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  1. 5 points
    Sounds like you are making your foods slide. The sauce will have a very different effect on your system when combined with the protein than if you were eating drier protein sources alone. Try reducing the sauce amount or eliminating it completely to test how much dense protein you can eat by itself. Since you have no guide lines of your own I will share what my team provided, take whatever you want from it, toss what you don't need. Eating: Only eat within a 30 min window, 1/8-1/4 cup food (1- 6 months), 1/4-1/2 cup (6 months+) of dense protein first Vegetables: As tolerated Mechanics: Do not drink for 30 mins before it after meals, do not eat prior to 30 mins after drinking No straws No grazing, only defined meal times Water: Bare minimum of 64 oz of liquids primarily water Protein: 60-80 g daily (work up to this goal by 3 months out) Dense protein: 1oz by weight 1-6 months goals 4 oz by weight 6+ months goals Primarily through food, stop supplements as soon as possible Eat a variety of protein sources to prevent aversion Carbs: Vary depending on tolerance, but no rice bread or pasta for the first 6 months- only whole grain variety sparingly there after Sugar: Less than 5g of sugar per serving, avoid anything with more than 5 g added sugars in ingredients list Fats: Limit to health oils from food sources like cheese, nuts, olives, seeds and some oils as needed Vitamins: Daily multi w/ iron, calcium citrate, B vitamins, D vitamin Hope that helps Safe Journey!
  2. 2 points

    Mommies getting sleeved

    Kids are super resilient, they will be bugging you for years to come. They can take a short break now...
  3. 2 points

    3 days post op

    Hi I had my surgery on 10/16 it’s hard to find things that I can eat at this point, so far sugar free jello and pudding water and protein drinks
  4. 2 points
    How about iced tea with fruit in it, and it would be a mock Tom.Collins. Here's a story about the real thing. I tended to being colicky, probably got on my parents nerves, they were to have a cousin or aunt to watch me for a while. Went down to the neighbor good pub to have a few. Mama drank a double Tom Collins, came back home, nursed me , evidently the strained amount of alcohol was just enough to cure my colic and I never had it again!
  5. 1 point

    Am I Eating Too Much at 7 Weeks Out?

    Hi Guys, I am about 7 weeks out from gastric bypass surgery and I have some questions regarding how much I should be able to eat. I have been cleared to eat normal food since week 4 and since then I have been sticking to three meals a day of high protein homemade meals like chili, tilapia baked in salsa, an egg baked in lentil stew, or chicken cooked in crushed tomatoes. I had my surgery in Mexico so my aftercare from my surgeon has been essentially nonexistent even when I called early on with some issues I was having. Additionally, my health insurance here will not cover any weight loss attempts whether it's surgical or non-surgical so I can't afford to see a bariatric surgeon or nutritionist so I am relying on you guy's experience to guide me in terms of what a normal volume of food is at 7 weeks post-op I weight out all of my food and food prep so I know exactly what and how much I am eating at any one time. I am worried that at 7 weeks post-op I can eat anywhere from 4 oz to 6 oz of dense protein mixed with a sauce at a time. This is almost always at dinner time. So my usual breakfast is one container of Siggi's yogurt which is 5.3 ounces. That usually takes me an hour to finish. I feel no restriction when I eat the yoghurt but I feel no need to eat until lunch after having it. My lunches are usually chilli or chicken in some sort of tomato sauce. There I can consume between 2 oz to 5 oz of food. How much I can handle before I feel full varies day to day. Now the biggest issue comes at dinner. I can and have in the last week eaten up to 6 ounces of dense protein and sauce in one sitting within 30 mins. Now usually there will be 4 oz of dense protein 1 ounce of beans or other vegetables and then the remaining ounces will be sauce. Now I make sure to not drink water 30 mins before, during, or after my meals so I know the issue isn't that. And I am eating dense protein like ground beef, fish, or chicken so I should feel more restriction. I read posts from other people and they talk about how they can barely handle 1 ounce of meat at 7 weeks out. But it seems I have an iron stomach. I haven't eaten a thing so far that bothers my stomach or gives me any pain. So I am wondering if the issue is the fact that I am eating my protein with sauce? I have tried dry chicken and even with that I could eat 3 oz at only 4 weeks out with few problems. This seems like way too much food. I know stews like chili are considered sliders but the fact that I can consume 3 oz of dry chicken seems like way too much. Maybe I should limit the amount of sauce I use with my food. Mind you I make my sauces from scratch using canned tomatoes or so I am not using high carb premade sauces. What thoughts do you guys have? What has your experience been? Is my capacity way out of line? Am I pushing things too far? I am really starting to worry that my surgeon may have made my pouch super big and that will hinder my weight loss. To date I have lost 27 pounds since surgery and 42 since my 2 week pre-op diet. Sorry if this super long post it's been weighing on my mind.
  6. 1 point

    Mommies getting sleeved

    True. Thank you definitely need to start the talk with them.
  7. 1 point

    3 days post op

    @var4795. Maybe try the mimeo type liquid flavors so you can control the amount. I’ve liked them so far. I even tried different brands. I’m looking forward to getting a surgery date. ❤️
  8. 1 point
    Or elcee you would dip your finger in the bottle of booze and rub the baby's gums when they were teething. Like to say it was brandy they used , sounds status-like but in my family corn liquor. Had people on daddy's side that were smell business men, oh stone the crows-love that term, came from an English novel I read- the fact was there some moonshiners in the family tree. Just flatter them by calling them" small businessmen"! They flat-out made white lightening. And yes I have tasted it, had enough family pride I wouldn't throw up, especially in front of my uncle's. But the headache I got, woweee wow wow. That was quite memorable. Daddy married Mama whose family was of a different persuasion, her mama, my grandma, was a member of the Women's Christian Temperance Union and was even buried with her pin and ribbon on. And there was discussion at reunions which parent had "married down" but they were married for 50 years and 2 months before Daddy died in 1993, and Mama followed him 10 years later. And they must have believed in quality more than quantity because they had only me.
  9. 1 point

    Pre op Liquid Diet

    Oh it is exciting, beyond wonderful and I wish you only the best of everything. Are you going to be a sleeve or a Bypass or a Lap-Band? I am have difficulties but mine are bypass-related and only semi-common, odd thing is my friend Ellie123 in Texas and me , here in Central Ohio have the same problem, I am hoping her dilation worked yesterday and then mine works a week from Friday and we will both be Brand New Women and can face the future!😛❤😃
  10. 1 point
    P3 protein packs made by Kraft are my go to grab n go. Ranges from 13 - 20 g protein. Has meat, cheese and nuts and they are 2 oz - 3.2 oz in size. I can grab one, throw it in my purse and I am good to go!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
