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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/10/2018 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    Damn @FluffyChix how long have we been doing this now!?!?! Congrats!!! Thanks @Matt Z love having research around so no one thinks we are crazy
  2. 3 points
    Matt Z

    Should I switch to RNY?

    I'm going to back @GreenTealael on this one, if you've got even the slightest GERD now... the sleeve will more than likely make it worse. Side note that people seem to get wrong (not that you stated this either way, just some information that most folks don't have correct) is that the sleeve is non-reversible under ANY circumstances, You can be revised from Sleeve to RNY, but you cannot be reversed from the sleeve. The bypass... is reversible, it is risky, and it doesn't happen too often, but it DOES happen. Something to think about. Sleeve, 90% of your stomach ends up in the medical waste bin... Bypass, everything is still in there, the stomach is split but just the connections have been adjusted, nothing is actually removed.
  3. 2 points
    ^^^^^THIS!!! bahahahahahaaha!! We sometimes go to trivia night on Tuesdays!! So fun! They also have it at the library! Go figure!
  4. 2 points
    Netflix and cocoa? Netflix and coffee? Netflix and cottage cheese? Netflix and cod... Lol eventually you'll still want live the life you love *watch Altered Carbon* and you will just with different foods around sometimes. There are Trivia nights at places that seem like A LOT of fun...
  5. 1 point

    So much insomnia

    I'm just super cranky because I am extremely tired but can't sleep. I'm normally a stomach sleeper. So between not being able to sleep on my stomach, dealing with pain from my incisions and drain every time I move, and this heartburn I feel like I'm never going to go bed. I had found that I had been using my pain killers to help me sleep even when not in unbearable pain so I decided to flush the rest down the toilet. I'd rather suffer through any future pain (1 week post op so I'm thinking the worst of it is over?) than deal with possible addictions or problems that can stem from that habit. Any idea when this insomnia will go away? Work is going to be a killer if this is still going on by next week. Sent from my SM-G960U using BariatricPal mobile app
  6. 1 point


    I haven't had my band long (got it this summer) but I have a very similar issue, especially when i lie on my left side at night. I can literally turn over and I can feel it bubble and I could belch for ages!! I have tried some anti gas type pills but they dont do a lot. I have found really I just have to let it all out and then I'm ok! Think its just something I am going to have to live with - but luckily it doesnt cause any pain!
  7. 1 point

    Low Carb/Fasting 14 yrs post op?

    Great to know, and thanks so much for sharing!
  8. 1 point
    I could lose more, need to start doing exercise. But I am at the stall everyone talks about. The good think no more high blood pressure meds, and feeling great. You are in good hands, the hard part is getting ready for surgery, and nerves. But after that it has been great. Good luck. Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. 1 point

    Should I switch to RNY?

    I had acid reflux very seldom prior to surgery - if I had pepperoni or something, I had a hiatal hernia and it was repaired during sleeve surgery. I am almost 1 year out and occasionally take a pepcid - maybe once a week and that is usually from eating something more greasy or very spicy. Will this change, who knows? I picked the sleeve, I did not want malabsorption. The 3 people I know with RNY have all had iron infusions, and one has an ulcer in her 'unused stomach' portion - 7yrs out, one also has B vitamin deficiencies. They are dealing with it and still mainly happy. Anyone can regain if you don't follow the rules, but following the rules is a lot easier after surgery. Good luck.
  10. 1 point

    Should I switch to RNY?

    RNY-to-sleeve revisions happen, but it's apparently mostly because of severe reactive hypoglycemia and other really weirdly specific complications. Sleeve-to-RNY is more common in part because the sleeve was eventually conceived as a safer surgery to give people with much higher BMIs, with the intention of converting them to RNY once they lost enough weight that that was a safe option for them. They started doing it as a standalone procedure when many of those patients opted not to come in for the second surgery, being successful with just the sleeve. But sleeve-to-RNY absolutely does happen, still, especially for people who have uncontrolled GERD or who can't lose enough weight with the sleeve alone. In my pre-op testing they found some small lesions in my esophagus, which might have been esophagitis or might have been a small amount of GERD. I went with the sleeve despite that, because I also have arthritis and might need to take ibuprofen and other NSAIDs again, ever, in my life. (Also, I had been taking large amounts of NSAIDs over a long period of time, and they may have been responsible for some of the damage they found.) I can't tell you how that turned out for me, since I'm only a week post-op, but I will say my doctor didn't try to sway me toward RNY at all, and given that I also had a hernia repaired, I'm pretty hopeful that it'll all turn out OK.

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