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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/13/2018 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    I am scheduled for October 22nd and I am nervous that I am not fully prepared and I’m not talking mentally or physically. I am meaning that I am Not sure if I have everything I am needing for the first couple of weeks. Anyone want to provide me some tips or things I definitely will need the first couple of weeks post surgery?! Thank you in advance!!!
  2. 1 point
    I'm so ready for this new way of living but I'm also nervous. I'm asking myself now am I doing the right surgery . I'm having the sleeve . Oct 26 can't come fast enough. I start my liquid diet in 8 days Sent from my SM-T550 using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. 1 point

    Eating Righ After Surgery

    500 calorie limit at six months out from surgery?????? Am I getting this wrong? I can see 500 in the first stages after healing from surgery, You should be at higher calories at this point. Contact your surgeon's office dietician to check calories and diet instructions. You may find more food enjoyment with increased calories and trying new bariatric recipes and real food (you should be off shakes by now)(shakes never make me feel full or satisfied) Nutrition can still be flavorful. Google bariatric recipes. Log your food to insure the calories and macros total to fit you plan at the end of the day. I use myfitnesspal - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.myfitnesspal.android&hl=en_US My dieticians recipe site for food ideas: http://insidekarenskitchen.com/bariatric-friendly-recipes/ Chicken fajitas - Make some up without the tortilla. Bariatric pizza recipes Sugar free pumpkin pie parfait If you are cooking for your family. They can eat what you eat. Example chicken fajitas let them have the tortilla. Nothing wrong with our families learning to eat healthy. Kids take on what we model to them. Side note: This is not talking about your situation at home. I have my own opinion on cooking separately for family members. Especially if it's foods that will temp you and derail your program. I would not cook for anyone that can't be supportive. I would set out cereal and milk, lunch meat and bread, frozen dinners for them to microwave. If they want a home cooked meal it will be healthy. Ok off my soap box. I would love to hear back if your office increases your calories. I also want to know how you feel about your food world after trying new foods and recipes.
  4. 1 point
    Clean your house and do all your chores before going to hospital as you won’t feel like doing them the first week back home. Have all of your dieticians guidelines on hand in the hospital to review and again when you come home. Do a big shop of protein items and other items. Buy different flavours and kinds as you don’t know what you’ll be in the mood for.
  5. 1 point
    I bought those 8 oz tiny little grenade looking water bottles and lined them up by 8 so I knew how much water I'd need to take in per day and set up reminders on my phone. This is because I was prone to dehydration and tended to chug water when it was too late, and that was no longer going to be possible. I also bought about 5 days worth of Premier Protein shakes of various flavors. I really wish I had purchased Benefiber and Senna Tea, but I had someone go get it for me because that after-surgery constipation appeared randomly a week later and it was so intense and sudden I felt like I was "crowning" and wouldn't have been able to waddle to the pharmacy to get the stuff on my own. As I sat there for many minutes trying to pass what felt like an Easter Island statue, I wish I had been prophylactically mixing soluble fiber into my liquids from Day One at home. Best of luck on your surgery!
  6. 1 point
    I have not had this, but as a nurse we see this all the time. Any abdominal surgery can cause this to happen. It could happen a month later or ten years later or never. Some people seem more prone to recurring obstructions than others. Thankfully you seem to have been taken care of quickly.
  7. 1 point

    Low Carb/Fasting 14 yrs post op?

    @erinlyle if you had the traditional DS, I don't really know anyone who fasts. What we do is eat. More protein and more liquid. I agree with lowering the carbs. That will definitely help with the weight loss. But having the DS was a way to stay away from things like fasting and dieting. Also, you need to keep the protein going for energy and to keep your gastric system eliminating waste.
  8. 1 point

    K I S S

    I want to hear tips from people that maintain effortlessly. I thought maintaining would be easier. The transition from weight loss into maintenance was interesting. It was hard to let go of weight loss phase after living that way for so long. Just took time to adjust. How have you ordered your life to make the entire process easier - for loss and maintenance phases? Four years out. Living healthy comes naturally. Grocery shopping and cooking is a breeze. Gym is my stress relief. Instead of weight loss goals I have fitness goals. I live life and indulge once in a while. When I gain, I go back to basics. I have chased the same ten pounds up and down the scale. (with the exception of my third year) Are you still struggling to find balance? I am settling into the fact my weight bounces around. I know how easy it is for me to gain. I experienced being stuck at a sixteen pound gain in my third year. Basics stopped working ( I have no idea why) Fourth year basics are now working well. I dropped back into my maintaining zone. Prefer complexity to simplicity? I prefer to do both I take breaks. I don't log and I workout less. Right now my goals are distance running driven. To stay healthy I log food and train.
  9. 1 point

    Sleeve vs Gastric Bypass

    i went to my Dr. thing about Gastric Bypass he told me it wasn't necessary that the sleeve would do the work with less complications and to be honest its the best decision i`ve made my only complain is why i didn't do it sooner, today i`m 6 months and 2 days post op and i`ve lost 121 pounds since the day of surgery i started out at 300 lbs and i`m proud to say i weight 179 pounds i have a Dr appointment on Monday because i already lost the amount i wanted to lose and then some, my advise for you is go for it! do the works follow your Dr direction do lots of exercise and welcome your new and healthy life.
  10. 1 point

    Did I do the right thing?

    Hopefully your hormones are just out of whack making you feel this way. You have lost a significant amount of weight already so I would guess that getting healthy really is important to you. Having all of this junk around does make it much harder and there are times when we all slip but it should be the exception and not the rule. The other thing is, it is very hard to force the people around you to change because of your disease but like others said it doesn't mean you can't make that happen albeit slowly. I am the cook in my family and just started changing how I cook. I make a Protein, veggie and salad almost every night. Maybe once or twice a week I will make a potato, rice or other starch. Sometimes I have a spoonful of mashed potatoes sometimes I choose not to. I have found over time that my hubby likes this new way of eating and actually requests many of these foods. I have also learned that he can have his fast food for lunch when he chooses and it really does not bother me anymore. For me, that food is just no longer desirable and I used to eat it everyday. When I think about what I ate before, it sickens me. How many times I would stop on my way home at McDonald's eat crap from there and then go home to cook for my family. I am glad you are talking to a therapist on Monday. Give yourself some time to adjust and give your man a break too. They didn't choose this so it may take some time to adjust as well.

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