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  1. 3 points

    It's LOSE, not LOOSE!

    My late husband kept mixing up Moot and Mute. After hearing this for the eleventeeth time, I snapped. I said if " it were really mute, you would have shut about it before now!"
  2. 2 points

    Health expert panel ranks diets

    I have done a lot of research on diets (as most obese ppl have, I suspect) and what I find is, from Keto to Vegan to Paleo to Weight Watchers they all have something in common: 1) avoid sugar 2) avoid refined grains and other highly processed carbs 3) avoid processed food and fake food even if it has no carbs (hot dogs, diet soda, etc) 4) eat whole food as close to nature as possible 5) eat your veggies! Beyond that there is a ton of variations and different things work for different people
  3. 1 point
    My surgery was Wednesday, and already, on Sunday, I'm feeling mostly human. I count myself very lucky! I have been taking the nausea pills I was prescribed ("as needed" is what the bottle says) every morning, and I think that has helped me get closer and closer to my fluid goals. A pill is only good for 8 hours, though, so it isn't doing anything for me in the evenings, when I am still drinking fluids. Maybe I'll try to go without it tomorrow and see if I can. Anyway, I'll hit 64 ounces for the first time today, my third full day home. I'm on track for 56 grams of protein, 57 if I go for Jello instead of popsicles, which obviously I'm going to do, now that I've said that. With more distance, I'm able to report on something I've kind of glossed over in my other statuses ... I had some really rocky time while I was in the hospital. There were at least two hours in recovery where nobody checked on me, and my IV stopped--I felt very sick and dehydrated when they finally fixed it. (I was stuck in recovery through a shift change, and they wouldn't let my spouse back with me for something like 4 hours, because people's assigned rooms weren't ready yet, and not letting spouses join inpatient people in recovery is policy. That was terrible. My spouse complained to the nursing supervisors when he found out how I'd been (not) treated, and he never does that!) Once I was in my room and had a working IV again, everything progressed OK. They didn't let me walk as quickly as I'd expected; I woke up the first time around 4pm, was in my room by 8pm, and didn't get to walk until around noon the next day, with the exception of trips to the in-room bathroom. The pain meds wrecked me almost as much as I expected (I feel like they added to queasiness, but I can't be sure; they definitely forced me to sleep, instead of really taking care of the pain, though, as I'd thought they might ... happily, the pain has been pretty manageable without them). Home has been better. I've been pacing the main floor of the house roughly every hour. Once it cools off this evening, Spouse and I are going for a walk part of the way around the block, to see how that goes. (80+ degrees in October, ugh.) I feel a little lightheaded sometimes when I'm walking around, and I'm not sure what that's about. It felt enough like a sugar low, yesterday, that I dropped a single sugar cube into my tea (which my plan allows). That did seem to help. I haven't had to do it again today, happily. Looking forward from here, I'm not forcing myself to go to class (3 hours, a half hour drive away) tomorrow or Tuesday night. The professor was nice, saying "you're the sort of person who would try, even if you feel bad and even though you're ahead on the material, so I am telling you to stay home." I feel like, if I keep on recovering at this pace, going to class the following week should be no problem for me, plus I should be able to work that Thursday and/or Friday. (I might ease in and try just Friday. Nothing I do at work is time-sensitive. I have a very unimportant job.) I know from reading these forums, though, not to get too overconfident. So I'm still taking it pretty easy and focusing all of my energy on healing.
  4. 1 point

    Am I eating enough.

    @Russ D I think that's a myth, maybe... Brad Pilon has researched this and written pretty extensively about protein metabolism. But IMHO, 56g of protein in a shake is overkill, especially at the point where the OP is in post surgery...But I'm just a schmoe on the internet and know nothing, so it's probably even more likely that I'm wrong! 🤣
  5. 1 point

    How long does the chest pain last?

    Are you confusing "chest pain" with heart burn? Are you taking a daily PPI? During the first two weeks I had to get my surgeons Ok to take my prilosec twice a day. And adjusting the time made a the relief for my heart burn / chest pain. My first week at home I was slow with liquids- normal. But I did have to play around with water, add flavor, change temperatures (one day Rooney temp, next ice cold, next with ice) one I got the flavors and temp right it was much easier. I also lived on bone broth my first two weeks to get my protein because it hurt to drink protein shakes. The first 2-3 weeks your belly is definitely healing and needs time to adjust, don't forget you had a breathing tube during surgery and that also creates some irritation with fluids. Just take your time and try to stay hydrated followed by your protein.
  6. 1 point

    Please give me your meal plan

    My eating plan is: real food, not processed eat when I'm hungry, stop when I'm not lay off the booze. I can only remember three rules at a time...seems to be working quite well! 😊
  7. 1 point

    The Fall

    @skinnylife Also, here's my favorite vinaigrette I make all the time. http://fluffychixcook.com/house-vinaigrette/
  8. 1 point

    frequent urination

    Same here! I've always been this way though. Whenever I travel I need to know where all the bathrooms are immediately!
  9. 1 point

    frequent urination

    I wonder why that happens? I’m glad I work from home because i have to go 15 or 20 minutes after I drink anything
  10. 0 points

    Soft foods - I quit

    Feeling discouraged by trying soft foods. Eggs and tuna, were my go-to but every time I eat them I have to lay down for 30 minutes. I don’t enjoy cottage cheese, but enjoy yogurt and some fruits... but none of this is protein. So I’m going back to my blender... this is still my first 4 days of soft foods but I’m feeling discouraged. I’m sipping a homemade smoothie currently and feeling much better. Any other ideas?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
