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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/24/2018 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    1) My stomach can be noisy from time to time, but honestly, nothing that is out of the normal. From what I've read here, the noises and the rumbling (for a lack of a better word) is often due to GERD and can be controlled by taking a PPI. 2) I'm 8 months post op, and I experienced hunger for a few weeks until I got back onto solid foods. There are days where I forget to eat, and other days that I feel like I'm hungry a lot. On the days I'm really hungry, I focus on eating healthy foods that are light on calories. The good thing is that it doesn't take much to fill me up.
  2. 1 point

    The weight on my mind

    You should just move on from the whole Insurance issue and seek out financing that is specific to plastic surgery. Start looking at options that are offered on this site like bariatric pal mx. It seems like so many people have had WLS and the plastics done in Mexico that it is just as viable an option as getting it done here in the U.S. at a much lower price. Good luck!
  3. 1 point

    Taking Multiple Pills Post Surgery

    This is all refreshing to hear. I've always been someone who can toss back a whole handful of pills and my surgeon's plan is so super cautious about everything and so strict. They want anything chewable if possible or crushed up if not, and I just want to swallow the damn pills. I'm still pre-op but I'm worried about the pills not absorbing after if I just toss them back. This surgical team warns you about every little thing. They also poo-poo any kind of protein shakes, which I think is ridiculous. They only want you to eat all natural everything, even on the liquid phase. Nope, this girl isn't pureeing chicken, blech. I asked them why so strict about the protein shakes, and they basically admitted that they don't trust their patients to be smart enough to choose the right ones that aren't too high in sugars, so they just say don't do it, rather than give you a list of researched brands and what is the best to use. So since I am intelligent enough to read a label and I trust myself apparently more than they do, I'm hoping it's the same with swallowing pills.
  4. 1 point

    Lapband to sleeve

    I had lapband in 2005. Had it removed in 2009. Sleeved 4/10/18. My immediate post-op experience after being sleeved was rough. Surgeon said I had a lot of scar tissue from the lapband, which took him almost twice as long as a normal sleeve to take care of. That means I was under anesthesia longer than usual, so I was REALLY groggy for about 12 hours after surgery. I had no energy to get up and walk like the others on my hospital unit. I had no desire to sip-sip-sip and I think I looked a bit like I'd been hit by a truck. I certainly felt that way. Once I got through the immediate post op part, I returned to normal pretty quickly. Other than some fatigue, I was feeling back to normal after about 6 days. I went through the normal progression from clear liquids to full liquids to mushies to soft, etc. When comparing the two, I'd say that the sleeve has a lot more restriction. After a certain amount, I simply cannot eat. If I do, I suffer with discomfort and a lot of foam/saliva/slime. I was never able to tolerate fills in my band, so this was something relatively new to me. If you have any sort of GERD, I caution. The sleeve tends to make GERD worse. I'd say it's a little hit or miss in that department, but it's certainly something to discuss with your surgeon. I started getting heartburn about 3 weeks out and I've had some times where I was really worried about nighttime reflux, but I seem to have it under control right now. As a revision surgery, it is likely you will lose slower this time around. I read it on here and I read other information on the internet, but was still disappointed at the slow weight loss. I'm certainly happy it's coming off, but it is much slower than first timers.
  5. 1 point
    I can see that you quoted my posts in my notifications but I can't see who exactly liked one of my posts, only that someone "reacted to my posts". Looks like this:
  6. 1 point
    You will be lucky now to lose 2lbs a week. The less your eating the harder it is to lose. Your body is screaming what are you doing to me. Hold on fat hold on. I didn't lose weight for two weeks, I didn't care. I know I am doing what I am supposed to do. Just hold on and it will happen.
  7. 1 point
    I am down 118 total since my surgery on May 10. I’ve had zero issues since surgery minus the inability to eat scrambled eggs and lunch meat. Both things make me vomit every time I try them. Outside of that, no issues. I have been working out with weights since mid June when I was cleared to start lifting. I’ve been walking 5+ miles a day for the last few months. I started with half a mile, then a mile and very quickly jumped to 5 miles. Once you get past the first six weeks of walking it becomes so easy. Something I never would have said presurgery where my weight on my joints made small walks a chore. Now instead of adding miles to my walks I add speed. I just walk faster because I don’t have time to walk for hours on end. This past week I added some hills to my walks by doing different more hilly routes.
  8. 1 point
    I thought I was losing slow too, till my doctor told me I lost 10 more pounds than my predicted weight loss. He said at this rate I will reach goal weight sooner than expected Sent from my SM-N950F using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. 1 point

    Pre op diet problems

    I can totally sympathize with the weakness. What has helped me is Powerade. It tastes much better then Gatorade and it has B vitamins ( B3, B6 & B12) which helps with energy. It also helps with your Electrolytes. I have been drinking 1- 32 oz. bottle everyday along with 80oz. of water. I have found it really helps me. Just a thought. It is on my pre-op list of things to drink.
  10. 1 point
    I feel great! So many small victories, too many to mention but I will never regret having this surgery, it has saved my life. I have gone from a size uk 26 to an 18! really chuffed with that and even better, a friend of mine has just given me a load of brand new size 18 clothes which look fab on me, for my holiday to Greece next week

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