and gained it all back never had any restriction. I appreciate your frankness.
  10. 0 points

    Green stools and diarheoa

    Hi Know its been spoken about before but...... Im 4 weeks post surgery 2 weeks stage 2 and still getting green stools or worse diarheoa is this a mixture of supplements and "dumping"? or should I be worried?

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