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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/11/2018 in all areas

  1. 1 point

    Rock You Like a Hurricane!

    Hubby and I are going to see the Scorpions in September! Flashback to my wasted youth!
  2. 1 point

    Oh my chicken is rough

    At 6 weeks, you just might not be ready for it yet. At the risk of repeating things you already know make sure you are chewing it well! You need to chew your food more now, than ever before. And eat slower. Your meal should take 20 minutes. Try smaller bites too. And make sure you are leaving time between when you last drank, your stomach needs to empty out before you try to fill it back up again. Try making a chicken salad out of it. Dice it up and mix with low fat mayo, might help it go down easier. I agree with another poster, dry chicken is much harder to go down, make sure you are not over cooking. If you are cooking too long to get center cooked, then chicken is too thick. I slice chicken breasts in half to reduce the thickness. Actually cut it into three parts,. I cut the tail end of, then slice the chicken in half along the table top so I have three generally even thick chicken parts. Sent from my XT1609 using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. 1 point


    The nutritionist told me sometimes ppl have issues with getting in everything you need during the first month and forget vitamins and such. So she recommended them for the 1st month.
  4. 1 point

    Oh my chicken is rough

    Don't worry about chicken this early on. Try again in a month or so. Chicken (especially breast meat) is one of the more difficult proteins to handle.
  5. 1 point
    Whey Isolate and Milk Protein Concentrate are not the same, not exactly. They are both derived from milk, just the process is different. Whey Isolate as most or all of the lactose removed from it, Concentrates do not.
  6. 1 point
    Tippy Canoe Hobbit


    Awesome Congratulations
  7. 1 point

    Too much protein/Kidney stones

    I mean I'm 9 months out. But my breakfast is a protein mugcake which basically is 50g of protein. Then I have 2 protein bars at work, another 50g. A small meal after work another 25-30g. (eggs, meat, something like that) Dinner is basically lean meat 40 to 50g of protein, and before bed is a protein shake which is another 40 to 50g. Effectively I eat every 2 to 3 hours. Getting at least 20g of protein at each meal, with a few big meals being closer to 50g. If I was heavier I'd be concerned I'm eating so much, but since I'm legit borderline wasting away and trying to pack on muscle, I'm alright with how much I'm eating. As long as I can keep up the hardcore lifting routine and pack on muscle
  8. 1 point
    Matt Z

    Too much protein/Kidney stones

    2 shakes should get you to or above 50 grams of protein alone.
  9. 1 point

    Body Countouring

    I have seen reviews of this but mostly for women using on the face and neck area. Most people here that have lost large amounts of weight are going to have larger amounts of skin that a laser treatment is not likely to fix. If you look on sites like RealSelf.com you can find more reviews on this procedure.
  10. 1 point
    Way to go on your journey so far! Very impressive and inspirational! Those are some very interesting observations. I'm still pre-op (surgery Thursday 9/6/18) so I have not experienced anything like this. I tend to shy away from people and do not have any true friends. I'm hoping this will help my confidence around people. But even if it does not, I'm still going to be happy about being more healthy and thinner. The people I have shared with are supportive, so far. I have only told two people at work and they have been great. My supervisor is a very vain person (and in very good shape). He is very cold to me and acts like he does not like being around me. I have always chalked it up to his personality being lacking, but it is probably my weight that triggers him. I'm going to laugh at him if he starts trying to be friends with me after I meet my goal. Luckily, I work in a completely different site than he does, so I do not have to deal with him face to face except for a couple of times a month.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
